Department of Prosthetic Dentistry
History of the department
History of the dental orthopedics department is closely connected with the history of a dental faculty of the National Medical University named after O.O. Bogomolets, where this department is one of the main ones.
The department was founded in August 1920, in the year of reorganization of the odontology institute into the odontology faculty of Kyiv Medical Institute which was called a “Prosthetic dentistry”. The first head of this department was L.N. Dudkin. During 28 years (1920-1948) he headed the department.
Dudkin Lev Naumovich is a founder and organizer of the dental orthopedics department, well-known specialist in prosthetic dentistry. He was born in 1873 in Radomyshel in Kyiv province in the family of an employee. In 1892 he entered a dental school James-Levi in Warsaw, from which he graduated in 1893 and became a teacher of dentoprosthetic equipment. In 1898–1901 yy. He was in a clinic of professor Bayer in Munich, where he trained in a complex prosthetics and jaw orthopedics. In 1901 he passed a dental exam at the medical department of Yuriivsky University (now it is the University of Tartu, Estonia). In 1902 he worked as an assistant at the 1 st dental hospital in St.Petersburg, in 1903 as an assistant of doctor Kamaev in Tiflis, and in 1904 as an assistant of doctor Bogdanovsky in Poltava. In 1905 he entered the 1 st Kyiv dental school as a senior assistant to the prosthetic treatment department. The next year he was approved by the medical department on the post of a prosthetic treatment teacher and became a head of clinical and laboratory departments of this discipline where he worked until 1919. At the same time since 1907 he lectured at the advanced training courses for dentists.
Since 1908 L.N. Dudkin worked at the intermediate level surgery department of a medical faculty of Kyiv St. Volodymyr University (the head was professor Malinovsky) developing the issues of jaw orthopedics and prosthetics in complex surgery of the jaw and other injuries.
In 1910 L.N. Dudkin was elected as a member of the board of Kyiv scientific odontology community. In 1914 at the beginning of the imperialistic war, he was appointed as a head and instructor of prosthetic equipment and sophisticated prostheses for the patients wounded in a jaw in the jaw department of the Red Cross hospital in Kiev.
In 1919 L.N. Dudkin worked at the commission on the reform of dental education under People’s Commissar for Health in Kyiv and was appointed as a head of the prosthetics treatment department under the organized at that time an odontology institute which in 1920 was annexed to Kyiv medical institute as an independent department. At the same time since 1927 was the head of an educational unit and taught at dental courses.
At that period of time the higher dental education went through tough times because of an imperfection of the educational process, lack of clear plans and programs of study, lack of qualified teaching staff and unprepared clinical sites for teaching of students. Due to the adverse conditions in which the department worked and the unqualified teaching staff the research work at the department was at a low level.
In 1923, summarizing the three years of work, the Department of dental orthopedics has provided a typical report:
“The dental orthopedics subject is taught for the students of 2 nd, 3 rd and 4 th years of studying. It starts at the third semester and ends at the eight semester. The Classes begin with the lectures and consequent series of practical classes, which correspond to the meaning and content of the lecture. The practical classes are explained at the seminars during the third and fourth semesters and the practical classes are performed on phantoms, while during the remaining four semesters, the students are working with patients. The scientific and supporting institutions of the department are: the laboratory and orthopedic clinic with so poor equipment which are too old and creaky, some of them came into complete disrepair; the tools are too low: everything is old, broken and missed. Actually, they are working with the poor equipment remained from the previous dental schools which systematically became ruined due to the shifts of power. The library is general for the odontology clinics but there is no information about the dental equipment. There were two written messages for the requests for the necessary literature, but there was no answer. There is no a museum, however the educational dental museum requires a scientific and educational-support division at the department. To obtain the equipment for such museum can be available on their own; it requires two points: 1) the presence of good quality materials. Firstly I would like to indicate the lack of good quality gypsum. Instead of gypsum, we use alabaster, which slowly sets and is not so hard. It causes the extreme slowness in production of prostheses and greatly reduces the production capacity of their production in the laboratory, and also reduces their quality. Moreover, the absence of gypsum is strongly reflected in the productivity and success of the students training activities. 2) it is the necessity in reputable dental laboratory technicians – at least four laboratory technicians. However, we have only two laboratory technicians which are not reputable lecturers, quite irresponsible, chronically late and very often don’t perform the necessary work on time and so on. It is explained by the fact that their work and consumed time are abnormally paid, and they have to spend much time and energy to earn the required subsistence alongside. A laboratory technician’s work should be properly assessed and well-paid as well as production and manual labor. Only under such conditions one can found reputable, responsible and conscientious workers.
The state of the department in 1920–1921 yy. was more critical. The prostheses were produced free and the corresponding supplying agencies practically didn’t assist and the department together with other medical institutions dragged out a miserable existence. Since April 1923 there was introduced the principle of self-sufficiency. The production of prostheses was paid together with 50% of the prime cost. This circumstance changed the department life for better. There began a gradual acquisition of tools and materials, and significant revival of education and practice. For the better understanding there are such figures. Till the April 1922, for the whole period of the department existence, there were only 26 ambulatory patients, who have made 178 visits and for whom has done 35 prostheses and during 1922–23 academic year till the 1 st of May there were 94 ambulatory patients who have made 888 visits and for whom has done 117 prostheses. The department staff consists of a head of the department, the assistant, clinical physician and two laboratory technicians. The staff is considered to be insufficient. There should be one more clinical physician and two laboratory technicians. The head of the department is lectured for the students of all years of studying and trained them at the clinic and laboratory. A resident physician trains the students at the clinic and laboratory. Laboratory physicians train the students at the laboratory. The assistants should conduct practical classes at clinic and laboratory and assist in lectures, but unfortunately during the last academic year when the work is in progress, the assistants became out of their positions. The idea of replacing the assistant to another suitable person was not implemented because of a relevant worker absence. The department is existed on the 50% profit obtained from the produced prostheses for the department patients. To begin the production the prostheses the deputy provost of the management unit released 120 roubles in the current academic year in 1923.
The classes in the last academic year began in September 1922 and end in May 1923. The student of the 4 th years of studying till January worked in prostheses clinic; in December they stopped visiting the lectures on prostheses equipment; in February they passed the last credit for the 7 th and 8 th semester. The students of the 2 nd year of studying were red a full course of lectures on prostheses equipment according to the program for the third and fourth semesters until April. Now they pass credits to move to the fifth semester. The students practically completely do not perform the program due to the expensive materials and small tools that should be purchased at their own expense. The department provides the students only with gypsum and inflammable material and the rest materials such as caoutchouc, wax, mineral tooth, metals and others the students should have on their own for the phantom works on the third and fourth semesters. These materials are really very expensive and the students complain about the inability to purchase the right amount of materials for the complete practical implementation of their program. This phenomenon is reflected in the next course in the fifth and sixth semester, where they have to prepare their own prostheses for the clinic patients. Due to the insufficient competence, the students practically participate only in preparation of the prostheses by the laboratory technicians and they are not able to demonstrate their sufficient independence during the fifth and sixth semesters. The theoretical program for the students of the third year of studying is red completely. The students practically wok a little both at the clinic and at the laboratory, vindicating themself that they do not have time due to the congestion of general medical and other subjects. Only 25–35% of students attend classes. The attitude to the subject is quite serious and the success would be greatly increased if to eliminate abnormalities and difficulties. One should alleviate a situation of the students in terms of purchasing of materials and small tools for phantom work for the third and fourth semesters, remove some subjects from these semesters and give the students more time for practical classes on prosthetic equipment. Except the students and teachers in the previous academic year, no one worked at the department. ” (K.P. Tarasov, out of a review of KMI odontology department in the period1922–1923).
Since 1930 at the department of dental orthopedics they began to teach orthodontics as since the death of K.P. Tarasov the department of orthodontics, which he headed, was eliminated.
In 1932 there was a reorganization of the faculty into a dental institute to which was joined the department.
With the development of prosthetic dentistry as a science, the department staff carried out a great job on training and quality improvement of prosthetic care in Ukraine. In this way, L.N. Dudkin proposed two articulators for functional teeth set-up. The assistant V.D. Petrov invented a method of impression mass preparing, A.M. Kysilenko while developing the methods for convergence prosthetic teeth designed a simple and accurate instrument for determining the parallelism between the approximal surfaces of teeth that are milled, I.N. Vaisblat published a work on the indications for use of anatomical articulators.
In 1940 at the department was published the first candidate’s dissertation of M.M. Matesis on “Dental appliance at a mandible” but officially it was not defended due to the World War II.
At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the Department did not have any candidate of medical sciences, and the department staff has published only three scientific works. Meanwhile, the department of prosthetic dentistry prepared many qualified professionals who held a senior role in Soviet army hospitals.
The department of dental orthopedics: L.N. Dudkin (the 2 nd line, third from the left),
In June 1941 the department and the whole dental faculty was evacuated to the city of Frunze. In the same year L.N. Dudkin presented comprehensive examinations for the Candidate’s degree but due to the war did not defend it. During the whole time of evacuation to the city of Frunze L.N. Dudkin headed the department of dental orthopedics in Kyrgyz State Medical Institute.
At this time, L.N. Dudkin was engaged not only in teaching and research work, but also provided practical assistance to health protection authorities. He organized a maxillary department for wounded in actions where he worked as a consultant till the re-evacuation. The teaching staff of the department was also consultants in maxillo-facial hospitals.
It was a difficult period in the department existence concerned with the war and forced evacuation. Coming back to Kyiv in October 1944, due to the call of People’s Commissar for Health L.N. Dudkin again became the head of the department of dental orthopedics at Kyiv State Medical Institute. In November 1945 Kyiv Dental Institute was restored.
After the war end, L.N. Dudkin was awarded the Medal for Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War.
The development of maxillo-facial orthopedics, orthodontics as a preventive discipline and dental prosthetics during the World War II allowed a dental orthopedics to have pride of place in the health protection system.
In 1948 L.N. Dudkin was voluntarily relieved of duties of department head and became the department teaching assistant. In July 1950 according to the order №105 of O.K. Gorchakov – the director of Kyiv dental institute (1950-1955) and according to the decision of an attestation commission there were proposed “to discharge from employment of the teaching assistant L.N. Dudkin who was not a candidate of medical science and hadn’t a career prospects perspective”.
L.N. Dudkin one of the oldest worker of the Soviet dental orthopedics who was a good professional. For his 50-year teaching career he prepared not a one generation of dentists. Under his guidance and during the time when he was the department head, three members of the department staff wrote dissertations: Eisenberg, A.M. Kysilenko, M.M. Matesis.
In 1948–1949 yy. an associate professor I.L. Zlotnyk began to perform duties of the dental orthopedics department.
Zlotnyk Isaak L’vovych is a well-known scientist who was born in 1889. In 1937 he graduated from Kharkiv Dental Institute, where he worked as an assistant at the department of dental orthopedics before the beginning of the World War II.
On the 27 th of May I.L. Zlotnyk who worked as an assistant at the dental orthopedics department in Kyrgyz State Medical Institute in the city of Frunze became a candidate of medical science.
Since the 13 th of August 1946 he is an associate professor of a dental orthopedics of Kyiv Dental Institute.
Had the state award “Medal for Valiant Labor”.
Isaak L’vovych is an author of about 30 scientific works including the “Orthodontics” monograph which was the main textbook on orthodontics at that time. The book covers the functional anatomy of the masticatory apparatus, therapy and prevention of teeth deformities. In the text there are many pictures of orthodontic equipment, X-ray images and pictures of different types of teeth strains models from the author collection.
In 1949-1968 yy. the head of dental orthopedics department of Kyiv Medical Institute was professor A.I. Betel’man.
Abram Isaakovych Betel’man (1889–1980) till 1932 worked as an orthopedist at dental clinics of Tulchin and Moscow and sometime later at the Central Institute of Traumatolgy and Orthopedics. In 1936 he was invited for the assistant to the 2 nd dental department of the Central Institute for Advanced Training (Moscow).
After defending a candidate’s dissertation, from 1941 to 1945A.I. Betel’man headed the department of dental orthopedics of the Dental Institute in Perm. During these years he also worked as a consultant of a maxillo-facial department of an evacuation hospital in Perm. For his work in the hospital People’s Commissar for Health of the USSR awarded him a Certificate of Merit and a medal “For conscientious work in the Great Patriotic War “. In 1945 A.I. Betel’man returned to Moscow and till 1949 worked as an associate professor of a dental orthopedics department of Moscow Medical Dental Institute. In the same year Abraham Isaakovych was transferred to Kyiv and was appointed as a head of thedental orthopedics department of Kiev Dental Institute, which in 1954 became the Dental Faculty of Kiev Medical Institute.
In 1947 A.I. Betel’man defended a doctoral dissertation on ”A clinic of a sculate prosthetic dentistry” and became a doctor of medical science. Since 1949 A.I. Betel’man became a permanent member of the Presidium of the National Dentists Union, a member of Executive Board of the All-Union Dentists Society, a member of the Problematic Committee of the Academic Council of the USSR Public Health Ministry, a member of the editorial board of the journal “Dentistry”.
In 1947 A.I. Betel’man and B.M. Bynin published a textbook “An orthopedics dentistry” which received the general acceptance and became very popular in our country and abroad. The second edition of the textbook was translated into Polish, Romanian, Bulgarian and Chinese.
During the past-war period except for the teaching and educational process at the department also was carried out the extensive scientific work. The main research area of the dental orthopedics department is to study and improve the methods of prosthesis, orthodontic treatment of teeth deformations, maxillo-facial defects and to ground their treatment methods.
All the scientific works of A.I. Betel’man contains the idea of interdependence of a mouth and the whole body and the interdependence between form and function. The scientist proposed a number of clinical classifications, new methods of diagnosis and treatment of defects and dentition deformations and grounded theoretically manual manipulation, used in the production of orthopedic devices.
The works of A.I. Betel’man cover the parodontosis treatment tactics. He intend to the necessity in grounding the question as for the degree of teeth mobility which shows the inclusion of a tooth in the bus (the chapter “Row of teeth with parodontosis and orthopedic treatment” the textbook “Orthopedics dentistry” (1960, 1965 )). A.I. Betel’man noted that traumatic occlusion is not the etiological factor but a consequence of parodontosis; however, at a certain stage of progression it can enhance the progress of parodontosis. While the treatment of parodontosis A.I. Betel’man and his followers used the following principles: proper distribution and reduced functional chewing unity of a dental system and protect teeth from injuries of horizontal loads.
The great merit of A.I. Betel’man is also a development of prevention measures in orthopedics clinic. A children’s orthopedics dentistry is in the high light of the heads and workers of the department. For this purpose at the department there was established a cabinet for prevention and treatment of malocclusion on early stages. The workers of the cabinet were engaged in the identification of children with early-stage dentition deformation and providing early orthodontic care. Also there was organized a logopedic treatment for children with cleft hard and soft palate.
Under his guidance at the department was developed a preventive trend in orthopedics and orthodontics. The works of A.I. Betel’man and his followers an important place was given to the study of etiological factors, especially rickets in the development of maxillo-facial deformities in children. A.I. Betel’man continued to develop the idea that rickets is an important etiologic factor in the development of abnormalities of occlusion which was advanced earlier by N.I. Agapov, A.Y.Kats, L.V. Iliina-Markosyan and by other scientists.
The department of orthopedics dentistry on the occasion of
1 st line: Sakada Y.N.(lab. head) Fridman E.S., Ryzhkov S.M. (as.), Sydorenko G.I.(ass. prof.), Aleksandrova Y.M.(ass. prof.), Muxina A.D.(ass. prof.), Betel’man A.I. (prof.), Poznakova-Shupyk A.I. (ass. prof.), Kotlyar A.A. (as.), Kurelenko V.S. (as.), Vasylenko Z.S.(ass. prof.), Vasylevs’ka Z.F., Doroshenko S.I.
2 nd line: Navosad O., Gol’denfin F.V., Slavyns’ka V.M., Zhyvoglyad A.M. (doctor), Tsypynuyk M.E., Khotsyanovsky A.M. (post grad. student), Ovcharenko O.M. (post grad. student), Pyasetsky M.I. (post grad. student), Vasylevs’ka V.F.(doctor), Tlokar I.S. (lab. head), Sharova T.V. (as.), Kovalevs’ka K.I. (doctor), Lyashenko N.F. (as.), Kalenychenko P.Y. (doctor), Kalinin S.M., Khoreva N.V. (as.), Kaplan N.L., Pshenny M.M. (doctor), Myshkin E.O. (doctor).
3 rd line: Mel’nykov O.O., Hertsvolf B.L., Zhinchenko Y.M., Sedakov M.V., Leibovych O.A., Khol’berg M.M., Gurshpon E.P., Rabs’ky B.Y., Meerzon G.Y., Tershenko N.Z., Reznikova V.I., Kosynsky B.N., Kramer Y.G., Giberman N.S., Radutsky M.Y., Polyanytsya M.M., Shevchenko G.I.
4 th line: Sosenko A.E., Kucherovsky S.G., Kharuk V.M., Gershovych S.B., Drumaretsky V.A..
To introduce a children’s orthopedics care to the practice of dental institutions the department performed a great organizational and scientific work the aim of which was to ensure all the regional centers and other cities with orthodontists. In 1960 there was published a monograph on orthodontics “Clinic and treatment of dentition deformities in children” the authors of which were Z.F. Vasylevs’ka, A.D. Muxina and M.M. Khotyms’ka. In 1965 and in 1970 A.I. Betel’man together with A.I. Pozdnyakova, A.D. Muxina and Y.M. Aleksandrova published a book “Children’s dental orthopedics”. The textbook of A.I. Betel’man “Dental orthopedics” had several editions (1960, 1965). Under the guidance of A.I. Betel’man there were worked on some dissertations: “Children’s dental prosthetics” by Y.M. Oleksandrova and “Dental prosthetics in children with palate deformities by A.B. Pozdnyakova.
In 1970 under a general editorship of A.I. Betel’man there were published books ” The influence of a malocclusion on the oral cavity function, prevention and early treatment ” and ”Dentoprosthetic equipment” (co-autors are S.M. Ryzhov, V.S. Kurylenko, S.Y. Kryshtab, N.L. Kaplan, M.I. Pyasetsky, Z.S. Vasylenko, A.D. Myxina, G.I. Sydorenko, Y.M. Aleksandrova, Z.P. Vasylevs’ka, A.A. Kotlyar); published and distributed methodic writings. The textbook of dentoprosthetic equipment contains the information about the laboratory production of dental and maxillo-facial prostheses made of metals and their alloys. The material is presented in such a way that the information about dentoprosthetic equipment can be supplemented with the information about major clinical stages of dental prosthetics.
At the same time the department realigned a treatment with dental prosthesis, introducing a general method of treatment. The department staff began widely use bugel prosthesis, splinting of mobile tooth in parodontosis, partial replacement of defects of dental hard tissues of teeth by microprosthesis.
A.I. Betel’man is an author of 85 scientific works, aithor and co-author of 10 monographs and textbooks (Photo. 4.23, 4.25). Under his guidance there were defended 1 doctoral and 31 candidate’s dissertations. Some of them are: M.I. Pyasetsky “The application of anatomical and biophysical methods for dentures fixing in prosthetic jaw with partial dentition defects”, A.D. Muxina “Distal and mesial occlusion (clinic and treatment)”, Y.M. Aleksandrova “Replacement of defects of teeth and dentition in children.”
The department of dental orthopedics was located in a building consisted of 4 treatment room (30 working places). One room was for the scientific work of the department staff and 2 rooms were equipped for laboratory studies. At the department was also a dental prosthesis laboratory.
In 1969 the department was headed by the follower of A.I. Betel’man – S.Y. Kryshtab, a famous Ukrainian scientist and teacher. He headed the department till 1984.
Kryshtab Sergiy Yosypovych (1924–1984) was born in Kyiv in the family of an employee. In 1949 he graduated with honor from the dental faculty of Kyiv Medical Institute named after O.O. Bogomolets.
After graduation of the institute and attended special courses, he went to the village of Mala Divytsya in Chernigiv region to work as a dentist and otorhinolaryngologist. In 1951he entered a clinical residency to the department of a dental orthopedics of Kyiv Medical Dental Institute. In 1953 he became the department assistant, sometime later – an associate professor, and in 1969 the department head.
In 1957 under the guidance of professor A.I. Betel’man he defended a candidate’s dissertation on “On the effect of the chewing act on gastric secretion”, which includes an experimental study of the stomach secretory function dynamics in different nature and intensity of the act of chewing. In 1968 he defended a doctoral dissertation on «”Materials for the pathogenesis and diagnosis of mandibular deformations” which covers the issues of growth patterns of jaw bones and occlusion deformities’ diagnosis. In 1971 he became a professor.
A significant contribution of professor S.Y. Kryshtab to the development of a national dentistry is consisted in dealing with issues in methodology teaching methods of propaedeutic course of dentistry orthopedics and orthodontics, functional diagnostics and the application of a porcelain fused metal and implantology. Sergiy Yosypovych and his followers introduced such researching areas as application of implants for dentures fixing, dental prosthetics with the help of pavement prosthesis, produced on the models of the refractory masses, the study of the adaptation mechanisms required for orthopedic structures and developed methods of correction of an occlusion height. Under his guidance V.V. Los’ worked on the first candidate’s dissertation on implantology”The application of intraosseous implants in terminal dentition defects prosthetic “.
A significant contribution of professor S.Y. Kryshtab to the development of orthodontics is reflected in the scientific works devoted to the combined methods of treatment of dentoalveolar anomalies with a surgical interference on the alveolar process.
A special attention S.Y. Kryshtab paid to etiology and pathogenesis of nonunion palate, speech therapy and orthopedic treatment of children.
Long-term experience of a researcher and teacher is embodied in 106 scientific works, the textbook “Dental orthopedics”(1986) in which there is information about masticatory apparatus pathology, anatomy of the teeth and jaws in children of all ages and adults as and about dental prosthesis in partial and complete absence of teeth. There is also a description of dental prosthetics and splinting of teeth with a periodontal disease, significant damage of jaws and other parts of the face. It is also highlighted the issues of dental materials and construction of devices used in dental orthopedics. Under the guidance of S.Y. Kryshtab there were defended two doctoral and twelve candidate’s dissertations. Some of them are: L.M. Grekova “The effect of bad habits on the occurrence of teeth anomalies and methods of their treatment”, V.S. Moroz “ The orthopedics treatment of parodontosis “, A.I. Dovbenko ” Electromyographic study of masticatory muscles in abnormal occlusion”, V.S. Kurylenko “Methods of replacement of dental hard tissues defects”, L.M. Kovbasyuk “Production methods of microprosthesis from fast-setting plastic”, A.N. Ovcharenko “Anaesthesis of dental hard tissues in their preparation”, G.I. Sydorenko “Production methodics of unsoldered pavement prosthesis”, F.D. Logvyniuk “The method of application of lateral roots for non-removable pavement dental prosthesis”, A.B. Poznyak “Methods for treatment of patients with congenital defects of the mouth”, N.F. Lyashenko “Correction of defects of dental hard tissues and dentition in the frontal area using portion crowns without chamfers, A.I. Mirza “The growth of the maxilla in congenital clefts of the upper lip and palate”. The clinical issues as for the interchangeable lamellar prosthesis are introduced in candidates and doctoral dissertations of Z.S. Vasilenko.
Professor S.Y. Kryshtab performed a great educational and teaching work. There were developed the following guidelines: Y.M. Aleksandrova, S.I. Doroshenko, S.Y. Kryshtab “A method of teleroentgenography” (1968), Z.F. Vasylevs’ka “phonetic correction of interchangeable dental prosthesis” (1969), S.Y. Kryshtab, G.I. Sydorenko “Production of pavement prosthesis using a chromium-nickel stainless steel without the use of solder ” (1975), S.Y. Kryshtab, V.N. Volodkn, S.V. Radochyna “The clinic and treatment of teeth anomalies associated with supernumerary teeth ” (1977), S.Y. Kryshtab, A.D. Muxina, Z.F. Vasylevs’ka “Prevention and treatment of teeth deformations in combination with the teeth removing” (1978), S.Y. Kryshtab, V.S. Kurylenko, V.A. Mischenko “Correction of defects of dental hard tissues using portion crowns” (1978).
Under the guidance of S.Y. Kryshtab in 1971 G.I. Sudorenko published a textbook “Dental technique material sciences” which was wrote according to the program of dental departments of medical schools on dental technique. This textbook highlights the most important information on the origin, composition and properties of materials and their use in orthopedics dentistry, the information about their proper use in the production of dental prosthesis and different design devices. Also it describes the molding principles of solderless pavement prosthesis, presented the characteristics of the most advanced materials at that time.
At that time at the department there were opened the room of functional diagnostics, implantation, and dental laboratory of porcelain fused metal. There was available a deeper and wider study of functional diagnostics, the use of ceramics in dental orthopedics, implementation of artificial implants as supports for prosthesis.
Professor S.Y. Kryshtab many times presented the Soviet dentistry at international congresses of dentists, participated in the All-union, Republican congresses and conferences of dentists. Under his guidance at the department of dental orthopedics there were developed and implemented whole piece prosthesis, the prosthesis made of porcelain fused metal, began the application of endoosseous dental implantation, conducted researches for the tissue reactions on the materials applied to them. There was widely developed people adaptation to dentures, functional pathology, and comprehensive range of dental treatments of various diseases.
During the whole period of time under the guidance of professor S.Y. Kryshtab there were favourible worked A.D. Muxina, G.I. Sydorenko, M.Y. Pyasetsky, F.D. Logvynuyk, Z.S. Vasylenko, Y.M. Aleksandrova, V.S. Kurylenko, V.F. Vasulevs’ka, A.I. Poznyakova, N.F. Lyashenko, A.A. Kotlyar, S.M. Ryzhov, E.I. Pushkar, N.V. Khoreva, S.I. Doroshenko, V.P. Nespryad’ko, P.S. Flis, A.I. Dovbenko, V.V. Los’.
Professor S.Y. Kryshtab with the collegues of dental orthopedics department of KMU named after O.O. Bogomolets
In 1982 the department was devided into the department of dental orthopedics and the department of prosthetic dentistry and orthodontics headed by professor Z.S. Vasylenko.
Since 1985 the head of dental orthopedics department became professor V.P. Nespryad’ko – a famous in Ukraine and abroad scientist and dentist, an author of numerous fundamental researches in the field of experimental and clinical dental orthopedics. He made a significant contribution to the development of medical science, dental personnel training and improvement of dental care in Ukraine.
Nespryad’ko Valeriy Petrovych was born in 1940. In 1967 he graduated with honour from Kyiv Medical Institute, in 1969 – from a clinical residency and in 1971 – from a postgraduate school of the dental orthopedics department. Since 1975 he is an assistant, since 1984 – an associate professor of the prosthetic dentistry and orthodontics department of KMI. In 1985 he defended a doctoral dissertation on “Pathogenesis, clinical features and treatment of unerupting teeth”, became an associate professor and the deputy head of the dental orthopedics department. In 1986 he became the head of dental orthopedics department of KMI, which is still headed by him.
From 1988 to 1998 professor V.P. Nespryad’ko performed the duties of the Chief Dentist of Ukrainian Ministry of Public Health.
In 1999 he was awarded the title “Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine.”
In1993 he became a dean of the dental department.
Today professor V.P. Nespryad’ko is a member of Dental Association of Ukraine, a member of editorial boards of several journals of Ukrainian Ministry of Public Health.
Professor V.P. Nespryad’ko has significant achievements in dental material science and in development of new types of equipment for the dental laboratories. Under his guidance there were performed a number of works for creation of dental metal alloys, high hardness artificial teeth on a composite base, ceramic masses, samples of equipment for dental laboratories with porcelain fused metal and a complex equipment for sterilization in dentistry.
V.P. Nespryad’ko has more than 400 scientific works, among which are 3 textbooks, 1 monograph and 4 teaching aids: “Dental orthopedics” (Rozhko M.M., V.P. Nespryad’ko, 2003), “Dental prosthesis equipment” (Rozhko M.M., V.P. Nespryad’ko, 2006), “Dental implantology. Theory and practice basis” (V.P. Nespryad’ko, P.V. Kuts) and 10 guidelines. He is also an author of 34 inventions and patents among which are new methods of diagnostics and treatment of dental diseases. Professor V.P. Nespryad’ko has prepared 8 doctors and 23 candidates of medical science.
Professor V.P. Nespryad’ko performs the duties of the head of a Specialized Academic Council of NMU on occupation 14.01.22 “dentistry” on defense of doctoral and candidates dissertations.
The staff of dental orthopedics department (2000 y.)
Now the department has 1 professor, 9 associate professors and 29 assistants.
Despite the difficulties associated with the reorganization of the department, it is created a material and technical base, which provides high quality training of dentists of dental prosthetics and maxillo-facial orthopedics.
Professor Nespryad’ko V.P. with the staf of dental orthopedics department: Klitynsky Y.V., Krylovsky R.S., Tyazhkorob T.V., Kornienko A.V., Zhegulovych Z.E., Lysak N.I., Lusyuk S.V., Sumonenko V.S., Shynchukovsky I.A., Tril’ I.B., Topko P.P., Lyashenko N.F., Khoreva N.V., Makarov Y.P., Oliynyk O.V., Kysil’ Z.F., Volynets’ V.N. (2010)
Today the department has 1 professor, 18 associate professors and 13 assistants.