Department of Prosthetic Dentistry




Head of the Department: 

Doctor of Medical Sciences,

Professor ValeriyNespryadko













Department address: 1 Zoologichna str., Kyiv, Ukraine 03680

Clinical base: Dental Medical Center of the Bogomolets National Medical University,

1 Zoologichna str., Kyiv, Ukraine 03680


Provides training at the undergraduate stage of the second (master’s) degree of higher education in the field of knowledge 22 “Health care” specialty 221 “Dentistry”.




Specialties that are taught in the undergraduate stages:

  • 2nd year Inroduction to the Clinical Dentistry
  • 2nd year Nursingpractice inDentistry
  • 3d year Prosthetic dentistry for students of 3nd course of Dental Faculty
  • 4th year Prosthetic dentistry for students of 4th course of Dental Faculty
  • 4th year Practical doctor trainingfor students of the 4th year dental faculty
  • 5th year Prosthetic dentistry for students of 5th course of Dental Faculty

Specialties that are taught in the postgraduate stages:

  • Clinical  Residency