Department of Hygiene, Occupational Safety and Health

History of department


Volodymyr Yakovych Pidgayetskyy


The first Department of Occupational Health and Occupational Diseases in Ukraine was organized in 1923 at the Kyiv Medical Institute. It was called the “Department of Occupational Hygiene”. It was headed by Professor Volodymyr Yakovych Pidhayetskyy (1889-1937).Under his leadership scientific work at the department was carried out. It was mainly aimed to studying the problems of occupational hygiene in agricultural production and industry in Kyiv. Studies were conducted on the physiology of work, and particularly on the mechanisms of fatigue. V.Ya. Pidhayetskyy the author of the first in Ukraine textbook “Occupational Health” (1929), the first curricula and work programs on occupational health, of lecturesandpractical classesmethodical guidance in this discipline.

In the 30 years of XX century a number of research institutes and laboratories for occupational hygiene and occupational diseases were opened in Ukraine (in Kharkiv in 1923, in Dnepropetrovsk in 1924, in Kiev in 1925). An effective, functioning of the sanitary-epidemiological service and the mentioned research institutions was impossible without the training of highly qualified scientific and practical staff. This task was successfully completed by the department of Occupational Health at the Kyiv Medical Institute. After V.Ya. Pidhayetskyy had been repressed Department of Occupational Health and Occupational Diseases was headed by Associate Professor V.A. Lebedev (1882-1952). Before the beginning of the Second World War under Prof. Lebedev leadership the department was conducting toxicological and hygienic studies of agricultural chemicals, was continuing hygienic studies of working conditions at industrial enterprises of Kyiv and developed preventive measures for occupational diseases in industry. In the 30-40’s the department had been continuing to improve the educational and pedagogical process which was facilitated the organization of the Sanitary and Hygienic Faculty in 1930. In The Second World War period during the evacuation in Chelyabinsk only one faculty functioned at the Kyiv Medical Institute – the medical and preventive department, and the specialized hygienic departments were integrated into the department of general hygiene.


Lev Ivanovych Medvid



After the return of the Kyiv Medical Institute from evacuation in December 1943, the faculty of sanitary and hygienic was restored, and the department of occupational hygiene was headed by L.I. Medvid (1943-1952).

On his initiative the basic direction of the scientific activity of the department became an in-depth sanitary-toxicological study of mercury, organochlorine and other synthesized at the time poisonous chemicals used in agriculture for the control of pests and pathogens of agricultural plants


G.Kh. Shakhbazian



In 1952, the Department of Occupational Health of the Kyiv Medical Institute was headed by Professor G. Shakhbazyan. According to the new curriculum (1953-1955) the department paid great attention to the improvement of teaching. The department and its head were the initiators of independent work of students of sanitary and hygienic faculty at industrial enterprises. During these years the department strengthened its activity on training through postgraduate studies. In this regard, there was a need to organize a special laboratory for experimental work. Such a laboratory was established in 1954 by the efforts of graduate students V.S. Burov and I.V. Savitskyi. Original experimental chambers were constructed and installed, a laboratory for the study of conditioned reflexes was developed, methods for creating and regulating the constant concentration of the substances studied in the air using laboratory chambers and air sampling methods for its evaluation were developed.

The development of knowledge about occupational microclimate hygiene cannot be imagined without the fundamental works of G. Shakhbazyan. Under his leadership at the department and at the Kyiv Institute of Occupational and Occupational Hygiene methods of studying the parameters of the microclimate, instruments for determining the temperature, humidity, mobility of air, ultra-red radiation, methods of measuring body and skin temperature in production conditions, and most importantly – the methodology of complex assessment of the production microclimate were developed. G.H. Shakhbazyan was one of the first who proposed a thesis and apply it in scientific developments and practical approaches, according to which the main criterion for assessing the impact of industrial microclimate is the state of physiological functions of a human body.


Andriy Moisiyovych Shevchenko



From years 1972 to 1993 Professor A.M. Shevchenko a graduate of the KMI sanitary and hygienic faculty, headed the Department of Occupational Hygiene and Health.

During these years, traditional for the department scientific researches on problems of hygiene and toxicology of plant protection chemicals were continued and new scientific directions were developed – hygiene of work in machinery building and chemical industry, hygiene and toxicology of chemical factors in production and using of synthetic polymeric materials.

The department has for many years conducted research on the problems of women’s work in a number of industries. Methodical recommendations for the improvement of working conditions of women and employment of pregnant women in the petrochemical industry, soot production and enterprises for the production and processing of mercury was developed (G.O. Goncharuk).

During these years, the department paid great attention to teaching and methodological work improving the pedagogical skills of employees, developing new educational and methodological documentation. In 1986 it went out of print “Occupational Health Practical Guide”, and in 1993 a textbook on occupational health. The second edition of this book was completed in 2000. The staff of the department headed by Professor A.M. Shevchenko developed methodological guidelines on preventive and current sanitary supervision in industry and agriculture (1975, 1987), organization of students’ industrial practice (1986, 1989), primary specialization in occupational health (1986), hygienic assessment of physical factors of the production environment ( 1991).


Oleksander Petrovych Yavorovskyy

(1956 year of birth)

Professor O.P. Yavorovsky has been the chair of department since 1993. He passed the postgraduate, assistant, associate professor’s practice at the department, defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Occupational hygiene in the production and processing of epoxy resins and plastics” (1990). Winner of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, author of 341 scientific works, including 18 books (monographs, textbooks, manuals, dictionaries). He trained 12 Doctors and PhDs. The results of scientific researches performed at the department under the leadership of A.P. Yavorovsky formed the basis of the scientific substantiation of the maximal permissible concentrations for epoxy resins, adhesives based on them and other compounds, “Sanitary rules for the production and using of epoxy resins and materials based on them” (1990), guidelines “Hygienic requirements for working conditions and prevention of diseases in workers engaged in the production of epoxy resins and plastics on their basis ”(1988), State Standard of Ukraine No. 2093 1992 “Solid Epoxy-diane noncuring resins ”.

Department of Occupational Health and Occupational Diseases has been researching the working conditions of workers engaged in the production and using of nanomaterials in various synthesis technologies, studying the biosafety of nanomaterials in relation to different biological objects under the O.P. Yavorovsky initiative since 2008.


In 1960 the course on occupational diseases was established at department of industrial hygiene at the initiative of professor G.Kh. Shakhbazian to teach the occupational pathology to students in sanitary hygienic faculty.


Lichtenstein Yefrem Isaakovych



Teaching the occupational pathology for students in medical and pediatric faculty started since 1969. The first organizer and founder of occupational pathology course was the famous scientist and clinical physician professor Ye.I. Lichtenstein (1910-1973). Yefrem Isaakovych graduated with honors from medical faculty of Kyiv medical institute in 1936. Since 1936 he was the post-graduate student at department of therapy in Kyiv institute on improvement of doctors, after graduation he was enrolled to the post of assistant at department. During the Great Patriotic War he was the mayor of medical service. He took part in the struggle near Stalingrad, had many state wards.

Ye.I. Lichtenstein paid the great attention to education and training of highly skilled specialists-occupational pathologists.

Since 1959 he was the head at department of sanitary hygienic faculty, since 1960 – therapeutic clinic of occupational diseases. Doctor of Medicine and professor since 1959.

The directions of scientific activity: pathogenesis and therapy of bronchial asthma, myocardial infarction and lungs, pulmonary and cardiac insufficiency, non-specific reactions in clinics on occupational diseases, issues on medical ethic and deontology.


Cherkas Olena Valerianivna

(26.04.1914 – 5.10.1993)

In 1973 after death of Ye.I. Lichtenstein, O.V. Cherkas performed the duties of head at course on occupational diseases.

She graduated from medical faculty in Smolensk medical institute in 1937. Since 1937 until 1940 resident medical practitioner in department of infectious diseases at Smolensk medical institute. Since 1940 until 1941 she was the medical practitioner in the 1st regional clinical hospital in c. Smolensk. Since 1941 until 1948 – assistant in department of infectious diseases in Sverdlovsk medical institute and since 1948 until 1952 – assistant in department of hospital therapy in the same institute. In 1950 she defended the candidate’s dissertation “Recurrences of typhoid fever, paratyphoids”. Since February 1952 she was transferred to the post of assistant in department of therapy in sanitary hygienic faculty at Kyiv medical institute. Since 1959 she was transferred to the post of acting assistant professor in the same department. Since 1960 – assistant in course on occupational diseases at department of industrial hygiene and occupational diseases. Since 1979 until 1987 – doctor-therapeutist in therapeutic division of MSU of Artem plant.

Awarded: 1945 – medal “For Valorous Labor during the Great Patriotic War”, 1978 – medal “Veteran of labor”. 1982 – Medal “In commemoration of 1500th anniversary of Kyiv”.


Plenov Mykola Mykolayovych



In 1973 assistant professor M.M. Plenov was appointed to the post of head in course on occupational diseases. He started his working activity during the Great Patriotic War. In July 1942 he served as a senior veterinary surgeon in 719th rifle regiment in 67th rifle division of Bilomorskyy military district.

In 1947 he entered medical faculty in Kyiv medical institute, which he graduated with honors in 1952. After graduation from institute – post-graduate student in department of therapy in sanitary hygienic faculty. The scientific problems on diagnostics of liver and bile passages diseases. In 1953 under supervision of professor Lichtenstein Ye.I. He defended the candidate’s dissertation “Disassociation of cellular elements in bile and its diagnostic role”. In 1955 he started his teaching activity. Since 1967 – assistant professor at department of therapy in sanitary hygienic faculty.

The scientific activity was devoted to study and implementation of functional research methods on cardiovascular system into clinical practice. Since the beginning of 1970-ies the practical activity of Plenov M.M. is related to the issues on occupational pathology.

The results from scientific research activity of Plenov M.M. were described in more than 150 scientific works.

Thanks to constant improvement of special knowledge and skills Plenov M.M. became the highly qualified doctor-internist and occupational pathologist, who performed the great medical consulting work not only in the clinic, where he managed but in other medical establishments in c. Kyiv. Since 1971 until 1974 he occupied the post of the chief therapeutist at Ministry of health care in Ukrainian SSR.

He was awarded with Charters of Honor from Ministry of health care and Kyiv medical institute.

Thanks to M.M. Plenov, who significantly enlarged scientific pedagogical possibilities of the course, the full-time postgraduate study, residency was opened in the clinic on occupational pathology.

Parpaley Ivan Oleksandrovych

(born in 1946)