Department of physiology
Responsible person
Tarasova Kateryna, PhD, Associate professor,
- Main directions of workin 2017-2020 arethe following: the methods of cardiovascular system`s studying, theregulationofmembraneandmitochonrialchannels of cardiomyocytes, age peculiarities of functioning of cardiomyocytes and the cells of smooth muscles of vessels.
- Researchwork
Scientificresearchwork, whichhasbeenscheduledfor 2017-2020:“The research of membrane and intracellular regulatory mechanisms of cardiomyocytes and smoothmuscular cells` activity under different functional states”.
- Thescientificresearchwork, whichwasfulfilledin 2019:«Thestudyofmembranemechanismsof arterial pressure regulation and electric processes in myocardium»
- LiudmylaKlymenko, History of formation and development of Kyiv physiological schools (end of XIX century – XX centuries). – K.: Phytocenter, 2017. – 271 p.
- Publishingactivities in 2019.
- Фізіологія. За редакцією І.М.Карвацького. Навчальний посібник до практичних занять і самостійної роботи студентів. У 2-х томах. ‒ К.: Фенікс, 2019. Т.1 – 352 с.
- Практикум по физиологии. ПодредакциейИ.Н.Карвацкого. Пособие к практическимзанятиям и самостоятельнойработеиностранныхстудентов с русскимязыкомобучения. В 2-х томах. ‒ К.: Феникс, 2019. Т.1 – 278 с.
- Practicalworksinphysiology. EditedbyI.M.Karvatsky. TextbookforpracticalstudiesandindividualworkforEnglish-speakingstudents. 2-th Vol. – Kyiv. Phoenix, 2019. V.1 – 296 p.
In 2019, 4 articleswerepublishedinScopusindexedJournals, 5 articlesinprofessional Journals of SAC of the Ministry of Science and education, 2 articles in other publications.