Department of physiology


    • Responsible person

    Strokina Iryna, PhD, Associate professor (

    • Participationof the department staff in international conferences
    1. Strokina Iryna. The reaction of human acid-production stomach mucosa to short-term breathing with artificial mountain air, report at International Simposium«Actual problems of biophysical medicine» Kyiv,1998
    2. KlymenkoLiudmyla, Associate Professor.International Scientific and Practical Conference “Medical Education in Classical Universities: History and Modernity”, Kyiv, 2002.
    3. KlymenkoLiudmyla, Associate Professor.International Conference “Woman in Science and Education, Kyiv, 2002.
    4. KlymenkoLiudmyla, Associate Professor. VI International Congress of Neurophysiologists, 2014.

    5.     Dovgan Iryna. The Third International scientific-practical conference “Science projects, advanced technologies, innovations” (2016, 4-6th May, Praha, Budapest, Kyiv) 

    1. Annual Young Medical Scientists` Conference 2017. KarvatskyiIhor as a Chairman of Jury, Strokina Iryna as a Moderator,OlenaVynohradova-Anykas a Moderator, November 2017.
    2. Annual Young Medical Scientists` Conference 2018. KarvatskyiIhor as a Chairman of Jury, OlenaVynohradova-Anykas a Moderator, March

    3.     AllaHumeniuk. Clinical and experimental study of the relationship between herpesvirus infection and stroke. The Forth Congress of the Euro-Asian Society for Infectious Diseases, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.

    1. AllaHumeniuk. The Sixth Black Sea Symposium for Young Scientists in Biomedicine (BSYSB), Varna, Bulgaria.
    2. AllaHumeniuk. 4th International Symposium on Peripheral Nerve Regeneration, Barcelona, Spain.

    6.     AllaHumeniuk. The Thirdinterdepartmental scientific-practical conference of students and young scientists with international participation, dedicated to the memory of associate professor P.P. Khomenka, Gomel, Belarus.7.     AllaHumeniuk. Scientific-practical conference with international participation up to 150 years of the Department of Histology and Embryology “Reaching and prospects of modern Histology”, Kyiv, Ukraine.

    1. AllaHumeniuk. Neurology and rehabilitation international symposium, Kyiv, Ukraine.

    9.     AllaHumeniuk.TheThird International scientific-practical conference “Science projects, advanced technologies, innovations” (2016, 4-6th May, Praha, Budapest, Kyiv)

    1. Dovhan Iryna. 6th International Conference «Advances In Clinical Neuroimmunology»,Poznań, Poland, р. 7(2019,14th–15th June)



    • Employee traineeship
    1. BlashkivTaras, PhD, Doctor of biological Science. Rutgers New Jersey Medical School (post Doc.) USA, 2004.
    2. Strokina Iryna, PhD,Associate Professor. In December 2018 Strokina Iryna has successfully completed an internship at West-Finland College, UniversityofAppliedSciencesofSatakunta, HighSchoolLauttakylӓ, Department of culture and Education of HuittinenMunicipalty (Huittinen, Finland).


    1. KlymenkoLiudmila, PhD,Associate Professor. In January 2019 KlymenkoLiudmila passed a pedagogical internship with the course: ”Reform and innovations of higher education ”InterIntelligentSloveniancompanySustainabledevelopment LLC (Trajnostnirazvojd.o.o. Liubliana)



    1. OlenaVynohradova-Anyk, PhD, acting Associate Professor The international postgraduate practical internship. Medical University of Lublin. 07-29 October 2019.


    • Representation in associations
    1. KarvatskyiIhor, PhD.; MykulaMykola, PhD.;Lahodych Tatiana, PhD.; Tarasova Kateryna, PhD;KonykUliana, PhD; LiudmylaKlymenko, PhD; Iryna Strokina, PhD; Vynohradova-AnykOlena, PhD; AliievaTamila, PhD; RozumnaNataliia, PhD;Ivan Leshchenko; Demidova Kateryna, PhD; NesvitailovaKlavdiia, PhD; AllaHumeniuk, PhD; BlashkivTaras, PhD, Doctor of biological Science; SkrypkaOlena, PhD; MozheitovaOlexandra, PhD; Dovhan Iryna, PhD; KirichekPavlo; MotornaNataliia; ShcherbakOlena; SavchukVyctoriia; LoshakOleksandra; MysakIlona. G. Kostyuk Ukrainian Physiological Society, which is a member of Federation of European Physiological Societies (FEPS) and International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS).


    1. RozumnaNataliia, PhD. Ukrainian Society for Neurosciences including FENS (Federation of European Neuroscience Societies)