Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry


Supporting Materials for the Pediatric Operative Dentistry Department of the NMU n.a. O.O. Bogomolets. Lviv, 29 October 2010

On October, 29, 2010, in the city of Lviv there was the meeting of Supporting Department of Paediatric Dentistry of the National Medical University named after Bogomolets. The representatives of departments of paediatric dentistry from 15 higher medical education institutions of Ukraine arrived at this meeting. The issues of the transition of the dental faculties onto Credit and Modular System of Educational Process in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine №929 of 7 December 2009 “On Approval and the Introduction of the New Academic Plan of training specialists under the educational-qualifying level of “Specialist” for qualification with “Dentist” in the higher educational institutions of 4-th level of accreditation for the specialization with “Dentistry”, as well as approving Standard educational program in the discipline “Propaedeutics of the paediatric operative dentistry” for 2 year students of the dental faculties of medical universities of Ukraine of 3-rd -4 th e accreditation levels have been discussed.

During the meeting there were also considered the issues on discussing and approving a new Standard educational program in the discipline “Propaedeutics of Pediatric Operative Dentistry” in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna process and methodological support for the course of Propaedeutics of paediatric operative dentistry according to the new Standard educational program.

3-4 November 2010
64-th Jubilee Scientific-Practical Conference for the Students and Young Scientists “Actual Problems of Modern Medicine”

3-4 November 2010 on the basis of the National Medical University named after O.O. Bogomolets 64-th Jubilee Scientific-Practical Conference for the Students and Young Scientists “Actual Problems of Modern Medicine” was held. Conference numbered 35 sections, among which the Dentistry was also represented and the participants from eight institutions of higher education, including Russia took an active part in it. Staff of Pediatric Dentistry Department and Prevention of Dental Diseases took an active part in the conference with reports dedicated to the actual topics of Paediatric Dentistry: “Assessment of the state of somatic health and dental status in children living in ecologically unfavorable conditions” prepared by O.V. Duda, “Application of the calcium hydroxide for treatment of the chronic somatic periodontitis in children with somatic pathology” O.L. by Kovnatskyi “Clinical practice of the usage of materials based on MTA for apexіfіcatіon of permanent іmmature teeth” by V.V. Slabkovskyi. The ceremony of closing the conference and awarding for the best works was held in the Campus of Morphology of NMU n.a. O. O. Bogomolets wherein University Rector, Academician NAMS of Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Vitalyi F. Moskalenko.

19 November 2010
Materials for the Pediatric Operative Dentistry Supporting Department of NMU n.a. O.O. Bogomolets. Kyiv, November 19, 2010

On November 19, 2010 in the city of Kyiv on the basis of the Department of Pediatric Operative Dentistry and Prevention of Dental Diseases of the NMU n.a. Bogomolets was further strengthens by the meeting of the Supporting Department, wherein the representatives of Children’s Stomatology departments of higher medical educational institutions were present. At the meeting of the Department in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of 22 June 2010 №502 “On approval of working groups on preparation of national textbooks for students of higher educational institutions of the 4-th level of accreditation by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” the issue on approval of working groups on the question of the preparation of the national teaching materials in “Children’s Operative Dentistry” and “Propaedeutics Pediatric Operative Dentistry” for students of higher educational establishments of the 3 – 4 levels of accreditation was considered.

19 November 2010
Section “Clinical children’s dentistry” at the international public lectures held within the framework of the MEDWIN exhibition

On 10 December 2010, the Department of Children’s Therapeutic Dentistry and Prevention of Dental Diseases organized the Section “Clinical Children’s Dentistry” at the international public lectures held in the educational center DAU n.a. Professor M. F. Danylevskyi on the topic: “Modern technologies of treatment and prevention in practical dentistry” in the 51-th dental forum MEDWIN: ExpoDental – 2010″