Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry
Training and methodological work
Coordinator: Svitlana Lyubarets – Doctor of Medicine, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department
Training of students at the department is carried out according to normative documents of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
2023-2024 s.y.
2022-2023 s.y.
Shedule spring-summer semester 2022-2023 s.y
Consultation to FC 3 course for the autumn semester 2022-2023 e.y
Studing matirials 3-5 courses 2022-2023
Materials for FC 2022-2023 s.y.
Regulations for FC 2022-2023 s.y.
Them.plan Lectures Pediatric operative dentistry 4 сourse 2022-23 e.y.
Links to video materials OSP(C)E 2022-2023
5 course OSC(P)E Algoritms 2022-2023 a.y.
Матеріали до ОСП(К)І для студентів 3 курсу англомовної форми навчання
2021-2022 s.y.
Регламент поточного контролю 3 курс Профілактика… весняно-літній семестр 21-22 н.р. АНГЛ
Розподіл груп між викладачами весняно-літній семестр 2021-22 АНГЛ
Розклади весняно-літній семестр 21-22 АНГЛ
Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry 3 course ( VI sem) GL 21-22
Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry 3 course ( VI sem) WB 21-22
Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry 5 course ( X sem) WB 21-22
Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry 5 course ( X sem) guideline 21-22
Them. plan 5 course autumn semester 2020-21 e.y.
Them.plan LecturesPediatric operative dentistry 4 сourse 2020-21 e.y.
Them.plan Practical 4 course 2020-21 e.y.
List of practical skills 4 course 2020-21
LIST OF QUESTION FOR FINAL CONTROL ON PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY for students of the 4 course of 2020/2021
- “Pre-clinical pediatric dentistry”
- “Dental Disease Prevention”
- “Pediatric Operative Dentistry”
- “Endodontics in Pediatric Dentistry”
- “Fundamentals of dentistry”
- “Nursing Practice in Dentistry”
- “Dental practice in pediatric dentistry”