Department of Surgery with a course of emergency and vascular surgery

Academic methodological activity


Reglament and program „SURGERY” for 4-6 years students

THEMATIC PLAN of PRACTICAL CLASSES for 4th year students


List of questions for FINAL CONTROL for 5th years students

List of questions for FINAL CONTROL for 4th years students






Regulations and evaluation criteria for current and final modular control

Thematic and calendar plans of Lectures

Schedules of classes for 4-6-th year students

Methodical instructions on preparation for practical classes

Questions to prepare for the final control





Designated employee: docentGonza Roman Volodymyrovych

Student education is the most important activity of the department. About 1000 students of 4, 5, 6 courses study annually at the department.

The educational process of the discipline Surgery at the department is conducted with the students of the medical faculty № 2 of 4, 5 and 6 courses in accordance with a typical curriculum of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, developed by the staff of the department and regulated by the relevant normative documents.

The educational process is organized according to the credit-unit system in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna process. The credit-unit systemprovides the rotation of modules of clinical disciplines and gradual training at one department during 4, 5, 6 years of study, which will ensure the individual responsibility of the department for the quality of preparation of students in the discipline Surgery.

The purpose of the study of surgery – the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge of  etiology, pathogenesis, typical and atypical clinical implications, methods of diagnosis, conservative and surgical treatment, rehabilitation of surgical pathology within the appropriate training of general practitioners taking into account the specificity of his specialty.


The ultimate aims of the discipline:

  • Identify the most common clinical symptoms and syndromes in the surgical disease clinic
  • Diagnose and provide emergency care in a surgical disease clinic
  • Demonstrate mastery of morally-deontological principles of a medical specialist and principles of professional subordination in surgery
  • Interpret the general principles of treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of the most common surgical diseases
  • Predict the life and work capacity of the most common surgical diseases
  • Determine the main etiological and pathogenetic factors of the most common surgical diseases
  • Classify and analyze a typical clinical picture of the most common surgical diseases
  • Plan the examination and analyze the data of laboratory and instrumental examinations for the typical course of the most common surgical diseases
  • Demonstrate the ability to perform the necessary medical procedures
  • Take primary and secondary prophylactic measures of the most common surgical disease
  • Provide emergency medical care for the most common surgical diseases
  • Carry out differential diagnosis, justify and formulate a preliminary diagnosis for the most common surgical diseases
  • Demonstrate mastery of morally-deontological principles of a medical specialist and principles of professional subordination in surgery
  • Determine management tactics (principles of surgery and conservative treatment, rehabilitation measures) for the most common surgical diseases and their complications
  • Plan the examination of the patient, to interpret the results of laboratory and instrumental studies in the most common surgical diseases and their complications
  • Identify different clinical options and complications of the most common surgical diseases
  • Demonstrate the ability to maintain medical records in a surgical disease clinic
  • Diagnose complicated and atypical forms of the most common surgical diseases
  • Plan an examination schedule for a particular patient, depending on the clinical course of the disease
  • Provide medical care in emergency situations at the surgical disease clinic and perform emergency surgical procedures and surgeries
  • Carry out differential diagnosis of the most common surgical diseases in emergency and routine surgery
  • Determine the plan of conservative and surgical treatment of surgical diseases depending on pathogenetic factors and severity of the patient’s condition
  • Diagnose medical emergency conditions in a pediatric surgery clinic and provide emergency medical care to the child
  • Determine the tactics of managing a child suffering from major surgical diseases
  • Identify various clinical implications of complication and establish a preliminary diagnosis of surgical diseases and children trauma
  • Diagnose and determine treatment tactics for developmental disabilities
  • Preliminary diagnosis of surgical defects
  • Diagnose and determine the tactics of emergency medical care in surgical malformations


Student training is conducted at 6 clinical bases, the main of which is the Oleksandrivska Clinical Hospital of Kyiv. For the qualitative conducting of classes the department has the entirety of financial support – from the study rooms (lecture room, 12 study rooms), to specialized (operating, manipulation, dressing rooms, wards) and auxiliary (wardrobes, laboratories, store rooms).

Corridor of the department in OCH

IT room

Study rooms


Since 2016/17 academic year, the department purchased the modern multimedia equipment: in particular, 2 classes are equipped with interactive whiteboards, which allow to improve the educational process as much as possible, to perform presentations and radiographs, draw diagrams and also conduct written surveys “near the board”, including foreign studentswith English-speakingmode of study. It is also convenient to demonstrate modern medical imaging techniques such as CT and MRI.

In 2017/18 academic year the department lecture room was improved: the presentation equipment was updated and a new system of interactive lectures was introduced. During this time, students have the opportunity to answer tests with an assessment of the correctness and statistics distribution of answer options, which immediately appeared on the presentation screen. The response analysis indicates how well the student has mastered the study material. Therefore, the use of an interactive survey system during the lecture demonstrates interest increase in the presentedmaterial.


Practice with students is conducted according to the curricula not only in theory but also, mainly, next to the patient’s bed, in the manipulation, dressings, operating rooms, diagnostic departments (practice).

According to new curricula and the introduction of international teaching standards, much attention is given to students’ acquisition of basic practical skills, especially those related to emergency care, such as bleeding control, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

For the educational process purposes, development of practical skills, conducting state examinations and final module control, the department is supplied with the necessary models and simulators.

Special attention is paid to classes with international students.


According to the requirements of modern education, one of the first in Ukrainethe department staff created its own computer class, where students are required to pass tests for STEP-2 program and interns –for STEP-3.


Written test monitoring

Computer test monitoring

Since 2014/2015 academic year the Ministry of Health of Ukraine organizing the study of military medicine and emergency medicine students (Letter of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine № 08.01-47 / 14524 dated 27.05.2014) for the purpose of fulfilling the instruction of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 03 May 2014, № 15076/1 / 1-14, amendments were made to the existing educational programs for the higher education institution, providing topics in military surgery for 45 hours. In this direction, the department conducts classes for students whereinstructors and volunteers are involved who have participated in military operationsdirectly.

Tactical Medicine and Military Surgery practice (2015)


Due to continuous study of A-format questions for 4, 5 and 6 courses, the department has repeatedly reached the 1st place among medical universities of Ukraine at the examinations of the integrated licensed exam STEP-2. The department is also introducing new forms of test monitoring, including testing of students according to the USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Exam) since 2016/17 academic year.

Since 2002, the Department has been the mainstay of Surgical Diseases according to the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 86 dated 26.02.2003. Surgical diseases, as well as, due to the introduction into the education of the principles of the Bologna system and the transition to the end-to-end teaching system of surgery sequentially at 4, 5, 6 courses in one department, the staff of the department in cooperation with specialists of one-field departments were developed typical curriculum of discipline Surgery, based on the credit-module basis. In addition, according to the order of the Education and Training Centreof the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the specialists of the department developed typical training programs in elective courses Plastic and reconstructive surgery, Cardiac surgery, Vascular surgery. Due to the prospect of teaching courses and cycles of postgraduate education, training programs on specialization, pre-certification, thematic cycles of Plastic and reconstructive surgery, Vascular surgery were developed.

During the time of existence of the department, its specialists have developed 20 working end-to-end training programs on Hospital surgery, Surgical diseases, Surgery, Plastic and reconstructive surgery, Hepatology, Endoscopic and minimally invasive surgery, Heart surgery, Vascular Surgery ,Transplantology which are reissued according to the schedule.

According to the programs, the department specialists have developed and used in the educational process methodical developments in the total amount: from surgery for teachers – 150; for students – 166 (in paper and electronic forms); for surgical diseases, respectively – 60.

The department has compiled, published and spreaded 14 textbooks and manuals on topical issues of modern surgeryamong medical universities of Ukraine both paper and electronic versions. Together with the Surgery Departments No. 1 of Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy (Prof. Bereznytskyy Y.S.) and Surgery No. 1 of NMU named after O.O. Bogomolets (Prof. Zakharash M.P.) textbook Surgery for students and internswas published, approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine as fundamental textbook for higher medical institutions of III-IV accreditation levels

3-volume surgery manual and CD

Practical manuals

Since 2005, the Department has successfully implemented (together with the Department of Internal Medicine # 2) the compilation of a comprehensive state exams in practice of internal, infectious, occupational and surgical diseases with pediatric surgery for students of the medical faculty # 2, which has increased the quality of students graduates assessments.

 ispit1  ispit2
Consultation conductionprior to the state exam (2016) Hands-on skill practice prior to the state exam (2016)

Complex State Exam in Surgery and Internal Medicine (2019)


The primary focus of the state exam is to check student’s practical skills next to the patient’s bed, which is the student’s ability to properly examine the patient and determine a preliminary diagnosis.

State examnext to the patient’s bed



On March 16-17, 2017, the second stage of the Ukraine-wide Student Olympiad in the discipline Surgery was held at the Department of Surgery # 4 of the National Medical University named after O. O. Bogomolets. During the competition part students from all medical universities of Ukraine solved the tests, created on the basis of the USMLE STEP2 Surgery exam, clinical tasks and demonstrated the ability to perform fundamental practical skills in surgery.

On April 5-6, 2018 the second stage of the Ukraine-wide Student Olympiad in the discipline Surgery was held at the National Medical University named after O. O. Bogomoletsunder the auspices of the Department of Surgery. The competition was attended by 26 medical students from all over Ukraine, who showed the best results during the selection stage at their universities.

Employees participate in postgraduate training, including internships in the specialty of Surgery. Under the supervision and independently, future specialists receive theoretical and practical skills, acquire the skills of working with patient in manipulation, operating room, participate in the rounds of professors, duty on the ambulance. For over 20 years, the department has graduated more than 150 interns, 25 clinical interns, 9 graduate students, 8 masters. The quality of the interns’training  is evidenced by their future (all graduates take the exams for the first time, work in decent positions, abroad also).