Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №2
The department of obstetrics and gynecology No 2 was established in 1920 on the base of clinical hospital named after Zovtneva revoliutsiia, its head was professor F.O. Sokolov. He was the first one, who started applying the surgical treatment methods for inflammatory diseases of uterine annexes. The following important issues in obstetrics and gynecology as impact of abortion on state of woman’s organism, prevention and treatment of postpartum purulent-septic diseases, surgical treatment of urinogenital fistula, conservative therapy of metrofibroma.
During the war (since 1942-1945) the head at department was professor O.M. Olshanetskyy and he managed it until 1953. His main works were devoted to diagnostics and treatment of female sterility, abdominal pregnancy, and labor regulation. One of the first endocrinologic laboratories was established at department. O.M. Olshanetskyy was at the head of Kyiv scientific society of obstetricians-gynecologists, was one of active organizers for obstetric gynecological service in Ukraine. Since 1953 until 1961 the head at department was the pupil of professor O.M. Olshanetskyy assistant professor T.Ya. Kalinichenko, outstanding organizer of health care in Ukraine. In 1938-1941 and 1942-1945 he was the first deputy people’s commissar of health care in UkrSSR and in 1945-1953 – rector in Kyiv medical institute. The issues on diagnostics and treatment of hormonally mediated infertility, inflammatory diseases of women’s genitals, treatment of cystic ovary were developed under his supervision.
In 1961 the duties of the head at department were performed by assistant professor G.K. Shkolnyy. Assistant professor G.K. Shkolnyy improved the diagnostic methods for pregnancy, surgical treatment methods for gynecological patients.
In 1962 the head at department was professor R.I. Malykhina, pupil of professors I.I. Gryshchenko, V.M. Matveyev and M.S. Baksheyev. 20 candidate’s and 2 doctor’s dissertations were made under supervision of R.I. Malykhina. The department studied the issues on labor regulation, diagnostics and treatment of tuberculosis of genitals and isoimmune pregnancy. The monograph was devoted to tuberculosis of women’s genitals. During many years professor R.I. Malykhina was the chairwoman in Kyiv scientific society of obstetricians-gynecologists, member in board of Republican and all-Union societies.
Since 1982 until 2003 the head at department was professor V.S. Artamonov. He was a famous clinician and scientist, author of over 200 scientific works, including 4 monographs. The methods on diagnostics and correction of intrauterine fetal hypoxia and neonatal asphyxia, post-term pregnancy, as well as abnormalities of labor were developed under his supervision. Professor V.S. Artamonov was one of the first initiators for a wide implementation of endoscopic treatment methods for gynecological patients. 1 doctor’s and 16 candidate’s dissertations were defended under his supervision. V.S. Artamonov was a member in board of Republican society of obstetricians-gynecologists of Ukraine.
Since 2003 the head at department was Doctor of Medicine, professor, academician in NAPS Gnatko O.P. She is the author of more than 220 scientific works, including 2 monographs, guidelines, informative letters, and declarative patents. At present moment 5 assistant professors work at department (Klimenko S.M., Solskyy S.Ya., Orchakov V.O., Marushchenko Yu.P., Chubatyy A.I.), as well as 9 assistants. Every year 4-5 resident medical practitioners and 2-3 post-graduate students study at department. The collective of department continues working over problems on non-invasive methods for diagnostics and minimally invasive surgery in gynecology (assistant professor Solskyy S.Ya., Chubatyy A.I.), endocrine gynecology (assistant Mykhayliuta M.A.), prevention and treatment of purulent-septic complications after surgical interferences in obstetrics and gynecology (professor Gnatko O.P., assistant professor Solskyy S.Ya., assistant Manashchuk S.I.), pathology of perinatal period (professor Gnatko O.P., assistants Kyrychenko Yu.A., Chorna O.O.), abnormality of labor (assistant professors Orchakov V.O., Marushchenko Yu.L., assistant Drozd O.O.), gestosis (assistant professor Marushchenko Yu.L., assistants Zhestkova I.V.), isoimmune pregnancy (professor Gnatko O.P.). During recent years the great attention was paid to issues on diagnostics and treatment of endocrine forms for infertility, in particular, caused by syndrome of polycystic ovaries (assistant professors Solskyy S.Ya., Chubatyy A.I.). The department made the great contribution into issues on diagnostics and treatment of genital endometriosis (assistant professor Solskyy S.Ya., assistant professor Chubatyy A.I.). 11 candidate’s and doctor’s dissertations were made and are making under direct supervision of professor Gnatko O.P. The scientific researches by employees at department are held on the base of clinical Center on management of premature birth. The department closely cooperates with collectives at department of obstetrics and gynecology No 1 and No 3 in NMU, SRI at AMS of Ukraine. The employees at department constantly take part in international and republican congresses, conventions and conferences. Professor Gnatko O.P. passed through training at Pennsylvania University (c. Philadelphia, USA), assistant professor Solskyy S.Ya. – in c. Berlin ( Germany) and c. Budapest ( Hungary). Professor Gnatko O.P. and assistant Professor Solskyy S.Ya. are members in European Association of gynecologists and obstetricians (EAGO).
The achievements of department for recent 25 years are over 800 scientific works by its employees in national and foreign editions, a number of monographs, guidelines, declarative patents, innovations, and informative letters. The following monographs should be mentioned among the most important ones “DIC-syndrome in obstetrics and gynecology” (Artamonov V.S., Fedun Z.V., Zhestkova I.V., 1993), “Obstetric infection” (Stepankivska G.K., Solskyy S.Ya., 1989). In 1994 the employees of department (assistant professors Fedun Z.V., Solskyy S.Ya.) together with the collective at department of obstetrics and gynecology No 1 at NMU for the first time in Ukraine developed and issued the collection of test questions for attestation of doctors “Obstetrics and gynecology” (edited by professor Artamonov V.S. and Ventskivskyy B.M.). Professor V.S. Artamonov is the co-author of textbook “Obstetrics” for doctors-interns (1996) and together with assistant professor S.Ya. Solskyy “Handbook on obstetrics and gynecology” (1997) and textbook “Gynecology” for doctors-interns (2003). Assistant professor Solskyy S.Ya. is the co-author for one of sections in monograph “Endocrine gynecology” (2003).
The base of department is the center for fulfillment of clinical researches on medicines, approved by State pharmacological committee of Ukraine. 6 international and national clinical researches were held for recent years.
The employees at department take an active part in commissions at MHC of Ukraine, international projects, which are implemented in Ukraine, perform the significant volume of work on rendering urgent consulting treatment aid due to requests from MHC of Ukraine (air medical service).
For honest work some employees of department were awarded with Charter of honor from CM of Ukraine (Solskyy S.Ya., 2002), Charter of honor from MHC of Ukraine (Solskyy S.Ya., 2002, Gnatko O.P., 2006, Zhestkova I.V., 2007) and Charter of honor from Kyiv city mayor (Gnatko O.P., 2004, Tymchenko B.S., 2007).
At present moment the department of obstetrics and gynecology No 2 has two clinical bases: Kyiv city maternity hospital No 6 and maternity department in railway clinical hospital.
Phones of department: (044) 512-81-05, (044) 512-93-18