Department of Internal Medicine №2
Responsible employee for international activities of the Department of Internal Medicine No. 2: Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine No. 2, Doctor of Medicine. n., professor Marta Borysivna Jus.
Participation of employees in foreign conferences, symposia, congresses, and other events:
The results of the department’s scientific work are presented in the materials of international congresses and conferences held in Prague, Lisbon, Nice, Paris, Florence, Venice, Milan, Vienna, London, Berlin, Stockholm, Helsinki, Amsterdam, Barcelona, etc.
Employees of the department participated in the meeting of the rheumatology section of UEMS 2024, in the annual European Congress of Rheumatologists “EULAR-2017”, “EULAR 2018”, “EULAR-2019”, “e-EULAR-2020”, “e-EULAR-2021”, “e -EULAR-2022”, EULAR-2023, EULAR-2024, WCO-IOF-ESCEO 2021e-congress WCO-IOF-ESCEO 2020, e-congress WCO-IOF-ESCEO 2024, World Congress of Systemic Sclerosis 2024, World Congress on Osteoporosis, of osteoarthritis and musculoskeletal diseases (WCO-IOF-ESCEO congress), Krakow, 2018, WCO-IOF-ESCEO congress 2017, Florence, Congress of the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology “Heart Failure 2019”, Vienna, Austria; 29th ESH European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular protection, Milan; Heart failure 2019 Congress, Athens, EuroPrevent Congress 2019; 1st International Conference of European Academy of Science Bonn, Germany; 26th Meeting of the European Society of Hypertension Paris, France, etc.
May 12-15, 2024, Prof. Jus M.B. together with graduate student Kulyk M.S. presented at the European Congress of Rheumatology EULAR 2024, Vienna, Austria, scientific works in the form of two abstracts “Regression model for the prediction of risk of sarcopenia among young adults with juvenile idiopathic arthritis” and “Prevalence and risk factors of sarcopenia in young adults with juvenile idiopathic arthritis”
May 2-3, 2024, Lisbon, Portugal, at the “Spring Rheumatology Meeting UEMS”, European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS), prof. Jus M.B., as a representative of rheumatologists from Ukraine, together with European colleagues, discussed ways of integrating the education system in different countries, requirements for interns, a list of theoretical and clinical knowledge, and a list of clinical and practical skills that a European rheumatologist should possess. During the work of the working group, the main principles of the organization of the educational process of the European rheumatologist were discussed and the experience of the integration of the educational process was exchanged.
March 15, 2024, associate professor T.A. Karasevska and professor M.B. Jus. at the 8th World Congress on Systemic Sclerosis, Prague, Czech Republic, presented the scientific work “Pulmonary artery hypertension in patients with systemic sclerosis in the Ukrainian population”, which was performed together with co-authors on the basis of the Oleksandrovsk Clinical Hospital. On March 16, 2024, a working meeting of heads of EUSTAR centers took place within the framework of the congress. As the organizer and head of such a scientific center on the basis of the Oleksandriv Clinical Hospital, Professor M. B. Jus took part in discussions and current work issues related to the optimization of the center’s work.
Scientific and educational, scientific and medical institutions abroad with which the department cooperates in 2023-2024:
№ | Назва установи, підрозділ | Країна, місто | Форма співпраці | Результати співпраці | Період |
European Wellness Centre | м.Кота Кінабулу, Малайзія | Наукове стажування
проф. Нішкумай О.І. |
Вивчення підходів до боротьби зі старінням і профілактики вікового остеопорозу, остеоартриту, серцевої недостатності та інших захворювань, викликаних старінням. | 30.01.22- 30.01.24 | |
Каролінський університетський шпиталь у Стокгольмі,
Сальгренський університетський шпиталь у Гетеборзі |
Швеція | Освітнє стажування асистент Береза
Освітня програма для лікарів, організована Асоціацією французько-української співпраці в галузі медицини та фармації (ASFUDS) за сприяння світової федерації українських лікарських товариств (WFUMA).
72 год., 40 балів БПР |
30 червня 2024-11 липня 2024 рр. |
List of works published in foreign publications by employees of the department in 2023-2024.
- M Kulyk, A Novytska, R Potomka, O Ivashkivsky, T Karasevska, Dzhus AB0274 Regression Model For The Prediction Of Risk Of Sarcopenia Among Young Adults With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Annals Of The Rheumatic Diseases 83 (Suppl 1), 1380-1381, 2024
- M Kulyk, A Novytska, R Potomka, O Ivashkivsky, T Karasevska, M. Dzhus AB0277 Prevalence And Risk Factors Of Sarcopenia In Young Adults With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Annals Of The Rheumatic Diseases 83 (Suppl 1), 1382-1382, 2024
- M Kulyk, A Novytska, R Potemka, O Ivashkivskyi, T Karasevska, M. Dzhus A Case Report Of Covid-19-Related Dactylitis Combined With Chilblain-Like Acral Lesions Aktuelle Rheumatologie 49 (02), 110-113 2024
- TA Karasevska, DV Yasynovska, OI Ivashkivskyi, VI Kirimov, MB Dzhus A Clinical Case Of Critical Ischemia Of The Lower Limb Due To Antiphospholipid Syndrome In A Patient With Newly Diagnosed Systemic Lupus Erythematosus //Medical Science Of Ukraine (Msu) 20 (1), 30-38, 2024
- M Kulyk, A Novytska, R Potomka, O Ivashkivsky, T Karasevska, M. Dzhus Factors Associated With Sarcopenia In Young Adults With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis World Congress On Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis And Musculoskeletal Diseases …2024
- Tetiana Karasevska, Kateryna Mulyk, Oleksiy Ivashkivskyi, Hanna Novytska, Ruslana Potomka, Marta Dzhus Pulmonary artery hypertension in patients with systemic sclerosis in the ukrainian population Journal of Scleroderma and Related Disorders, 2024, 9(1S), 245 Q3
- Rossella De Luca, Marco Maresca, Martina Orlandi, Cosimo Bruni, Kamal Solanki, Yukai Wang, Gemma Lepri, Serena Guiducci, Daniela Melchiorre, Alberto Moggi-Pignone, Wanda Rossi, Amato De Paulis, Marta Dzhus, Marco Matucci-Cerinic, Silvia Bellando-Randone The emerging challenge of pain in systemic sclerosis: Similarity to the pain experience reported by Sjőgren’s syndrome patients // Rheumatology and Immunology Research Apr-Jun 2021, Vol 2 • Issue 2 Р113-120
- Dzhus, M. Kulyk The association between presarcopenia and bone mineral density in adult patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis// Ann Rheum Dis, volume 80, supplement 1, year 2021, page 1401 Web of Science, Scopus
- Povoroznyuk, M.Dzhus The level of vitamin d (25-oh) in young adult women with juvenile іdiopathic arthritis // Virtual WCO-IOF-ESCEO congress (World Congress On Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis And Musculoskeletal Diseases), 2020. Poster presentation No: p944
- S. Kulyk, O. I. Ivashkivskyi, M. B. Dzhus Sarcopenia and long-term outcomes in young adults with juvenile idiopathic arthritis // WCO-IOF-ESCEO congress (World Congress On Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis And Musculoskeletal Diseases) Aug 26-28, 2021
- Dzhus M, Ivashkivsky O, Mikuksts V, Parkishen S, Diadyk O. IgG4-Related Disease Misdiagnosed as Neoplasm. J Clin Rheumatol. 2019 Dec 24. doi: 10.1097/RHU.0000000000001244. [Epub ahead of print]; of Science, Q3
- Dzhus M., Dzhus Maria, Masnyi M., et al. Cross-sectional Evaluation of the Sarcopenia Quality of Life (SarQoL) Questionnaire: Translation and Validation of its Psychometric Properties // pISSN 2508-4798 eISSN 2508-4909 Ann Geriatr Med Res [Epub ahead of print] 10.4235/agmr.20.0020 Web of Science, Scopus, Q3
- Amosova K, Amat Santos I. J, Lazarieva K, Diaz J. L., Y.Rudenko, P. Lazariev, J. A. San Román Calvar. Gender specific differences in the effects of antihypertensive therapy on arterial hemodynamic, arterial wall stiffness and structure–functional condition of the heart in patients over 65 years old with uncomplicated arterial hypertension. 2019;8(48):37–48.
- Lazarieva, K. Amosova. O. Nishkumay, G. Mostbauer, P. Lazariev Y. Rudenko V. Markers of bone remodeling, 25-hydroxycholecalciferol level and lipid metabolism parameters in elderly women with uncompleted arterial hypertension journal of Hypertension: July 2019 – Volume 37 – Issue – p e236doi: 10.1097/01.hjh.0000573016.15655.0d
- EI Levenko, KI Cherniaieva, ZV Lysak, OI Nishkumay, OI Rokyta, NV Shyshkina, AA Kovalenko, AB Yurkovskiy, JM Makuha. How does left ventricle affect left atrium in obese patients with atrial fibrillation and heart failure and preserved ejection fraction? European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, Vol 26, Issue 1_suppl, 2019, S146
- Lazarieva KP, Amosova KM, Povoroznyuk VV, Nishkumay OI, Mostbauer GV, Lazariev PA, Rudenko Relationship between indicators of pulse wave and bone mineral density in elderly aged women with uncomplicated hypertension. J Hypertens. July 2019;37:e236 doi: 10.1097/01.hjh.0000573016.15655.0d
- Prudkyi I., Antoniuk Yuliia “Hyperuricemia as the myocardial remodeling factor by patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation” Proceedings of the first International Conference of European Academy of Science. October 30-31, 2018, Р. 25, Bonn, Germany
- Prudkyi I., Mykyta Toliashvili “Ejection fraction as a determining factor of the course of acute myocardial infarction” Proceedings of the first International Conference of European Academy of Science. October 30-31, 2018, Р. 35. Bonn, Germany
- Dzhus, Y. Boyko. Influence of juvenile idiopathic arthritis on the quality of life of young adults in the transition period to adult rheumatologic care in Ukraine. Щорічний Європейський Конгрес ревматологів”EULAR 2018″, Amsterdam, June 13-16, 2018.
- Povoroznyuk, M. Dzhus Bone mineral density, t-score and z-score in young men with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Щорічний Європейський Конгрес ревматологів ”EULAR 2018″, Amsterdam, June 13-16, 2018.
- Povoroznyuk, M. Dzhus Age peculiarities of bone mineral density in young female with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Щорічний Європейський Конгрес ревматологів ”EULAR 2018”, Amsterdam, June 13-16, 2018.
- Povoroznyuk, M. Dzhus, Peculiarities of bone mineral density in young female with juvenile idiopathic arthritis //WCO-IOF-ESCEO congress (World Congress On Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis And Musculoskeletal Diseases), Krakow, Poland, April 19-22, 2018. Poster presentation No: p1087
- Amosova1, VV. Povoroznyuk, OI. Nishkumay, KP. Lazarieva, GV. Mostbauer, PO. Lazariev, YUV. Rudenko. Correlation of pulse wave indexes with serum 25(OH) vitamin D level and bone mineral density changes in postmenopausal women with uncomplicated hypertension. 28th ESH Congress 8-11 June 2018. Barcelona
- Amosova, O. Vasylenko, J. Rudenko, A. Bezrodniy, G. Mostbauer,
Prydkiy, P. Lazariev, O. Khodakivska, I. Gorda, K. Lazarieva, N. Shiskina, I. Burlachenko. Interrelationship between changes of E/E’ at rest and after exercise and NTproBNP in mild hypertension patients with structural changes and dyspnoea. 28th ESH Congress 8-11 June 2018. Barcelona - Associatiоn of left ventricle diastolic dysfunction, ventricular–vascular coupling and central hemodynamics parameters in patients with uncomplicated hypertension. Amosova K., Rudenko U., Shyshkina N., Rokyta O., Katsitadze I., Lazareva K., Chernyaeva K. 28th ESH Congress 8-11 June 2018. Barcelona
- Amosova, A. Bezrodnyi, G. Mostbauer, A. Sablin, N. Melnychenko.Influence of decongesting therapy on renal function in patients with acute decompensated heart failure, depending on the presence of previous hypertension. Poster presentation on The 27th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension, Beijing, China, 20-23 September 2018.
- Dzhus, M., Mostbauer, G., Karasevska, T., Shevchuk, M., Kulik, M. (2019). Clinical and laboratory data and algorithm of management of adult patients with polyarticular variant of juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Medical Science of Ukraine (MSU), 15(3-4), 24-
Theses at international congresses:
- Annual European Congress of Rheumatology EULAR 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark – 1-4 June 2022, poster presentation POS1315 «Prevalence of sarcopenia in young adults with juvenile idiopathic arthritis», Marta Dzhus, Myroslava Kulyk, Tetyana Karasevska, O.Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine
- Virtual World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (WCO-IOF-ESCEO), March 24-26, 2022, poster presentation P646 «Investigation of muscle mass in young adults with juvenile idiopathic arthritis», Marta Dzhus, Myroslava Kulyk, Tetyana Karasevska, O.Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine
- Dzhus , M. Kyluk, O. Ivashkivsky, T. Karasevska Сlinical and laboratory data and algorithm of management of adult patients with oligo- articular variants of JIA //Ann Rheum Dis, volume 79, supplement 1, year 2020, page 840
- Povoroznyuk, M. Dzhus, The level of vitamin d (25-OH) in young adult women with juvenile іdiopathic arthritis, Virtual WCO-IOF-ESCEO congress (World Congress On Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis And Musculoskeletal Diseases
- K Lazareva, K Amosova, I Amat Santos, YU Rudenko, P Lazariev, J Lopez Diaz, J San Roman Calvar, O Nishkumay. Age–dependent effect of RAS inhibitors or CCB in combination with indapamide on pulse wave indices, hypertrophy and diastolic function in mild-moderate non-diabetic hypertensives. ESC Preventive Cardiology 2020
Participation of department employees in international (multicenter) research: Clinical trial (Xience 28), Spain, Valladolid, 02/01/2019 – 06/30/2019
Participation in international projects, involvement in international expertise, having the title of “judge of the international category”: Jus M.B. is a participant in the PRINTO international project: “The PRINTO Evidence-based Revision of the International League Against Rheumatism (ILAR) Classification criteria for juvenile idiopathic Arthritis” – Sponsor: Giovannina Gaslini Hospital.
Internship and/or practice of foreign students on the basis of the department:
Esther Fitzinger, Germany, 1.09-30.09.19
As part of the international exchange program “IFMSA”, MBBS intern “Maharashtra University Of Health Sciences”, India – Aishwarya Malvade gained new knowledge and skills
- As part of the international exchange program “IFMSA” (International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations), the 5th-year student of the Autonomous University of Mexico – Brianda del Pilar Olivera
Foreign clinical residents who studied at the department:
Chacko Kamaha Ann Daniel, Cameroon, Clinical Resident, 2015-2020.
Aliyeva Safura Vagifkizi, Azerbaijan, clinical resident, since 2020.
Participation in international exchange and grant programs (Erasmus+, Horizon 2020, “IFMSA”, others):
- Lazareva K.P. internship – University Clinic of Valladolid (Spain), Erasmus + Doctorate in Health Science Research, 02/01/2019 – 06/30/2019
- Assistant Bereza N.V. Had a scientific and practical internship in Delhi, India from February 22 to 27, 2019. Clinics W. Pratiksha, Artemis, Jaypee, BLK, Apollo.
- Department assistant Kulyk M.S. took part in the international meeting with the presentation of part of the PARTNER project in Paris, France (October 5-6, 2021).
- Department assistant Kulyk M.S. received a grant to participate in the international scholarship program PARTNER and is undergoing an internship at the rheumatology department of the
- UZ Leuven University Clinic of the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium (19.04.22 – 6.06.22).
- Department assistant Kulyk M.S. – internship according to the international scholarship program PARTNER on the basis of the University Clinic of the Catholic University of Leuven,
- Belgium (07.22 – 1.04.23)
Speeches of department employees at international forums in 2022-2023.
№ з/п | Науковий форум | Країна, місто | Дата | |||
1. | EULAR 2023 | Milan, Italy | May 31 – June 03, 2023 | M. S. Kulyk, ТM. B. Dzhus1 | Factors associated with handgrip strength in young adults with juvenile idiopathic arthritis | |
2. | WCO IOF-ESCEO 2023 | Barcelona, Spain | May 4-7, 2023 | M. S. Kulyk1, H. L. Novytska2, R. A. Potomka2, O. I. Ivash- kivskyi2, T. A. Karasevska1, H. V. Mostbauer1, M. B. Dzhus | Physical activity assessment in young adults with juvenile idiopathic arthritis | |
3 | 12th A4AM Thailand Symposium | Bangkok | 17-18.02.2023 | Nishkumai O. | Stem cell technologies in cardiology. | |
4 | World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases | Barcelona, Spain | May 4-7, 2023 | Grygorieva N.V., Nishkumay O.I., Povoroznyuk Vas.V., Nikitin O.D., Kordubailo I.A., Korytskyi A.V., Mike KS Chan | Osteoporosis and Kidney Stone Diseases in Ukrainian population |
Publishing activity of the department 2022-2023 n.y.
Published scientific articles in journals indexed in Scopus, Web of Science (indicate bibliographic data, active reference to the article, separately indicate where the article is indexed in Scopus or Web of Science and quartile (Q…) SCIMAGO1)
- ReumatologiaОткрытый доступТом 60, Выпуск 6, Страницы 399 – 407 2022
Dzhus, Marta, Mostbauer, Halyna
Cardiovascular lesions in giant cell arteritis
2.International Maritime HealthОткрытый доступТом 73, Выпуск 3, Страницы 105–111 2022
Multi-purpose transport monitoring of passenger-cargo traffic in Ukraine
Kucherenko, Mykola; Mostbauer, Halyna; Strus, Oksana; Glushchenko, Victoria; Kovalchuk, Lina; Bobro, Elena; Shelest, Tatyana.
3.Kulyk, Myroslava; Novytska, Anna; Potemka, Ruslana; Ivashkivskyi, Oleksiy; Karasevska, Tetyana; Mostbauer, Halyna; Dzhus, Marta A Case Report of COVID-19-Related Dactylitis Combined with Chilblain-Like Acral Lesions Aktuelle Rheumatologie (efirst). doi:10.1055/a-2044-0440
Impact of Ukrainian- Russian War on Health Care and Humanitarian Crisis
Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness
. 2022 Dec 7:17:e340. doi: 10.1017/dmp.2022.265.
5.Stem-cell-based bioregenerative therapy of osteoporosis: literature review
Nishkumay O.1,2, Mike K. S. Chan2, Nalapko Y.2, Grygorieva N.3, Nikitin O.1, Kordubailo I.1, Rudenko Iu.
Cell and Organ Transplantology. 2023; 11(1):in press
6.Nishkumay, O. I., Rokyta, O. I., Kordubailo, I. A., Kovalenko, A. A., Govorov, A. O., Gorda, I. I., Dubynska, S. M., Vibla, M. Y., & Pidmurniak, N. O. (2022). Risk Stratification in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease: Timeliness of Invasive Interventions. Ukrainian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery, 30(4), 26-32.
7.Pain, Joints, SpineОткрытый доступТом 12, Выпуск 2, Страницы 81–91 2022
Arterial stiffness, vascular calcification and osteoporosis – common mechanisms of interaction (literature review)
[Артеріальна жорсткість, кальцифікація судин та остеопороз – спільні механізми взаємодії]
Nishkumay O.I.; Mostbauer H.V.; Alekseenko O.O.; Moskalenko K.I.; Lazarev P.O.; Shevchuk M.I.
8.Pain, Joints, SpineОткрытый доступТом 12, Выпуск 4, Страницы 201-210 2022
Sarcopenia and rheumatic diseases: is there any connection?
[Саркопенія та ревматичні захворювання: чи існує зв’язок?]
Dzhus, Marta B.; Kulyk, Myroslava S.; Karasevska, Tetiana A. Mostbauer, Halyna.; Ivashkivskyi, Oleksiy I.; Potomka, Ruslana A.; Novytska, Hanna L.
9.Pain, Joints, SpineТом 13, Выпуск 2, Страницы 116 – 1252023
Osteoporosis, arterial calcification, and kidney stone disease: modern anti-aging modalities (literature review)
Nishkumay O.I.; Chan, Mike K.S.; Nalapko Yu.I.; Mostbauer H.V.; Alekseenko O.O.; Nikitin O.D.; Kordubailo I.A.
List of theses published in foreign publications in 2022-2023.
- S. Kulyk, ТM. B. Dzhus1 “Factors associated with handgrip strength in young adults with juvenile idiopathic arthritis” Ann Rheum Dis, volume 80, supplement 1, year 2023, page 1401
- S. Kulyk, Т.A. Karasevska, M. B. Dzhus1 “Assessment of fatigue in young adults with juvenile idiopathic arthritis” Ann Rheum Dis, volume 80, supplement 1, year 2023, page 1401
- S. Kulyk1, H. L. Novytska2, R. A. Potomka2, O. I. Ivash- kivskyi2, T. A. Karasevska1, H. V. Mostbauer1, M. B. Dzhus1 PHYSICAL ACTIVITY ASSESSMENT IN YOUNG ADULTS WITH JUVENILE IDIOPATHIC ARTHRITIS Abstract book WCO IOF-ESCEO 2023 Barcelona
- PS-C24-11: CLINICAL COURSE OF ACUTE DECOMPENSATED HEART FAILURE IN PATIENTS WITH RENAL DYSFUNCTION. Bezrodnyi, Andrii; Mostbauer, Galina; Rudenko, Julia; Karasevska, Tetyana. // Journal of Hypertension 41(Suppl 1):p e409-e410, January 2023. | DOI: 10.1097/01.hjh.0000917020.78310.d7
- Нішкумай О.І. Невирішені питання академічного плагіату в навчальній медичній науковій галузі/ В збір.: Академічна чеснісність: виклики сучасності: збірник наукових есе учасників дистанційного етапу наукового стажування для освітян (республіка Польща, Варшава (24.01.-04.03.2022). Уклад.Ю.Главчева;, Польсько-українська фундація « Інститут Міжнародної Академічної та Наукової Співпраці»; духовна Академія Університету Кардинала Стефана Вишинського; Фундація ADD. Варшава. 2022. Стор.72
- Academic mobility 2022-2023 (internships, travel grants)
№з/п | ПІБ, посада | Країна | Заклад | Спеціальність (тематика) | Назва тревел-гранту, за наявності | Терміни (дати стажування) |
1. | Кулик Мирослава Сергіївна | м.Льовен, Бельгія | Лабораторія тканинного гомеостазу та хвороб Центр скелетної біології та інженерії Департамент розвитку та регенерації, Католицький університет м.Льовен Відділення ревматології Університетської клініки Льовена |
Міжнародний проект по вивченню псоріатичного артриту PARTNER | Стажування | квітень 2022- квітень 2023 рр |
2 | Нішкумай О.І. | Польща, Варшава | Stazu naukowego IIASC Foundation “StrikePlagiarism” Сертифікат №KW -040322/006 від 04.03.2022. (180h, ECTS 6 credits). |