Department of Internal Medicine №2

About the department

Alferyev Sergiy. He was the first Head of the Department of Clinical Pathology and Therapy with Hospital Clinics, led the Therapeutic Department of the Kyiv Military Hospital where the Department is located.

In 1856, together with Professor Mering F.F., during the Crimean War, he participated in the anti-typhoid fever campaign in the army. Having learnt the character and features of this outbreak he published together with Prof. Mering F.F. the scientific works in Russian and German: “Note about the typhus in the 1856 Crimean War’ and ‘Report on Travel with Medical Purpose to Constantinople to learn the typhus during 1856 War’.

I1857- 1860 – he was the president of the Union of Kyiv Physicians.

1857- 1858 – he organized the students to translate from German the ‘Clinical Pathology and Therapy’, Prof. German – Ebergard Richter.


Mering Freidrich. He is the initiator of introduction of the assistant title to the clinics. In the St. Volodymyr University (1853-1857), in addition to lectures on medicine history and state clinical medicine he initiated the Public Hygiene Course which provided the democratic and humanistic ideas.

He paid primary attention to physiological activities in clinics based on physics and chemistry. Then, these ideas were reflected in scientific works of S.P.Botkin.

The Scientific works had three main directions: history and methodology of medicine, issues of social pathology and therapy; public hygiene.


Matson Yurii. He was the founder and the first director of the clinical Oleksandrivska Hospital.

The scientific works study kidney and liver diseases, changes of tissue microstructure during inflammation, clinical diagnostics, organization of anticholera outbreak campaign. The most famous works “Theory of chest tapotment treated on the basis of own experiment and researches” (1852), “On parenchymatous inflammation, cirrhosis and athrophous nutmeg liver” (1869), “Reports on cholera outbreaks in 1871- 1872 in Kyiv”, “Untersuchungen uber dic Gewebsecemente der glatten muskeln and uber die Existenz dieser muskeln in der menschlicher milz” , etc..


Goretskyi Lyudvig. He is famous for works in clinic of skin diseases; he made the first report of the dermatological clinic of the St. Volodymyr University (1864-1865).

Scientific works: “Letters from foreign countries” 1863, “Introduction to systematic and clinical study of skin diseases” 1864, “1870 Report on clinic of skin diseases of Kyiv University” 1871, etc..


Pokrovskyi Vasyl. He is a pupil of S.P.Botkin, his name is associated with the reform of teaching of clinical subjects at the medical department of the St, Volodymyr Univesity. He proposed to transfer from the theoretic teaching to the visual teaching. In 1867, his recommendations were included to the appropriate decisions of the department where the exclusively theoretical teaching was abolished from special pathology, therapy, surgery, ophthalmology and necessity to give live demonstrations during the lectures. He was the pioneer of advanced ideas of national physiology and clinical medicine in Ukraine. He dealt with issues of diagnostics of kidney diseases, proposed a method of bimanual palpation of the kidneys. He was one of the first to teach nervous disease course. His lectures on epidemiology and nervous diseases made famous the talented scientist – clinicist. He is a founder and head of Neurologic Department at Kyiv Military Hospital. During active anti-thyfus campaigns he was the first to remark that typhus recurrent is independent disease. In 1877 he led the struggle against typhus outbreak in Kyiv and got sick with spotted fever, died at the age of 39 years. There was introduced a grant of his name at the medical department.

Pokrovskyi dedicated his works to improvement of clinical work of the university, foundation and development of clinics. Due to him there were opened hospitals for typhus and dusenteria patients in the beginning of the Turkish-Serbian War, as well as was introduced the military hygiene.


Trytshel Karl. 1897-1909 – Vice President of the Association of Kyiv Physicians. He studied pulmonary tuberculosis. He initiated the foundation of Hospital for pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Puscha Vodytsa. He edited the physiology, special pathology and therapy manuals.


Vagner Konrad. He was a follower of Manassein V.A., researched heart and digestive tract diseases, and studied metabolic diseases, tuberculosis. In 1904 he was awarded with St. Stanislav 2 nd Degree Order by the Ministry of the People’s Education. During emigration lived several years in Cairo, where there was founded “Polyclinic of Russian Physicians” in June 1920; he was the director of this polyclinic until 1930. Then he lived on Warsaw. The scientific works: “About eosinophilia at internal echinococcus” – 1908, “About weight-reducing treatment” – 1910, “About diminution of s uperior vena cava – 1914.


Yanovskyi Feofil. The follower of Trytshel K.G. In 1881 with students of O.A. Kysel etc. he organized the activities of the first students’ scientific association in the country that exists today and is named after Prof. O.A.Kysel. 1922-1928 – Vice-President of the Kyiv Physician Association. He studied lung diseases and pulmonary tuberculosis: he described new physical signs of lungs and pleura; developed the issues of immunity at lung tuberculosis, diagnostics, clinic and therapy of this disease, described pulmonary infarct for the first time in the world. His name is related to development of anti-tuberculosis activities in Ukraine, he was the initiator of establishment anti-tuberculosis hospitals and first in Kyiv and Ukraine bacteriological laboratory. He is the author of the first USSR textbook on tuberculosis (1923). He is one of the founders of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of phthisiology and pulmonology named after him.

Together with his followers Yanovskyi developped the issues of pathology of the kidneys, physiology and pathology of digestion, clinical bacteriology and pathology of blood circulation. He found the method of treatment of esophageal injury by means of the suprarenal gland of great cattle in 1904, before finding the prednisolone.

Yanovskyi was one of the founders of the Kyiv Therapeutic School. He founded his own school of physicians therapeutics (V.H. Vasylenko, V,N. Ivanov, A.M. Zyukov, V.V. Vinogradov, F.Ya. Prymak, etc.).



Strajesko Mykola. The follower of V.Obraztsov. By initiative of Strajesco in 1936 there was founded the Ukrainian institute of clinical medicine that worked in: functional diagnostics, heart diseases (myocardial infarction, ГХ, СН), rheumatology, diseases of internal organs and prevention of pregnancy pathology in case of internal pathology. In 1955, the Institute was named the “National M.Strajesco Scientific Institute”. Strajesco wrote about 100 scientific works which join clinical experimental researches. He paid a particular attention to studying the heart vascular system. In cooperation with V.Obraztsov, he published “To symptomatology and diagnostics of thrombosis of coronary artery” (1910). They determined the diagnosis of coronary thrombosis for the first time, described different forms of myocardial infarction for the first time in the world (two years before American J.B. Herrick) making the diagnostics more accessible, completed comparative analysis of pain syndrome in case of thrombosis and ‘cardiac angina’.

Strajesco described a range of symptoms and syndromes of diseases of blood circulation (‘gun tone’ of Strajesco in case of heart block, gallop rhythm and diastolic cardiac impulse, diastolic additional tone and dicrotism of pulse aortic insufficiency). In cooperation with V.H.Vasylenko made classification НК, which basic provisions exist over 50 years and are clinically important nowadays. In his monograph ‘About Rheumatism’ (1935) he provided the theory of its development while explaining the rheumatism as infectious streptococcal allergic disease. A range of works were dedicated to pathology of digestive tract, his monograph ‘Fundamentals of physical Diagnostics of Abdominal Diseases’ are recognized as classic ones. For the first time in USSR he made ‘Atlas of clinical haematology’ and guide on clinical haematology.

The scientist established in Ukraine the clinical school of patho-physiological orientation that was recognized in national and world medicine. His followers were A.Aizenberg, A.Mykhnyov, F.P.Pryimak, D.M. Yanovskyi.

Svenson N.A. – not applicable.

Udintsev Fedir. The follower of V.P. Obraztsov. He was one of the representatives of the Kyiv Therapeutic School. He worked with vital issues of cardiology, hematology, gastroenterology, history of medicine, etc.. He was the first to describe the diagnostic symptom in case of cardiac valve damage (Udintsev symptom).


Ivanov Vadym. He is one of the most famous Soviet therapeutics, the Faculty Therapeutic Hospital №2 is named after him. His works are dedicated to clinical and physiological researches if secretion and stomach motor function, problem of oncology and pulmonology. He developed the methods of simultaneous study of secretory and motor of stomach by means of different causative agents. He defined 4 types of motor and secretory function of stomach, out of digestion phase. He studied the action of atropine in case of stomach ulcer depending on age and reactivity of organism. For development and implementation of method of layer-by-layer fluorographic planigraphy of lungs enabling to find lungs pathology at the early stages he was awarded with the USSR State Prize in 1951. He was a member of magazines: ‘Therapeutic Archives’, ‘Clinical Medicine’ etc., co-author of the BME section of internal diseases. He was the honourable of therapeutics of the Ukrainian SSR, representative of presidium of academic board of the Ministry of Health of the Ukrainian SSR. He founded his own therapeutic school. His followers were: G.Y.Burchynskyi, A.P.Peleschuk, E.L.Revutskyi, M.F.Skopichenko, etc.


Grytsyuk Oleksandr. The follower of O.Ayzenberg. In 1956 while working with his Master’s thesis, he was the first to propose the double gastrointestinal tube for simultaneous study of gastric secretion and biliation; developed the method of treatment of chronic cholecystoangiocholitis. Under direction of O.Ayzenberg, he reconstructed the experimental model of endocarditis close human endocarditis due to its pathomorphological, biochemical and electrocadiographic features. His cardiocytotoxic serum permitted to study the role of autosensibilization in pathogenesis of rheumatic cardit.

Since 1958, he conducted comprehensive studies in physiology and pathology of hemostasis, internally vascular thrombosis with principal heart diseases. In 1962 O.Y.Grutsyuk was sent to USA where he proved for the first time the importance of fibrinolysis speed in pathogenesis of thrombosis and described the proactivator of short-acting plasminogen – physiological factor of fibrinolytic system.

In 1966 he proved the existence of phase changes in case of rheumatism of phase changes of blood coagulability, their dependence on prevailing of urgent or delayed allergy and importance in development of thrombolytic and bleeding complications. The results of studies of pathogenic factors of thrombosis in case rheumatic heart diseases formed the basis of the Doctor’s Thesis and then the Monograph ‘Thrombosis and emboly in case of rheumatism’ (1973) which was published abroad.

In 1967-1970, he paid much attention to specialized heard diseases patients’ support as Main Therapeutic, 1974-1979 – Main Rheumatologist of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of the Ukrainian SSR, 1974-1979 – Director of the M.Strajesko Scientific Research Institute of Clinical Medicine.

For the first time in Ukraine in 1978 at the Department of Internal Diseases №2 (now – Internal Medicine №2) at the Kyiv Central City Clinical Hospital O.Y.Grytsyuk organized the Republican rheumatologic and city cardiological centers consisting of: in-patient department, consultative polyclinic where the department and hospital staff provided consultations and treatment. The centres scientific potential has the scientific unit – a group of clinical cardiology of Central scientific research laboratory – in the future, the Central scientific research laboratory with laboratories of haemostasis and immunology. The main scientific activities of these centres were engaged in development of issues of pathogenesis of thromboembolic changes in case of heart diseases with detailing the participation of changes of hemocoagulative hemostasis and immunologic reactivity; improvement of prevention and treatment of thromboembolic complications, improvement of methods of diagnostics, treatment and prevention of prethrombolic and preinfarction conditions, myocardial infarction and its complications, instable stenocardia, hypertonic disease, rheumatism and non-rheumatic miocardit, mixed CTD, vascular effect of different localization.

In 1979 O.Grutsyuk was the first to define the hemocoagulative gomeostasis as relatively dynamic balance among procoagulants, anticoagulants and fibrinolytic agent in plasma, blood elements and vascular wall, prostacyclin–tromboxane balance. He was the first to prove, that there is an exchange and dynamic balance among thrombolytic, erythrocyte and plasma pro-factors and factors, their inhibitors (antiprofactors, antifactors) as between vascular wall and blood plasma. Due to formed elements – on the one side, and vascular wall – on the other, there is a regulation of blood conservation in liquid state and coagulability. In case of heart disease there are observed corrective and non-corrective particular links of hemocoagulation of homeostasis capable to result in correction of changed balance or more serious disease, even appearance of thrombolytic or bleeding complications.

In 1980 O.Grytsyuk was awarded with the State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR in Science and Techniques for development and implementation of the complex of myocardial infarction countermeasures. He proposed and implemented the thrombophilia index which facilitates the diagnostics of prethrombotic state and defining its activity, divided the patients according to different levels of prethrombotic state to recommend differentiated treatment for prevention of thrombotic complications. He justified the value of coronarothrombosis in development of myocardial infarction. He justified and applied fibrinolytic agents to restrict the necrosis zone. He developed and implemented the method of ‘guided hypocoagulation of blood’ in case of myocardial infarction and progressive angina. He was the first to justify and describe the transfer from small nidal MI to large one. He was the first to propose use the method of peridural anaesthesia during acute period in order to reduce stress changes and pain factor.

In 80s, O.Grytsyuk with the Department staff continued at the new level the scientific work on acute forms of ischemic heart diseases and rheumatic diseases. With use of invasive methods of study of hemodynamics, cardiotopography, serial definition of the activity of creatine phosphokinase there were developed the original approaches to diagnostics and treatment of non-stable forms of MI, proposed a new classification of cardiogen shock, justified the need of administration of small doses of b-adrenergetic receptor blockers to MI patients with moderate heart failure, restarted studies on hypoxia pathogenesis in case of MI and systemic rheumatic diseases enabling to develop objective criteria of prognosis, evaluation of severity of pathologic process and efficiency of treatment. During this period there was initiated the application of two-dimentional echocardiography, different variants of electrocardiostimulation, thrombolyc therapy, hemosorption, permanent IV infusion of heparin in case of MI. For these works the Department staff was awarded with diplomas of the Exposition of Achievements of People’s Economy of the USSR and the Ukrainian SSR. It is worth mentioning that almost all these scientific works withstood the test of time and have been applying in the clinical practice. The important phase of development of rheumatologic researches was the discovery of the method of liquid-phase antibodies to cell and tissue antigens by O.Grytsyuk with other authors. This method enabled to develop a range of new methods of diagnostics and differential diagnostics of rheumatic and non-rheumatic myocarditis, rheumatoid arthritis, and systemic lupus erythematosus.

In 1986 O.Grytsyuk in cooperation with his staff improved the method of immunological and enzymologic diagnostics of myonecrosis and its complications (after infarction syndrome).

O.Grytsyuk was the Deputy Head of the Allnational Association of rheumatologists, Member of the Presidium of the Allnational Scientific Association of Therapeutics, Board of the Allnational Scientific Association of Cardiologists, Presidium and Bureau of Scientific Board of the Ministry of Health of the Ukrainian SSR.

The main results of researches are presented in 9 monographs, especially “Myocardial infraction” (with authors N.A. Gvatua, I.K. Sledzevskyi; 1979), “Clinical use of heparin” (1981), “Guide on Cardiology” (1984), “Inflammatory Heart Diseases” (with authors V.T. Chuvikina, V.I. Schygelskyi, 1986), “Clinical Angiology” (1988), etc.


Amosova Kateryna. M.D. and A.P.since 1988, Head of Department of Hospital Therapy № 1 (now Internal medicine 2) NMU from 1990 till 2016. In 1992 she was assigned the academic degree Professor. In 1983 she defended the Master’s thesis ‘Prognosis of course and outcomes of acute large-focal myocardial infarction’. In 1988 she defended the Doctor’s thesis. ‘Dilated cardiomyopathy: etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnostics, differential diagnostics with rheumatic heart disease, treatment’.

Since 2000 – Corresponding Member of the Academy of Science of Ukraine. In 2001, she was awarded with the State K.Amosov Prize of Ukraine for development of issues of aid and treatment of thromboembolia of the pulmonary artery and postthromboembolic pulmonary hypertension in her monograph “Thromboembolia of the pulmonary artery and postthromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: diagnostics, treatment and prevention” in 2003 and became the Honored Person of Science and Techniques.

She is the author of more than 800 scientific works, trained 7 MD and 51 Ph.D.. She is the head of the Kyiv Cardiorheumatologic City Center. She was the main cardiologist of Ukraine in 2003-2005. K.Amosova developed and implemented in Ukraine the Standards for Medical Aid in principal cardiac diseases, prepared protocols of diagnostics and treatment of cardiologic diseases. K.Amosova is vice-president of the Ukrainian Association of Cardiologists, member of the European Association of Cardiologists.; Member of Specialised Academic Board in ‘Cardiology’ and ‘Rheumatology’. Expert of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles of Ukraine.

Editor in Chief, magazine “Heart and vessels’, member of editorial board ‘Ukrainian Cardiology Magazine’, magazines ‘General Medicine’ and ‘Treatment and Diagnostics’, ‘Ukrainian Rheumatology Magazine’, ‘Health of Ukraine’, ‘Art of Treatment’ and some regional magazines. She is Head of the Kyiv City Scientific Practical Association of Therapeutics for over 10 years, Vice President of the Ukrainian Association of Cardiologists, Member of Presidium of Therapeutics Rheumatologists Association.



Mostbauer Halyna Volodymyrivna

From 2016 to September 2017 – acting Head of the Department, and from September 2017 – Head of the Department of Internal Medicine # 2 of the O.O. Bohomolets National Medical University, Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences.

In 1984 – graduated with honors from Pyrohov MI Vinnitsa Medical Institute.

In 1991-1993 – studied in clinical residency in the specialty “Cardiology” at the Department of Hospital Therapy № 1 of the Kyiv Medical Institute.

In 1998 – defended her PhD thesis on “Immune and free radical processes in acute myocardial infarction with different clinical course”.

Scientific interests: diseases of the cardiovascular system, in particular, ischemic heart disease, hypertension, heart failure.Has the highest medical qualification category in the specialty “Cardiology”. Conducts medical and consulting work in the departments of the cardio-rheumatology division of the Olexander Clinical Hospital in Kyiv.Author of 100 printed works, 2 patents, 1 rationalization proposal, is a co-author of 2 textbooks and a textbook in two volumes of Internal Medicine, 20 standard and 29 work-study programs.Expert of the “Clinical and Expert Commission of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”, Member of the Appraisal Board “General Issues of Internal Diseases” of the O.O. Bohomolets National Medical University.In 2008 she was awarded with a Certificate of Appreciation from the Mayor of Kyiv, in 2013 – Certificate of Honor from the Council of the Kyiv City Union of Health Workers and Acknowledgment of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, in 2016 – Acknowledgment from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, in 2017 – a Certificate of the Academic Bohomolets NMU Council.