Department of General and Medical Psychology
Publishing Activity
During the period of its existence, the department of general and medical psychology achieved considerable success in publishing activities. One of the tasks of this direction of the department’s activity is to provide the educational process with educational, methodical and other literature, publishing the results of scientific research, etc.
The experience gained in the field of psychological-pedagogical, medical-psychological research is widely presented in monographs, textbooks, educational and methodological manuals, reference materials, as well as articles in professional collections, materials of scientific conferences, publications in periodicals, etc.
Since the beginning and provision of educational activities according to the educational programs, based on the results of scientific activities, the faculty of the Department of General and Medical Psychology has published a number of scientific, educational, methodical and methodological directions. In particular, the following were published:
– monographs “Genetic Psychology” (2000), “Psychological Development in Ontogeny” (2002), “Genesis of the Personality’s Existence” (2006), “Genesis of the Realization of Personality” (2006), “Psychological nature of the personality” (2007), ” Development of psyche in ontogenesis” (2008), “Psychology of learning” (2015), “Psychological factors of self-determination of personality in the educational space” (2013) (Prof. Maksimenko S.D.), “Pedagogical psychohygiene” (Prof. Boltivets S.I ., 2000), “Ecological Psychology” (assistant professor Filonenko M.M., 2005), “Emotions and their significance in human life” (associate lecturer Lazurenko O.O., 1997); “Emotional competence of a doctor: theoretical research approaches, problems of formation” (assistant professor O.O. Lazurenko, 2018) and others.
– textbooks and study guides “Fundamentals of General Psychology” (1998), “General Psychology” (2000, 2004, 2008), “General Psychology” (2001, 2004), “Fundamentals of Military Psychology” (2002), “Experimental Psychology” (2002), “General psychology” (2005), “Personality psychology” (2007), “Medical psychology” (2009), “Pathopsychology” (2010), “Workshop on group psychocorrection” (2015), “Legal psychology” ( 2018) (prof. Maksimenko S.D.), “Family medicine: psychological aspects of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of patients” (prof. Chaban O.S., 2004), “Pedagogy of higher medical education” (2014, prof. Maksimenko S. .D., Assoc. Prof. Filonenko M.M.), “Psychology of Communication” (Assoc. Prof. Filonenko M.M., 2008), “Psychology of Early Youth” (2001), “Basics of Psychological Counseling and Psychocorrection” (2002) (Assoc. Papucha M.V.), “Basics of psychology” (2002), “History of psychology” (Prof. Chepeleva N.V., 2003), “Study guide of the lecture course Essentials of psychology and pedagogic” (2004), ” Educational and methodical guideline for the seminars of the course Essentials of psychology and pedagogic” (2005) (Assoc. Lazurenko O.O.) and others;
– educational and methodical instructions and recommendations “Methodical basis of preparation and conduct of training classes in medical universities” (assistant professor V.E. Mileryan, 2004, 2005), “Program, plans of practical classes, methodical instructions and recommendations for performing control works in the discipline “Fundamentals of psychology and pedagogy” (2005), “Educational and methodological guidelines for the organization and conduct of students’ independent extracurricular work” (2005), “Essentials of psychology. Essentials of pedagogy. Lecture course”, “Essentials of psychology. Essentials of pedagogy. Seminars course” (2010, 2011, 2012) (college teacher O.O. Lazurenko) and others.
Special attention should be paid to textbooks, manuals, educational and methodological recommendations, instructions for foreign students. Yes, Assoc. Lazurenko O.O. 9 teaching and methodical manuals on the discipline “Fundamentals of psychology” were prepared and published. Basics of pedagogy: “Methodical development of practical and seminar classes from the course “Fundamentals of Psychology”” (1997, 2001); “Methodological recommendations and tasks for the course “Basic Pedagogy” for foreign students” (1998, 2001); “Methodical recommendations and tasks from the course “Fundamentals of pedagogy” (1999, 2001), as well as the textbook “General and medical psychology” (2018, 2020, co-authored with O. Yu. Tabachnikov) in English for foreign dental students, pharmaceutical and medical faculties.
In the period 2012-2014, three editions of the national textbook “Psychology and Pedagogy” were published (S.D. Maksimenko, Y.V. Tsekhmister, O.O. Lazurenko). By the way, Acad. Maksimenko S.D. is the author of the first textbook “Personality Psychology” in Ukraine. Under his editorship, textbooks for higher education were published – “General Psychology (in Ukrainian, English), “Experimental Psychology”, “Differential Psychology”, “Genetic Psychology”, “Medical Psychology”, “Pathopsychology”, “Practical Course on Group Psychocorrection”, “Legal Psychology” and others.
Some of the publications of the Department of General and Medical Psychology received awards: the textbook “General Psychology” edited by Academician S.D. Maksymenko (Vinnytsia, Nova Kniga, 2004) was awarded the State Prize in the field of science and technology in 2006, and by the decision of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine O. O. Lazurenko was awarded the III Prize in the category “Teaching Manuals” for the work “Fundamentals of Psychology ” (2004), the II prize for the work “Fundamentals of psychology and pedagogy: educational and methodological complex” (2011), and the I prize for the work “General and Medical Psychology” (2018).
An important development of the department has been the educational and methodical works published over the past few years, prepared by prof. Matyashem M.M., Assoc. Lazurenko O.O., Assoc. V. E. Lunyov, Assoc. N.A. Tertychnaya Among them: “Medical-psychological rehabilitation and social adaptation of combatants: problems and prospects” (Matyash M.M., 2018), “Basics of psychorehabilitation for specialists in the social sphere” (Matyash M.M., Lunyov V.E., 2018), “Moral damage, proof in court and protection against manipulation” (Matyash M.M., 2018), “Mathematical methods in medical and psychological research and practice” (Gulbs O.A., Matyash M.M, Lunyov V .E., 2018), “History of psychology: a study guide” (Tertichna N.A., 2018), “Age psychology: study guide” (Tertichna N.A., 2018), “Age psychology practice” (Tertichna N. .A., 2018), “Psychological readiness of the future doctor for professional activity” (Lazurenko O.O., 2018), “Formation of emotional competence of the future doctor” (Lazurenko O.O., 2018), “Psychology of emotions. Textbook” (Lazurenko O.O., 2018), “Basics of special psychology and defectology in diagrams and tables: a course of lectures” (Lunyov V.E., 2019), “General and medical Psychology. Workbook” (Lazurenko O.O., Tabachnikov O.Yu., 2018, 2020), “Psychology of the activity of a medical worker” (Lazurenko O.O., 2021), “Basics of psychological counseling for specialists in the social sphere” (M.M. Matyash, V.E. Lunyov, 2021), “Psychodiagnostics of personality development in the conditions of family socialization” (V.E. Lunyov, 2021), “Psychological counseling and clinical psychodiagnostics: practical guidance in conditions of war” (Matyash M.M., Lunyov V.E., Prudka L.M., etc. 2022) and others.
The department is the founder and publisher of specialized scientific publications. Since 2018, on the initiative of the head of the department, professor Matyash M.M. the publication of the international scientific and practical journal “General and Medical Psychology” was launched.
Therefore, having created high-quality textbooks, training aids, workshops, teachers of the department of general and medical psychology provided future doctors, dentists, pharmacists, medical psychologists with specialized educational literature of the new generation, which is in demand, as evidenced by the reprints of most books.