Department of General and Medical Psychology
History of the department
The history of the Department of General and Medical Psychology is the history of the people who organized, developed and improved the department. The activities of the department combine educational, scientific, educational and therapeutic processes. And today the teaching staff of the department worthily continues the traditions created over many years.
The Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of NMU dates back to the late 60s of the last century, when the system of postgraduate education and the actual system of professional development of teaching staff of higher medical educational institutions began to be actively created and developed. Four powerful centers of this system are being created, which take on a new function of professional development of teachers of higher medical institutions in three directions: general humanities, psychological-pedagogical and scientific-professional according to the profile of disciplines taught in medical higher educational institutions. The first faculties of advanced training of teaching staff were established in the 60’s in Moscow, Leningrad, Novosibirsk and Kiev.
To provide psychological and pedagogical training for teachers of medical universities in the Kiev Medical Institute by acad. O.O. Bogomolets first created a course, and in 1977 the Department of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Psychology, headed by Associate Professor Mykola V. Cherpinsky. In the first part of the department worked Artamonova L.M, senior l., Kotlyarova L.V, senior l. Millerian V.E; later in the staff of the department worked Chernikova L.M, Tatenko N.O, Pogorelova T.F, Lavrenko T.A. It was an interesting period in the development of the professional development system, which created conditions under which teachers of higher medical educational institutions had the opportunity, gradually studying at all faculties of advanced training, to enrich the scientific and pedagogical experience of famous educational institutions, including Kyiv Medical Institute.
The first period of formation and development of the Department of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Psychology within the faculty of advanced training of NMU was characterized by the fact that the department worked at the union level and its status provided the need for centralized training programs and scientific materials. The high level of centralization and integration of the system of advanced training in this period provided opportunities for active interaction and exchange of experience between employees of the departments of pedagogy of medical schools in Moscow, Leningrad, Novosibirsk, Kiev, which contributed to intensification and unification of scientific and practical research. In this context, it is important to note that the scientific development of psychological, pedagogical and methodological problems of higher education was started in the 60 – 70 years of the last century.
The results of these studies were actively implemented in the pedagogical practice of medical schools by the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of NMU, whose staff focused their efforts on adapting these studies to the requirements and specifics of higher medical education.
Employees of the department studied the peculiarities of the pedagogical process in the medical school, they constantly took part in the pedagogical practice of FPC students at the profile departments. All this opened up real opportunities for the introduction into pedagogical practice of medical schools in fact the whole arsenal of scientific and practical methodological experience, which was recognized at that time as effective in the field of medical education.
On this basis in the mid-80’s under the leadership of prof. M.V. Cherpinsky begins the introduction of the so-called single methodological system of the department, which combines all forms and types of methodological support of the educational process. This work raised the psychological and pedagogical training of medical school teachers to a new level, but it also had certain shortcomings. The single methodological system was somewhat cumbersome, too unified, and required considerable effort to develop.
In 1981, the system of advanced training was expanded by joining the FPK system of medical schools in Ukraine. Hard work begins in the field of psychological and pedagogical training of teachers and management of these institutions. Due to the lack of pedagogical training of this contingent, the first stage of this work required significant efforts of the staff of the department and conducting, in addition to lectures and practical classes, systematic long-term individual consultations. This work laid the foundation of the modern methodological system of medical schools and colleges of Ukraine. This foundation was created by many years of hard work of thousands of teachers of these institutions, who were at the FPK NMU.
Since the first half of the 1990s, the programs of psychological and pedagogical training of FPC students have been increasingly enriched with psychological topics. It turned out that the teaching staff of medical schools show exceptional interest and sensitivity to psychological problems, especially those that have a projection into their pedagogical and medical practice.
This interest becomes clear when we consider that the basis of the professional activity of a teacher and a doctor is communication and interaction with a significant number of people: students and patients. This interaction, given its scale, objectively carries a certain potential for problems and conflicts, the solution of which is relevant for all teachers of medical schools and, especially, specialists in clinical disciplines.
In accordance with this request, the department introduces for students of FPC topics on age and problems of student personality development, psychological aspects of interaction in the system “teacher-student”, styles of pedagogical communication, features of mental processes in cognitive activity, practical aspects of psychological diagnosis of students. According to the students, during their stay at the FPC, they discovered psychology, realizing the prospects for its widespread use in medical and pedagogical practice.
Of particular interest to students is the medical and psychological problem, which has long been studied by the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy and the results of which were included in the curriculum. It is a problem of interrelations and interdependencies of mental and physical in a person’s life, health and longevity. The department conducted research on the concept and basic canons of ancient Oriental medicine (China, India, Ancient Greece, Tibet), extracting the psychological component, combining these data with the results of modern medical and biological research, opened the way for a conceptually new approach to medical education and practical medicine. This approach implies the need to study and treat the whole organism – soul and body – in their inseparable unity. In this concept, mental disharmony is seen as a leading factor in the disharmony of the whole organism.
A natural consequence of scientific interest in this problem was that at the initiative of representatives of clinical departments, especially therapeutic and pediatric profile, joint scientific medical and psychological research aimed at diagnosing a person’s physical condition in combination with its psychological features. The study of the relationships, interdependencies and correlations between mental and physical states has become a new promising area that is actively developing within the framework of integrative medicine. The number of dissertations performed in this context is growing, the number of scientific publications, conferences devoted to this problem, the demand for means of psychological diagnostics in the context of medical problems is growing. And this trend can be considered significant.
Formation and functioning of the medical-psychological faculty is necessarily connected with the department of general and medical psychology and pedagogy, which determines the priority directions of complex development of psychological and pedagogical science, higher medical education, basic and applied research, training of highly qualified scientific personnel in pedagogy, psychology and medical psychology.
Established in 1977 within the faculty of advanced training, the Department of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Psychology, headed by Assoc. Cherpynsky M.V., directed efforts only on pedagogical ways to improve the pedagogical activity of the teaching staff of medical schools, developed and implemented in pedagogical practice a single methodological system.
The second birth of the department took place when in 1993 it was headed by prof. Maksymenko S.D, Honored Worker of Science and Technology, full member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor. His talent as a leader contributed to the prosperity of the department, the expansion of staff, strengthening the scientific potential and creating an atmosphere of creative work.
Under the leadership of prof. S.D. Maksymenko, the staff of the department managed to develop curricula, relevant methodological documentation, to establish the educational process, to staff the required number of teachers. At that time the department consisted of 7 doctors of sciences, 5 professors, 17 candidates of sciences, 12 associate professors, 2 senior teachers, 12 teachers.
A significant event for the department was the opening in 2001 on the basis of the educational and scientific complex of the National Medical University. O.O. Bogomolets and the Institute of Psychology. G.S. Kostyuk, Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Faculty of Medicine and Psychology, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (№ 122 of 28.03.2001), and the order of NMU. O.O. Bogomolets (№ 99 of April 18, 2001).
Under the new conditions, the functions of the department have significantly expanded. Along with providing reading of the discipline “Fundamentals of Psychology and Pedagogy” (since 1994) at all faculties and specialties of the university (both for domestic and foreign students) teachers of the department (since 2001).) read courses in all relevant medical and psychological disciplines, such as: general psychology, history of psychology, psychology of personality, psychology of communication, psychology of conflict, age and pedagogical psychology, experimental psychology and psychodiagnostics, social psychology, medical psychology, psychological counseling, pathopsychology, psychotherapy , basics of psychosomatics, family psychology, as well as a number of elective courses (optional): areas of modern psychology, deontology in medicine, psychoanalysis, psychology of life crisis and death, art and game psychotherapy, psychology of emotions, psychology and psychotherapy of post-traumatic states, psychology of experience and others.
Educational and methodical work of the department, which was headed by O.O Lazurenko, associated with the improvement of the educational process. For a short time of existence of the medical-psychological faculty by joint efforts of teachers of the department new educational programs are developed, the lecture material, methodical recommendations from all above-stated disciplines both for students, and for teachers which are regularly updated are concluded and systematized. Among them are “Psychology of Communication”, “Psychology of Emotions”, “Ethical Problems in Medicine”, “Fundamentals of Social Psychology”, “Childhood Psychology”, “Fundamentals of Psychoanalysis” and others that are very popular among students not only in medical psychology. All this required a creative approach, despite the growing pedagogical workload. For this purpose, methodical seminars are held at the department, and as a result – the pedagogical skills of young teachers grow, their professional level increases.
Every year the teachers of the department manage to write term papers on general, age, social, medical and experimental psychology, psychotherapy and other specialized disciplines. This type of work covers students of II-VI courses of medical and psychological faculty. The topics of term papers, which are reviewed and updated every year, correspond to the future professional activity of students.
Since 2004, in accordance with the regulations on the introduction of English language teaching at NMU, the department has actively started teaching foreign students in English, which led to the development of a whole concept of this type of education and received appropriate methodological justification (with the participation of senior lecturer O.O Lazurenko).
Since 2005, in accordance with the basic principles of development of higher medical education in Ukraine in the context of the requirements of the Bologna Declaration, the department has developed curricula in the discipline “Fundamentals of Psychology. Fundamentals of Pedagogy “and” Psychology of Communication “, as well as” Fundamentals of Social Psychology “and” Ethical Problems in Medicine “based on the credit-module system of educational process, developed and implemented in the educational process modern methodological materials. The steps taken allowed to provide the necessary level of teaching disciplines, to start creating new textbooks and visual aids, to develop their electronic versions and computer programs to control the knowledge of students in a number of disciplines.
Since 2010, the medical-psychological, dental and pharmaceutical faculties of NMU. The department actively implements the developed standard programs in normative and elective disciplines in the educational process.
It is necessary to note the special role of the department in the work of the faculty of advanced training (FPK) of teachers of higher medical educational institutions (responsible Assoc. Prof. Mileryan V.E). From the first days of its foundation, the department trains highly qualified scientific personnel in the field of medical education, widely implements in the pedagogical practice of Ukrainian universities the results of its research in the cycle “Higher Medical Education and the Bologna Process”. With the participation of associate professors VE Mileryan, V.A Kyrychok, M.M Filonenko developed guidelines for students of FPC on the design of credit-modular system of organization of the educational process. The department attracts leading scientists of universities and academic institutions of Ukraine to read the courses.
Considerable attention at the department was paid to scientific work (responsible Assoc. Prof. Filonenko M.M). Research includes problems of studying genetic psychology and personality formation, psychological aspects of motivation and features of adaptation of medical students to study, modern technologies of higher medical education, psychological readiness of future physicians for professional activity, research of emotionality in personality structure and educational activity of students, problems ” emotional burnout “of medical workers and others.
Postgraduate studies in medical psychology were opened at the department (responsible Assoc. Prof. Tertychna N.A). Supervisors of graduate students were prof. Maksimenko S.D, prof. Chepeleva N.V, prof. Chaban O.S, Assoc. Prof. Koval I.A .Interns (responsible Assoc. Prof. Koval I.A, Assoc. Prof. Gorodnova N.M) and masters (responsible Assoc. Prof. Filonenko M.M) were trained in the specialty “Medical Psychology”.
In recent years, there has been a significant increase in scientific and pedagogical qualifications of teachers. During this time they defended their dissertations Assoc. Prof. Koval I.A, Assoc. Prof. Tertychna N.A, Assoc. Maksimenko K.S, senior l. Maximov M.V; Bozhuk B.S, lecturer Kasyanova A.Yu., lecturer Moskalenko K.I, lecturer Naumenko G.M, senior lecture Lazurenko O.O, doctoral dissertations – Topolov E.V, Turban V.V, Maksymenko K.S. Received the title of “Associate Professor” – Filonenko M.M, Koval I.A, Tertychna N.A, Panasenko N.M, Gorodnova N.M, Maksimenko K.S, Lazurenko O.O “Professor” – Chaban O.S, Haustova O.O, Filonenko M.M.
Evidence of fruitful scientific work of teachers of the Department of General and Medical Psychology and Pedagogy and students of medical and psychological faculty is the organization and holding (since 2001) of the scientific-practical conference “Psychology in medical and social practice”, and since 2008 – the international conference for students and young scientists “Current issues of medical psychology”.
An organic part of the training of future specialists at the department is industrial practice. Agreements on its holding have been concluded at the City Children’s Clinical Hospital № 9 and the Road Clinical Hospital № 1, as well as the Department of Borderline and Somatoform Disorders of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Social and Forensic Psychiatry and Narcology of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, OKHMATDIT. The internship program and the system of tasks that students must perform during its completion are constantly being improved. It is mandatory for students to keep a diary of psychological observations, which records the typical situations encountered in the process of medical interaction with patients, their impressions and wishes for training at the faculty. The department maintains constant contact with the Institute of Psychology G.S. Kostyuk NAPS of Ukraine.
The teaching staff of the department has made a number of publications of scientific, educational, methodical and methodological directions. In particular, in recent years the monographs “Genetic Psychology” (2000), “Development of the psyche in ontogenesis” (2002), “Genesis of the existence of personality” (2006), “Genesis of the realization of personality” (2006), “Psychological nature of the personality” (2007) (Prof. Maksimenko S.D), “Pedagogical psychohygiene” (Prof. Boltivets S.I, 2000), “Environmental psychology” (Assoc. Prof. Filonenko M.M, 2005), “Emotions and their meaning in human life “(senior lecturer Lazurenko O.O, 1997); textbooks and manuals “Fundamentals of General Psychology” (1998), “General Psychology” (2000, 2004, 2008), “General Psychology” (2001, 2004), “Fundamentals of Military Psychology” (2002), “Experimental Psychology” ( 2002), “General psychology” (2005), “Psychology of personality” (2007), “Medical psychology” (2009), “Pathopsychology” (2010) (Prof. Maksimenko S.D), “Family medicine: psychological aspects of diagnosis , prevention and treatment of patients “(Prof. Chaban O.S, 2004),” Psychology of communication “(Assoc. Prof. Filonenko M.M, 2008),” Psychology of early adolescence “(2001),” Fundamentals of psychological counseling and psychocorrection ” (2002) (Assoc. Prof. Papucha M.V), “Fundamentals of Psychology” (2002), “History of Psychology” (Prof. Chepeleva N.V, 2003), “Study guide of the lecture course Essentials of psychology and pedagogy” (2004), “Educational and methodical guideline for the seminars of the course Essentials of psychology and pedagogy” (2005), “Program, plans of practical classes, methodical instructions and recommendations for tests in the discipline “Fundamentals of Psychology and Pedagogy” (2005), “Educational and methodological guidelines for organizing and conducting independent extracurricular activities of students” (2005), “Essentials of psychology. Essentials of pedagogy. Lecture course »,« Essentials of psychology. Essentials of pedagogy. Seminars course »(2010, 2011, 2012) (senior lecturer Lazurenko O.O),« Methodical bases of preparation and carrying out of educational employment in medical high schools »(docent Mileryan V.E, 2004, 2005) and many others textbooks, manuals, educational and methodical recommendations, instructions, workshops, etc., including for foreign students. By the way, the textbook “General Psychology” edited by Academician S.D Maksymenko (Vinnytsia. Nova Kniga, 2004) was awarded the State Prize in Science and Technology in 2006.
Educational, methodical and scientific work always went hand in hand with educational (responsible lecturer Zhuk A.V). Under the guidance of experienced teachers-curators, the organization of students’ leisure is meaningful. Trips to other cities of Ukraine, excursions to museums, theaters, meetings with famous psychologists, scientists and politicians are interesting. Students take an active part in amateur art, competitions, etc.
As a reference (since 2003) Department of General and Medical Psychology and Pedagogy systematically maintains relations with single-profile departments of higher medical educational institutions of Ukraine in order to exchange experiences, improve the educational process, organize and conduct joint research, conferences, textbooks, etc. .
In order to increase the creative potential of the staff of the department, to improve the educational process, it is extremely important to have relations with other universities, research institutions and organizations. Gradually, but fruitfully, such ties with the Bukovynian State Medical Academy, the Institute of Psychology and the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine developed.
It is necessary to note the special role of the department in the work of the faculty of advanced training (FPC) of teachers of higher medical educational institutions, which from the first days of its foundation carries out training of highly qualified scientific personnel in the field of medical education. within the cycle “Higher Medical Education and the Bologna Process”. With the participation of associate professors V.Ye. Mileryan, V.A Kyrychok, M.M Filonenko developed methodical recommendations for FPC students on designing a credit-modular system of organization of the educational process.
Such active and purposeful organizational, educational, methodical, educational and scientific work of the department gave positive results, which contributed to the selection and creation in 2018 of a separate department: psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy (head of the department – Chaban O.S, doctor of medical sciences, professor ).
Its restructuring in April 2018 became important for the development of the medical-psychological faculty and the department. The department changed its name: Department of General and Medical Psychology. It was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Matyash M.M.
The current stage of development of the Department of General and Medical Psychology is associated with the innovation of its head Matyash Mykhailo Mykolayovych, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Education and Science, Chairman of the Association for Medical and Psychological Rehabilitation.
Since 2018, the department trains specialists at the undergraduate stage in 6 specialties: “Medical Psychology”; “Physical and medical rehabilitation”; “Physical therapy, occupational therapy”; “Medicine”; “Pediatrics”; “Dentistry”. The department is a graduate of the specialties: “Medical Psychology” and “Physical and Medical Rehabilitation”.
The department was tasked with updating the educational and methodological complex in accordance with current regulations and the curriculum, which provided, first of all, the creation of programs in psychological disciplines for students, writing textbooks, textbooks and more.
Under the guidance of doc. Tertychna N.A, responsible for educational and methodological activities of the department, in addition to existing ones, new curricula in specialized disciplines were developed and introduced, in particular “Medical psychology of emergencies, emergency and crisis psychology”, “Introduction to psychosomatics”, “Psychological rehabilitation”,” Clinical psychology “,” Psychology of stress and trauma “,” Psychology of human health”,”Medical information systems in psychology”,”Fundamentals of psychooncology “,”Developmental psychology”,”Medical psychology of childhood”,”Fundamentals of childhood psychology”,”Psychology of social responsibility “,” Health pedagogy “,” Social psychology and psychology of work”,”Professional communication in the work of a physical therapist (psychological and ethical-deontological aspects) “,” Workshop on the formation of professional skills of psychologists”,”Psychogenetics”,”Fundamentals of psychological research “,” Psychology of professional development of a doctor “,” Extreme and crisis psychology”,” Psychology of trauma “,” Psychological assistance during the war and in the postwar period “, etc. An educational and methodical complex of over 67 disciplines has been prepared and updated. In addition, every year the department introduces new special courses and special seminars that deepen students’ knowledge of psychological disciplines.
Teachers of the department are constantly improving the organization of independent work of students. The work programs highlight the issues submitted for self-study, the necessary literature is indicated.
Considerable attention is also paid to strengthening interdisciplinary links both between individual disciplines within the department and between other departments within the faculty.
During this period, new talented scientists, psychologists, teachers, doctors, doctors, candidates of science appeared at the department: prof. Rozhkova I.V, prof. Turban V.V, docent Logvinovska L.M, docent Litvinova L.V, docent Podkovko H.V, docent Skorobogatova O.V, docent Stanovskykh Z.L, teachers Gladun T.S, Zhuk O.V, Voitovych G.V etc.
Under the chairmanship of prof. Matyasha M.M. the department is focused on world educational standards. Relationships with other clinical, research institutions and organizations are extremely important. Cooperation agreements were signed with the Kyiv Regional Clinical Hospital (2018), the Central Polyclinic of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (2018), the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution Center for Child Development “I + Family” (2018), the Ukrainian State Medical and Social Center for War Veterans (2018), LLC “Expert Training Center” (2018), State Institution. “Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology named after Academician OM Lukyanova National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine ”(2019), the State Institution“ Hospital of War Veterans Lisova Polyana ”of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (2019), the National Cancer Institute (2020), the State Institution“ Institute of Neurosurgery named after acad. A.P. Romodanov of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine “(2021).
Among the main areas of psychological support provided by the Department of General and Medical Psychology – psychological support for students (in particular, crisis psychological counseling of students of the National Medical University on ways to overcome apathy and inaction, as well as how to survive the crisis and remain calm, psychosomatic disorders conflict situations with the immediate environment due to the stress of war, exacerbation of internal personal conflicts against the background of acute stress, others; psychological support for students of the National Medical University who were in the occupied territories; psychological work with students on socio-psychological adaptation to foreign languages ; psychological support of citizens of Ukraine (providing volunteer psychological assistance as part of a group of psychological counseling at the Institute of Psychology named after GSKostyuk NAPS of Ukraine; online counseling of those who left and are in evacuation (internally mixed) and those who were forced to leave the borders of Ukraine, work with problems related to adaptation in another country, the syndrome of “survivor’s guilt”; consultative and medical work on the basis of the clinical base of the department – Kyiv Regional Clinical Hospital with more than 150 patients (neuroses, neurosis-like conditions, adaptation disorders); group consultations and individual consultations of the civilian population: fear that more friends will not return and fear of loneliness, fear of loss, desire to return home; work with post-traumatic stress disorder; work with the loss of a loved one; work with the problem of retraumatization with migrants, psychological rehabilitation of people; work with entrepreneurs, forced migrants to EU countries and internally displaced persons; providing psychological support and assistance to the population of Ukraine in the framework of the project “Psychosynthesis in wartime”; providing psychological support and assistance to the population in the Mental Center for Personal Development (Kropyvnytskyi); providing psychological assistance to veterans in a home for the elderly with. Orlivka and the village of Grabivka, Kulykiv district, Chernihiv region; consulting doctors and medical staff of the State Institution “Institute of Otolaryngology named after prof. O.S.Kolomiychenko National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine ”on the psychological competence of doctors in wartime, etc.); psychological support for children (psychological assistance to children affected by the war: anxiety, asthenia, sleep disorders; behavioral and speech disorders; neurotic reactions; work in the fund “Your support” – junior (5-7 years) and older (8-10 years) ) children’s groups of psychological support, classes with primary school teachers on “How to behave with children who have experienced traumatic events”, work with children’s groups of psychological support at the Institute of Health Psychology, created a social project “Together we are a force” to preserve the mental health of children and adults affected by active actions and provides for training, individual consultations, workshops, game technology, etc.); psychological support of the family (psychological counseling of parents on the peculiarities of interaction with children in war: how to detect fear and anxiety in children, how to overcome panic, ways of psychological support for children; psychological support for parents with a child with psychophysical development; counseling for mothers with children who came from Ukraine to Warsaw, Poland, consultations and psychological advice to pregnant women and women in labor during hostilities, psychological assistance in bomb shelters Sviatoshynskyi district of Kyiv for families with children, pregnant women, the elderly, psychological support for women who were forced to move with their children to safe areas and leave their husbands, relatives, property, etc.); psychological support of the military (work with PTSD, anxiety and panic among terrorists; counseling and psychotherapeutic assistance to servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who are hospitalized in the State Institution “Institute of Otolaryngology, prof. O.S. Kolomiychenko National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine ”, etc.).
A significant achievement of the department were published over the past few years, educational for educational and methodical works, prepared by prof. Matyashem M.M, docent Lazurenko O.O, docent Lunev V.E, docent Terticna N.A Among them: “Medical and psychological rehabilitation and social adaptation of combatants: problems and prospects” (Matyash M.M, 2018), “Fundamentals of psychorehabilitation for professionals in the social sphere” (Matyash M.M, Lunev V.E, 2018), “Moral harm, evidence in court and protection from manipulation” (Matyash M.M, 2018), “Mathematical methods in medical and psychological research and practice” (Gulbs O.A, Matyash M.M, Lunev B .Ye., 2018), “History of psychology: a textbook” (Tertychna N.A, 2018), “Age psychology: a textbook” (Tertychna N.A, 2018), “Workshop on age psychology” (Tertychna N .A., 2018), “Psychological readiness of the future doctor for professional activity” (Lazurenko O.O, 2018), “Formation of emotional competence of the future doctor” (Lazurenko O.O, 2018), “Psychology of emotions. Textbook “(Lazurenko O.O, 2018),” Fundamentals of special psychology and defectology in schemes and tables: a course of lectures “(Lunev V.E, 2019),” General and medical Psychology. Workbook ”(Lazurenko O.O, Tabachnikov O.Yu., 2018, 2020),“ Psychology of medical worker activity ”(Lazurenko O.O, 2021),“ Fundamentals of psychological counseling for social professionals ”(M.M Matyash, V.E Lunev, 2021), “Psychodiagnostics of personality development in terms of family socialization” (V.E.Lunyov, 2021), “Psychological counseling and clinical psychodiagnostics: practical guidance in war” (Matyash M.M, Lunev V.E, Prudka L.M , 2022) and others. In addition, special attention should be paid to monographs as a result of scientific research of the department, including “Emotional competence of the doctor: theoretical approaches to research, problems of formation” (Lazurenko O.O, 2018) and others.
Under the leadership of prof. Matyasha M.M employees of the department take an active part in the public life of the university, in international, all-Ukrainian and interuniversity scientific, scientific-practical conferences, seminars, international scientific schools and symposiums.
Scientific groups successfully attend the department, which are attended by more than 100 students. Under the guidance of qualified teachers, students are involved in research, the results of which are speeches at conferences and seminars. The best works of young researchers are published in scientific journals.
Since 2018, at the initiative of the head of the department, Professor Matyash M.M the publication of the international scientific-practical journal “General and Medical Psychology” and the holding of the annual international scientific-practical conference “Medical-Psychological Rehabilitation and Social Adaptation” were launched.
In order to increase the scientific and pedagogical level of the teaching staff, various forms of continuous professional development and advanced training, special seminars, courses, internships are introduced. Teachers and scientists from Ukraine and abroad are constantly invited to give lectures, trainings and other classes. Such joint activity is a unique opportunity not only to share experiences, new developments, achievements, discoveries, but also to get acquainted with modern challenges and prospects of higher medical education.
Significant progress has been achieved in the scientific activities of the department (responsible Assoc. Prof. V.E Lunev), in particular on the problems of medical and psychological rehabilitation, psychooncology, psychological and pedagogical aspects of professional development of medical professionals.
Among the scientific and practical problems that are constantly in the center of attention of the head of the department Matyash M.M and other scientists (Lazurenko O.O, Lunev V.E, Tertychna N.A, Logvinovska L.M, Gladun T.S, etc.) – the problem of professional development of the specialist, the formation of his psychological competence as a component professional activity.
Today, the Department of General and Medical Psychology identifies priority areas for integrated development of pedagogical and psychological science, basic and applied research in higher medical education, training of highly qualified scientific personnel in the field of psychology and medical psychology.
Thus, the Department of General and Medical Psychology of the Medical and Psychological Faculty of the National Medical University named by O.O Bogomolets in a relatively short period of time, has become an independent and strong part of the educational process, is proud of high achievements in the implementation of comprehensive training of future highly qualified medical personnel of the relevant profile, success in researching priority topics. The department is gaining experience, developing and gaining convincing popularity. We are convinced that the significant results of the department’s staff will be a powerful impetus for further improvement and reform of medical science and education, will contribute to the significant psychologization of modern medicine.