Department of Food Hygiene and Nutritiology
Students’ scientific club
The Scientific advisor of the student scientific club “School of nutrition” of the Bogomolets National Medical University Department of Hygiene and Ecology 4 – Bilko Tetyana Mykolayivna, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department, tel. +38(067)4432232.
The Head of the club – SamchukVlas, the 5th year student of the Medical Faculty № 4, tel.+38(095)5294681
History of the club. The students scientific club dates back to the Department foundation, i.e. 1935. The first scientific advisor of the club was the head of the Department, associate professor G.F.Polak. The Students’Scientific Society started its active studies in the 50ies of the previous century when Professor Barchenko I.P. headed the Department. At that time students started their active search in science by the department profile. The club was consulted by such advisors as associate professor Rul’ Yu.V., associate professor Velyka N.V., and since 2017 – associate professor Bilko T.M. The most active club members are recommended into the postgraduate education and becoming the department personnel. The club participants list includes such famous people as Doctor of Medicine, Professor GrigorovYu.G., who almost during 30 years headed the Department of Geriatric-Protective Nutrition of the NAMS Institute of Gerontology; professor Pryputina L.S., who for a long time worked in the Institute of Nutrition Hygiene; PhD KravchenkoYe.G., Gordynya R.I., Rul’ Yu.V., Gil’ M.A., Ol’shevska O.D., Yakovenko V.G., Bilko T.M., Anistratenko T.I., some of which still continue working at the Department of Hygiene and Ecology № 4( former Department of Nutrition Hygiene), or are working in scientific establishments, Bogomolets National Medical University, and as practicing physicians in the Healthcare.
From 2017 till now the club participants have presented 21 reports in Bogomolets National Medical University Scientific conferences of students and young scientists ( section “hygiene and ecology”) as well as scientific conferences in Ukraine and International conferences. According to the scientific research progress, a student of the 4th Medical Faculty Samchuk V.M. gained the Diploma of the 1st degree as the “Best Research”nominee; a student of the 4th Medical Faculty DikhtyarenkoI.Yu. gained the Diploma of the 3rd degree( advisor – Bilko T.M.), a student of the Medical Faculty № 4 Petrosyan A.A. gained the diploma of the 3rddegree as a nominee for Best study”, a student of the Medical Faculty № 2 Maksimyuk B.B. gained the diploma of the 3rd degree(scientific advisor- assistant Yeltsova L.B. Twenty-seven publications have been made, based on the scientific study results, in both Ukrainian and foreign professional editions.
The Department club activity directions:
- studies and assessment of nutritional and biological value of the essential food nutrients;
- hygienic and alimentary assessment of food consumed by the students;
- studies of metabolism of the micro- and macro-nutrients in the body associated with over-, under- and balanced nutrition; principles of alimentary correction;
- studies of para-pharmacological, antioxidant, detoxication and other properties of food products and plant timber;
- producing new food products with intensified specific para-pharmacological efficiency for treatment and prevention;
- studying the mechanisms and pathogenetic chains of naturopathy(including the nutrition) correction of somatic-psychic and psychic- somatic disorders;
- studying the mechanisms and pathogenetic chains of naturopathy prevention and correction of the somatic and associated stomatological diseases;
- studying specific preventive and curative efficiency of various food products and diets;
- hygienic rationale for food supplement use in the food manufacturing;
- studies of the food status and nutrition of certain Ukraine population groups;
- studies of various mineral substances nano-particles effect onto the body and methods of alimentary correction of their negative effect;
The Department club meetings are held according to the schedule submitted to the Students Scientific Society named after O.A. Kysil. In spring of 2019-2020 academic year the meeting are to be held as follows:
13.02, 12.03, 10.04, 07.05.
The Department recommends the most active club participants to proceed with their studies in postgraduate education, signing especial recommendation certificate.
Students- participants of the club, together with the Department tutors.
Scientific communication of students-members
in the club with Doctor of Medicine, professor S.T. Omelchuk.
Participation of students-members in the club at department in international scientific practical conference, devoted to World Health Day.