Department of Food Hygiene and Nutritiology

History of department

The Bogomolets National Medical University Department of Nutrition Hygiene dates back to September 1935.

The Department of Nutrition Hygiene was founded within the Sanitation and Hygiene Faculty of Kyiv Medical Institute in 1930. Tremendous progress in sanitation and hygiene stipulated for the need in hygienists, including the nutrition hygienists. At that period the Healthcare system of Ukraine was characterized with widely developing sanitation and epidemiology stations as well as foundation of many scientific research institutes of nutrition hygiene in Odessa, Kharkiv, Kyiv and Donetsk.

Поллак Г.Ф.

Assistant professor Pollak G.F.

Before a separate department was founded, the course of nutrition hygiene had been taught to the students of the Sanitation and Hygiene faculty by the staff of the Common Hygiene Department.

The staff of the Department of Nutrition Hygiene consisted of three people: Head of the Department, Pollak G.F. and two assistants – Gordin B.L. and Barchenko I.P. In January 1936 the Department received a new block in the T.G.Shevchenko University, which included 7 rooms with total area of 120 m2. The Department staff helped to provide for all the facilities, as teachers tried new methods of teaching basic course themes and  composed the curriculum.




The scientific activity of the teachers in the pre-war period was aimed at solving such problems as:

  1. Study of the regeneration processes of the body affected by nutrition factors, using tissue specimen ( Pollak G.F.).
  2. Study of the food poisoning incidence aimed at composing and implementing the preventive measures (as. B.L. Gordin).
  3. Rationale for the food products oxidative-restorative potential use as an early factor of their quick spoiling (Ass.Barhcenko I.P.).

An important aspect among these was the study of food poisoning initiation and spread laws. Due to these studies, the system of prevention measures was implemented in the Ukrainian Republic.

Before the War assistants B.L. Gordin and I.P. Barchenko defended their Candidate of science thesis, based on these materials.

G.F.Pollak and B.L. Gordin actively participated in the laboratory activities of Institute of Labour and Work Hygiene, studying issues of the nutrition hygiene; they published papers on organizing the sanitation food control in Ukraine.

Unfortunately, their activity was interrupted by the War. At first, the sanitation faculty as a part of Kyiv Medical Institute was evacuated to Kharkiv, and then- to Chelyabinsk. The faculty there didn’t have experienced teachers .


Chelyabinsk,  building of school where the Institute was located


The training of hygienists stopped then. So, the institute authorities founded a single hygienic Department, the Department of Common Hygiene, headed by professor Barannik I.P. The staff of the joined department was represented with highly -qualified hygienists of Kyiv scientific institutes, including the teachers of the Nutrition Hygiene Department, PollakG.F. and assistant Barchenko I.P.

At that time, assistant Barchenko I.P., under the supervision of professor Barannik P.I., wrote and defended in 1943 his Candidate of medical sciences thesis “Oxidative-reparative potential as a parameter of food spoiling”.

After re-evacuation in 1944, the Department of Nutrition Hygiene was restored as a unit of Kyiv medical institute, with I.P. Barchenko appointed as a Head.

Working atmosphere was rather complicated. The Department, as many other departments, was located in non-specialized buildings, there weren’t enough books and study guides. Despite all this, the teachers conducted laboratory classes and taught the students.Gradually, with time, the Department facilities improved.

In 1953 there were 7 teachers in the Department, the subjects to be taught in the 7th and 8th study terms.After introduction in 1960 of a new curriculum, total number of lectures and practical classes increased. The Sanitation and Hygiene Faculty students were to take the State examination of the Nutrition hygiene.

I.P. Barchenko is considered to be the founder of Nutrition Hygiene course, as he was the first to include many new units into the curriculum: bases of rational nutrition, hygienic requirements to the food production technology, science about food poisoning and invasions, etc.

Professor Barchenko I.P.

I.P. Barchenko consulted his followers, 6 theses (one Doctor and 5 Candidate theses) were defended upon his supervision. The main directions of scientific studies of the department were as follows: studies of the vitamin and mineral composition of food products aimed at rationalization of the population diet; studies of use of certain vitamins and mineral elements aimed at prevention of diseases; microbiological denaturation of food products as a cause of food poisoning.

Using these data, I.P. Barchenko in 1953 defended his Doctor thesis “Food products as a main factor of helminthoses spread”. In the post-war years the Department became a basic center in the country where the microbial food poisonings were studied. The scientific experience of the professor resulted in publication of the “Guide on helminthological studies of food products and beverages”(1954) and the “Lectures on food poisonings” (1969).

The scientific and practical experience of department was generalized by I.P. Barchenko in “Manual on helminthological examination of food products and drinks” (1954) and “Course of lectures on food poisoning” (1969).

The results of continuous studies of the energetic, nutritive and biological value of basic food products of the animal and plant origin were generalized in the schemes “Chemical composition of basic food products”. The scientific activity of professor resulted in publication of his monograph “History of the Hygienic Science of Nutrition”(1975).

In 1972 professor I.V. Savytskyy became the head at department. At that time the urgent researches were devoted to study on influence of exogenic chemical substances, which are included into food products during their production, preservation, transportation and technological processing.

In 1972 the Department was headed by professor I.V. Savitskii. The urgent issues of that time were the studies of the exogenous chemicals influence on food, penetrating in it during food preparation, storage, transporting and technological processing.


Professor Savitskyy I.V.


Professor I.V. Savitskii consulted the personnel in hygienic assessment of plant origin food products, which were grown using plant chemical protection substances, detecting pesticides content in food products; hygienic substantiation of the plant food consumption, regarding their place of harvesting.

The Department worked on the studies of the substances of food products which may migrate from the natural andsynthetical polymer materials that may directly contact with food products. The results of the studies aided in choosing the materials and compositions which corresponded to the hygienic requirements, to be further implemented in the industry and trade branches. The personnel composed a unique scheme of the food polymer materials study.

In 1987 professor I.V. Savitskii offered professor Tsypriyan V.I. to become a Head of the Department. Professor Tsypriyan was a common hygienist, having worked at the Departments of the Common Hygiene. He started searching for the Nutrition Hygiene teaching methods. With his direct participation such issues were thoroughly studied for further teaching the students: real nutrition of various Ukraine population groups, hygienic requirements to modern production technologies as well as storage and trade of food products. The generalization of numerous data on the food poisoning causes provided for creating the food poisoning classification. The professor helped to prepare such guides and books as “Common hygiene” (2000), “Common Hygiene”(1995), and “Guide on laboratory classes on commune hygiene” (1977, 1990). The first Ukrainian book “Hygiene of Nutrition with the Nutrition science bases” is a merit of professor. In 1997 the authors were awarded with a State Award of Ukraine in Science and Technique for the book “Common Hygiene”.

The scientific studies held under supervision of the Department head V.I. Tsypriyan (1980-2020) were closely related to increasing the specific action of food ratios and diets by including special products and biologically active supplements based in natural substances with para-pharmacological properties (wheat germs, sources of carotenoids, tocopherols and fatty acids w3, chicory, grown wheat, alginates, soy genistein, stevia, bioflavonoids) for primary and secondary prevention of alimentary diseases and providing healthy nutrition. The personnel considerably contributed into alimentary prevention of metabolism anti-oxidant insufficiency, which develop due to radioactive contamination, obesity, iron deficiency and oncological diseases. The urgency of these studies and the authorship are confirmed by the declaration patents of Ukraine.

The department aided in completing the recipes and technological advices of food production, established safety parameters for more than 60 products. The obtained results were published in “Principles of Healthy Nutrition” (2001), “Preventive nutrition in oncology” (2001), “Biologically active supplements to food for prevention and complex therapy of professional pathologies”(2002), “Breast tumours” (2002).

The Department composed the “Schedule on providing the victims or disabled after a professional accident with the additional nutrition products”(2003) for the Social Insurance Fund.

Overall, at that time the Department made more than 190 publications, including 9 books and study guides, 6 monographs, 7 author certificates and patents, more than 25 informational materials were published for the sanitation service.

Viktor Ivanovych participated in making up the State Policy Concept on nutrition of Ukraine population.

The scientific school of Professor includes 9 PhDs and 1 Doctor of Medicine

Professor Tsyprian Viktor Ivanovych

V.I. Tsypriyan diedon 02.05.2012.


A considerable contribution of the Department is implementation into the curriculum an elective course “Nutrition Science”. The course provides the students with the opportunity of studying basic physiological needs of both healthy and ill body in main nutrients. The course covers issues of consumption of dietary supplements and special food products in the curative, dietary and curative-preventive nutrition.The course is taught for the medical faculty students.

Despite its almost 50-year-history, the Department by that time hadn’t created a national book on the course. The necessity of composing such a guidebook was predisposed for some national peculiarities of legislation and standardization of the sanitation service after 1991.

In 1999 the Department staff composed and edited the first national book “Nutrition Hygiene with Nutrition Science Bases”.

Modern life advances stipulate for quick progress in hygiene and nutrition hygiene in particular. Hygienic requirements are affected by national organizations, such as Pharmaceutical Association of the WHO, European Bureau of the WHO, The World Trade Organization and Committee  Codex  Alimentarius.

All this required for improvement of the theoretical and practical bases of teaching nutrition hygiene, which led to composing and publication of the new book “Nutrition hygiene with Nutrition Science bases” in two volumes in 2007.

The authors of the book were awarded by the Academy of medical sciences of Ukraine Prize for the best preventive medicine guidebook (2009).

During its 75-year-existence period the Department has advanced into the specialized one, with certain directions and traditions in teaching the nutrition hygiene courses, affecting in some way teaching this course in other Ukraine medical universities. During almost 20 years the Department provides for the activity of the Problem Commission of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine “Nutrition Hygiene” and the Commission on standardizationof chemical and biological substances in food products and food timber, affiliated to the Committee on the hygienic standardization of Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

From 2010 till March 2015 the Department was headed by Professor Omelchuk Serhii Tykhonovych.

Professor S.T. Omelchuk 

Professor of the Department of Hygiene and Ecology № 4.

Doctor of Medicine (since 2002).

Professor  (since 2004).

Highest Qualification in specialty “General Hygiene”.

A Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in science and engineering (2011).

An Honoured Scientist and Engineer of Ukraine (2013).


In 2002 he defended the Doctor of Medicine thesis “Hygienic use of pesticides and agrochemicals in the radiation-contaminated regions and in regions of environmental emergencies”.

His scientific contribution regards the issues of complex effect of chemical and physical environmental factors (pesticides and ionizing radiation) on the population health. The first scientist who rationalized methods of pesticides use standardizing regarding their use in the radiation contaminated and environmental emergency regions.

The author and co-author of over 800 publications, including 8 monographs, 13 books on general hygiene and Hygiene of Nutrition, Propaedeutics of Hygiene and Human Ecology, 25 study guides, author inventor certificates, 19 patents of Ukraine.

Scientific advisor of 4 Doctor of Medicine and 11 PhD theses dedicated to toxicology-hygiene assessment of new plant chemical protection methods.

Since 1995 – vice-director of the Scientific Laboratory Hygienic Center of National Medical University, since 2005 – vice-director of Institute of Hygiene and Ecology of University, since 2014 – Director of Institute of Hygiene and Ecology of Bogomolets National Medical University.

Since 1995 has been advising on numerous toxicology-hygiene studies of new plant protection substances, which has predisposed for implementation of over 3500 hygiene standards of their safe use approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

A member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty, member of the specialized Scientific Councils Д 26.003.01 of Bogomolets National Medical University and Д26.604.01 of State Institution “O. Marzeev Institute of Hygiene and Medical Ecology” of National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine; and expert of the commission on hygienic pesticide standardization affiliated to the Committee on Hygienic Trials of Ministry of Health of Ukraine, a member of certification council “Hygiene”, a member of the course teaching commission on hygienic courses, a member of editorial board of the journals “Water Supply and Water Resources”, hygiene of populated regions”. “Ukrainian scientific-medical youth journal”, “Medical science of Ukraine, “Common health and problems of nutrition of Ukraine”.


Since April 2015 till March 2016 the Department was headed by Associate Professor Kuzminska Olena Volodymyrivna

Associate Professor of the Department of Hygiene and Ecology №4

PhD in Medicine.

Highest Qualification in specialty “Hygiene of Nutrition”.

Working experience- 26 years.




         Graduated with honours from the Medical-Preventive Faculty Bogomolets National Medical University in 1994.

PhD thesis “Alimentary factors of iron-deficiency in young women”.

An author of over 180 scientific and teaching publications, 6 books and study guides(including that one written in English), 2 monographs, invention patents, 14 educational schedules.

A beholder of the International Nutrition Specialist certificate of the European Society of Parenteral and enteral nutrition”.

Co-working with the State institute of family and youth policy, Ukrainian institute of social studies, health centers on issues of the population healthy nutrition.

Since 2003 – a National trainer on issues of healthy nutrition for supporting the youth health.

Since 2016 –  a lector of the school of medical personnel personal growth «Medicalschool».

A consultant of many professional and scientific magazines regarding the issues of “Healthy nutrition”, “A dietician advice”. “Nutrition science”, “Curative nutrition”, a newspaper “Health of Ukraine”, magazines “A journal of vice-head physician”, “A journal of chief nurse”, “Practice of medical  facility management”.

Since March 2016 the Department has been headed by Associate Professor Velyka Nataliya Volodymyrivna.


Since March 2016 the Department has been headed by Associate Professor Velyka Nataliya Volodymyrivna.


Head of the department of Hygiene and Ecology №4

( since 2016).

PhD( since 1980).

Associate Professor (since 2001).

Highest Qualification in specialty “Hygiene of Nutrition”, with the scientific and teaching experience of 45 years.

Graduated with honours from the Kyiv Medical Institute, Faculty of Sanitation and Hygiene  in1974;

Graduated from the Postgraduate Studies at the Department of Hygiene of Nutrition  in1977;

In 1980 defended the PhD thesis “Hygienic standardizing of phenol-formaldehyde polymer heat-insulating constructions which contact with food products during long time”.

Working at the Doctor of Medicine thesis “Scientific rationale for the alimentary correction of body detoxication”.

Basic scientific interest  directions:

Modern technologies of the nutrition scientific correction and prevention of the environmentally-associated, enterprise-associated, age-related and stress-associated conditions.

Practice implementation:

The guides implemented into the healthcare practice:


242 scientific and education publications in co-authorship, including 7 books, 7 study guides, 2 monographs, 3 training guides, 8 informational letters, a co-author of the scientific and practical recommendations with 12 patents of Ukraine, a co-author of 7 passports for 55 new curative and preventive food products, introduced in healthcare service. An author of 19 educational schedules, including the courses “Hygiene and ecology” for the students of medical-psychological and stomatological faculties; Hygiene of Nutrition” for the students and interns, professional program of the elective course “Nutrition science” for the students of medical, stomatological and medical-psychological faculties;

Professional organizations membership.

An acting member of the Association of Public Health and Association of Preventive and Anti-Ageing Medicine.


A Laureate of the Award of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine as a co-author of the national study book “Hygiene of Nutrition with bases of Nutrition Science” (2010).

An Honour Diploma of Ministry of Health of Ukraine for diligent service and considerable contribution into the healthcare development (2007 and 2014).