Medical faculty № 3
Doctor of Medicine,
professor at department of children infectious diseases
Peremogy Avenue, 34, phone: 456-56-25
Deputy dean:
Korniienko Anatoliy Borysovych
Candidate of Medicine, assistant professor at department of pediatrics No 4
Lytvynenko Galyna Serhiyivna
Candidate of Philology, assistant professor at department of Ukrainian studies
Donets Dmytro Georgiyovych
Assistant at department of phthisiology and pulmonology
Gavryliuk-Skyba Galyna Oleksandrivna
Candidate of Medicine, assistant at department of histology and embryology
Curator on implementation of credit modular education
Zapryvoda Larysa Petrivna
Candidate of Medicine, assistant professor at department of histology and embryology
History of medical faculty No 3 at O.O. Bogomolets National medical university
Sheftel Anatoliy Yakovych – the first dean of pediatric faculty, Doctor of Medicine, professor, head at department of children’s surgery and orthopedics. In 1917 he graduated from medical faculty at Kyiv university, during evacuation in Cheliabinsk he was the head at department of traumatology and military field surgery. The scientific researches are devoted to surgery of locomotor system, organization of children’s surgical aid to children in Ukraine. He was the dean since 1933 until 1937.
Kolner Rakhil Yuriyivna – dean of pediatric faculty (1935-1936), Doctor of Medicine, professor, head at department of pediatrics in therapeutic faculty. In 1925 she graduated from Kharkiv medical institute. Author of over 70 scientific works, devoted to diagnostics, clinics and treatment of liver diseases at children.
Since 1938 until 1948 the dean of pediatric and therapeutic faculties was Cherkasov Oleksandr Volodymyrovych – Candidate of Medicine, assistant professor, head at department of children’s infectious diseases and children’s diseases. Chief pediatrician at MHC of UkrSSR. In 1916 he graduated from medical faculty at Kyiv university. Author of over 100 scientific works, devoted to the problems of tuberculosis meningitis, diphtheria, intestinal infections, etc. Awarded with two orders of Labor Red Flag.
Since 1948 until 1952 the dean was Khokhol Olena Mykolayivna – Doctor of Medicine, professor, corresponding member in AMS of USSR, head at department of hospital pediatrics, honorary scientist. In 1921 she graduated from Kyiv medical institute. Author of about 80 scientific works, devoted to issues about physiology and pathology of early childhood, diseases of gastrointestinal tract, tuberculosis, issues about nursing of children in the first year of life and development of ionic milk. She was the chairperson in Republican and Kyiv city scientific society of pediatricians, member in Board of all-Union society of pediatricians, awarded with order of Lenin, Labor Red Flag and medals.
In 1952-1957 the dean of pediatric faculty was Gorodetska Emma Genrikhivna – Doctor of Medicine, professor at department of faculty pediatrics, head at department of children’s diseases in sanitary hygienic and dental faculties. In 1924 she graduated from medical faculty at Saratov university. She is considered to be the founder for developments in pancreatic gland diseases at children.
In У 1957-1958 the faculty was headed by Fedorovskyy Oleksii Oleksandrovych – Doctor of Medicine, professor at department of faculty surgery, founder and the first head at department of surgery in pediatric faculty, Honorary Scientist of UkrSSR, Laureate of State Prize of UkrSSR. In 1921 he graduated from Kharkiv medical academy. The works by O.O. Fedorovskyy were devoted to issues on experimental and clinical surgery, in particular, problems of blood transfusion and blood mixers. Member in International society of transfusiologists and honorary member in all-Union and Ukrainian society of surgeons. He is awarded with orders of the Red Star, Patriotic War of the II degree, “Badge of honor” and medals.
In 1985-1962 the dean of pediatric faculty was Dmyriyeva Neonila Mykhaylivna– Doctor of Medicine, professor at department of pharmacology, head at department of pharmacology. In 1937 she graduated from Kharkiv medical institute. She is the author of over 100 scientific works, devoted to the effect of cardiac glycosides on functions and metabolism of myocardium.
In 1962-1966 the pediatric faculty was headed by Kurylin Ivan Avsksentiyovych, doctor- otorhinolaryngologist, Doctor of Medicine, professor, Honorary Scientist of UkrSSR, Laureate of State Prize of UkrSSR, head at department of otolaryngology. In 1941 he graduated from Alma-Ata medical institute. During the Great Patriotic War he served as a commander sanitary troop, senior doctor in infantry regiment of Stalingrad and Don fronts, and then he worked as a resident physician in surgical hospital of the 7th Guards Army. He was wounded twice. Author of approximately 170 scientific works, including 6 monographs, 14 inventions, 26 innovation proposals, devoted to the issues of new growths in EENT organs, scleroma, and otitis at children, tonsillar pathologies, and reparative reconstructive surgery. For the first time in the world otorhinolaryngology he applied the polymer materials (teflon, lavsan) to replace the defects of bony and cartilaginous skeleton of the nose, throat and trachea. He suggested the unique set of tools to remove the scleroma infiltrate from throat, trachea and bronchi. The use of cancellous allografts in plastic EENT-surgery founded the new section for alloplasty of EENT organs. In 1979 his clinic became the center or reparative reconstructive surgery of EENT-organs in Ukraine. The talented scientist ad pedagogue established the scientific school of otorhynolaryngologists. He is awarded with two orders of the Red Star, Patriotic War of the 1st degree, “Badge of honor”, “For defense of Stalingrad”, Honorary inventor of the USSR”
During 16 years (in 1966-1976 and 1984-1990) the dean of pediatric faculty was Chebotaryova Vira Dmytrivna– Doctor of Medicine, professor, head at department of propedeutics of children’s diseases. Honorary worker of National Education of Ukraine. In 1951 she graduated from Kyiv medical institute. Author of over 150 scientific works (14 are published abroad), 3 monographs, 3 textbooks and many sections in textbooks and study guides, 5 methodical guidelines and 3 inventions. The scientific searches and achievements relate the urgent problems of pediatrics: study of different problems in children’s pulmonology, cardiac rheumatology, immune system status and clotting process at different diseases at children, as well as issues of children’s neuphrology. In 1995 she was elected as a member in International association of children’s nephrologists. She made the essential contribution into improvement of methods for treatment of pneumonia, understanding the essence of rheumatism pathogenesis and development of rational methods for its treatment and prevention. She is awarded with Charter of Honor by Presidium of Verkhovna Rada, badge “Excellent health care worker” and medals.
During 1976-1978 the pediatric faculty was headed by Gudzenko Prokofiy Mykytovych – Doctor of Medicine, professor, head at department of faculty pediatrics, Laureate of State Prize of UkrSSR. In 1939 he graduated from Kyiv medical institute. Author of over 150 scientific works, in particular 8 monographs, devoted to problems of tuberculosis at children, staphylococcal diseases, and intestinal infections. Chief pediatrician of MHC of UkrSSR, Chairman of Board in scientific Society of pediatricians of the UkrSSR. Participant in the Great Patriotic war. He is awarded with the order of the Labor Red Flag and medals.
In 1978-1980 the dean of pediatric department was Trishkova Liia Oleksiivna – Doctor of Medicine, professor, and head at department of children’s infectious diseases. In 1954 she graduated from Kyiv medical institute. Author of 160 scientific works, including 5 monographs. For the first time in the country she studied the immunological background for formation of severe forms for viral hepatitis at children, exchange of microelements at this pathology, suggested the methods for its correction. She developed the problems of acute intestinal infections, methods for diagnostics, treatment and prevention of diphtheria. She was on a business trip due to line of the Red Cross of the USSR in Republic of Somalia. She is awarded with Charter of Honor “For help to population in Republic of Somalia, who suffered from flood”.
In 1980-1984 the pediatric faculty was headed by Sydelnykov Viktor Mykhaylovych – Doctor of Medicine, professor, head at department of hospital pediatrics (pediatrics No 2 with the course of medical genetics and neonatology), pro-rector on scientific and later on treatment work, corresponding member in AMS of the USSR, RAMS, corresponding member in NAS and AMS of Ukraine, Honorary Scientist of UkrSSR, Chief pediatrician of MHC of the UkrSSR (1970-1972), Chief children’s cardiac rheumatologist of MHC of Ukraine (1973-1997). In 1955 he graduated with honors from pediatric faculty of Kyiv medical institute. Author of over 300 scientific works, 15 monographs, 16 inventions, devoted to children’s cardiac rheumatology, pulmonology, allergology, neonatology, urgent and ecological pediatrics. He was the first one in the country, who developed the algorithms for diagnostics and treatment of myocarditis, myocardiodystrophy, cardiac insufficiency and arrhythmia at newborns and children of older age. For the first time in the world he described the smallest defect of interventricular septum. Initiator and organizer of cardiologic and allergological centers. In 1957 he established Kyiv city children’s clinical hospital No 2, where the specialized divisions of children’s allergology, cardiology and intensive care were opened for the first time in c. Kyiv. Scientific supervisor of Ukrainian American program on problems of perinatology and neonatology, laid foundations for partnership in pediatrics between Bogomolets National medical university and Pennsylvania University (USA, 1992). He was one of the first medical professors, who took part in rendering the medical aid to children’s population from the region of Chernobyl catastrophe and discovered the new direction in work of the clinic – development of problems in ecological pediatrics. Chairman in Society of children’s’ doctors of Ukraine. Founder of Ukrainian school for children’s cardiac rheumatology and allergology. Participant in the Great Patriotic War. He is awarded with the order of the Labor Red Flag, four medals, badge “Excellent health care worker”, Charter of Honor by Presidium of Verkhovna Rada of the UkrSSR.
Since 1990 until 1999 the dean of pediatric faculty was Golota Vladyslav Yakovych– Doctor of Medicine, professor, academician in NAS of Ukraine, Honorary Scientist and Technician of the UkrSSR. In 1959 he graduated from O.O. Bogomolets Kyiv medical institute. Since 1982 he is the founder and constant head at department of obstetrics and gynecology No 3 at O.O. Bogomolets National medical university. Author of 340 scientific works, including 26 monographs and 2 textbooks, 26 author’s proposals, 4 patents for inventions. The leading place in scientific researches belongs to developments of rational diet for pregnant women, prevention of pyoinflammatory diseases in obstetrician and gynecological practice, antenatal protection of fetus and prevention of perinatal complications during pathological run of pregnancy. For the first time in the country he scientifically grounded and practically implemented the sanatorium-resort stage in treatment rehabilitation events for pregnant women. Initiator for development and implementation of new methods for prevention of unplanned pregnancy. Active member in European and World association of obstetricians-gynecologists, vice-President of board in Association of Ukrainian society of obstetricians-gynecologists. Chief obstetrician-gynecologist of Kyiv. Awarded with Charter of Honor from Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
During 1999-2005 the head of medical faculty No 3 was Lizogub Viktor Grygorovych (born on 12.10.1947) – Doctor of Medicine, professor, head at department of faculty therapy No 2, deputy pro-rector on scientific work – head of scientific research unit at university. Honorary Scientist and Technician of Ukraine. Deputy director at State pharmacological center at MHC of Ukraine. Director in Scientific expert center of medicines, created on the basis of nanotechnologies at NAS of Ukraine (2009). In 1972 he graduated from O.O. Bogomolets Kyiv medical institute. Author of over 200 scientific works, including 3 monographs, patents for inventions, methodical guidelines, 2 study guides. The main directions in scientific activity are the development of methods for diagnostics and treatment of ischemic heart disease, which are protected by patents and certificates of authorship. For the first time he showed the role of skin in genesis of coronary atherosclerosis and run of ischemic heart disease. Member in European society of cardiologists, member in presidium of Ukrainian society of therapeutists.
In 2005-2010 the dean of medical faculty No 3 at O.O. Bogomolets National medical university was Maydannyk Vitaliy Grygorovych (born on 2.01.1957) – famous doctor-pediatrician, Doctor of Medicine, professor, head at department of pediatrics No 4, Laureate of State Prize of Ukraine in the sphere of science and technology, pro-rector on treatment work (1994-2000), academician in NAMS of Ukraine. In 1980 he graduated from Kyiv medical institute, was included into Golden Book of Honor. Author of 545 scientific works, including 26 monographs and 6 textbooks and 12 educational methodological guidelines. The scientific developments are protected by 3 certificates of authorship and 32 patents for inventions. The scientific works are devoted to urgent issues of nephrology, cardiac rheumatology, vegetology, pulmonology, gastroenterology and endocrinology of childhood. He made the significant contribution into study of mechanisms for development and elaboration of new methods for diagnostics and treatment of microbial inflammatory diseases of urinary system at children. He grounded and developed the new methods for diagnostics and treatment of pyelonephritis, which are widely implemented into clinical practice. At his initiative in 1998 they established the first in Ukraine children’s division of chronic hemodialysis, where under his control for the first time on the basis of fractal analysis developed the criteria for adequacy of hemodialysis that allowed significantly improving rendering the medical aid to patients with chronic renal insufficiency. Founder of study on disorders of involuntary nervous system and peculiarities for run of psychosomatic diseases at children, suggested their new classification, established the school of children’s vegetologists and Center for diagnostics and treatment of vegetative dysfunctions at children (1990). During recent years under his supervision they study the problem of arterial hypertension at children. For the first time they implemented such methods of research as induced sympatric skin potentials, daily monitoring of electrocardiogram and evaluation on variability of cardiac rhythm, crystallographic method of urine research, daily monitoring or blood pressure, determination of nitrogen oxide, methods of thermography, neuromyography and urofluometry, etc. For the first time in pediatric literature he in details described the fibromyalgia, PFAPA syndrome, anemia of chronic disease, as well as chronic fatigue syndrome. President in Federation of pediatricians in CIS countries, vice-president in Association of pediatricians of Ukraine, member in Problematic commissions in pediatrics and nephrology at NAMS and MHC of Ukraine, chief pediatrician at Chief department of health care at Kyiv city state administration, member in International association of pediatricians and children’s nephrologists, member in editorial boards of 12 special journals of Ukraine and Russia. His medical, scientific pedagogical and public activity for many years was awarded with the gratitude from Chairman in Kyiv city state administration (1999), gratitude (2007) and Charter of Honor (2007) from MHC of Ukraine. In 2001 the Decree of President awarded the honorary title “honorary Doctor of Ukraine” to him.
Since 2010 the medical faculty No 3 is headed by Petrenko Vasyl Ivanovych (born on 12.01.1952) – doctor- phthisiologist, Doctor of Medicine (1997), professor (2001), head at department of phthisiology with the course of pulmonology (1997). In 1980 he graduated from O.O. Bogomolets Kyiv medical institute. In 1997 he defended Doctor’s dissertation on topic “System of icosanoids and principles for pharmacological correction of its disorders at patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (clinical experimental research)”. In 2007-2008 – Chairman in committee on issues of contraction to HIV-infection/AIDS and other socially dangerous diseases. In 2009-2010 – chief phthisiologist in city Kyiv. Author and co-author of over 250 scientific and educational methodological works, including 10 patents for inventions, 2 innovation proposals, 5 innovations, 18 methodical guidelines, 2 educational methodological guides, 7 textbooks, among them “Phthisiology” and “Pediatrics”, published in Ukrainian, Russian and English languages, study guide “Tuberculosis and HIV-infections/AIDS”. The main directions of scientific researches are related to study of urgent problems in phthisiology and pulmonology, with peculiarities for pharmacokinetics of antituberculous remedies at patients with chronic air breathing. He performed the fundamental experimental researches, directed to study the molecular mechanisms of actions of medicines that are used for treatment of tuberculosis and non-specific diseases of respiratory organs at the level of universal signal systems of the cell. For the first time under conditions of experiment at clinic he determined the principal possibility for pharmacological correction of disorders in system of icosanoids (leukotriens, prostacyclins, thromboxanes, prostaglandins) and cyclic nucleotides, which arise at patients with tuberculosis, grounded the expediency for use of essential phospholipids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and flavonoids. He has been working on improvement of issues on development of ecological pulmonology, including on problems, related to consequences from breakdown at ChNPP, implementation of ecologically friendly technologies of treatment in phthisiology and pulmonology. He develops and improves the methods for immune diagnostics and immune correction of tuberculosis and non-specific pulmonary diseases, as well as in their combination with HIV/AIDS. He improves and develops the new methods for antimicobacterial and pathogenetical therapy of tuberculosis. During recent years he takes an active part in development of regulatory legal documents about tuberculosis. He is at the head of Association of phthsiologists, pulmonologists, and thoracic surgeons in c. Kyiv. Founder and chief editor of journal “Tuberculosis. Pulmonary diseases. HIV-infection” (2010). Under supervision of V.I. Petrenko they prepared 2 Doctor’s and 5 Candidate’s dissertations. Awarded with the order “For merits” of the 3rd degree, Order of the Prince Yaroslav the Wise of the 5th degree, Honorary badge from MES of Ukraine “Excellent educator”, charters of honor from Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Ministry of education and science of Ukraine, Red Cross Society.
Medical faculty No 3 today
Pediatrics (in translation from Greek – treatment, child) is the most important section of medicine, which is engaged in study of anatomy and physiological standards of child’s organism starting since the first days of birth until last age period. Pediatrics as a science studies the reasons, as well as the mechanisms of children’s diseases that are developed, and, of course, is engaged in development of methods for their treatment.
The methods for diagnostics that are now used in treatment of children’s diseases enable identifying them at early stages, as well as performing very efficient preventive events, treatment. The purpose of children’s doctor is maximally to prevent from all manifestations, as well as data about very sad consequences from diseases that have formed, a kind of aid to inoculate the correct skills in nutrition and modes of small child’s life and as a result – participation in development of health, strong child.
The faculty that provides with the special training of doctors-pediatricians successfully functions at National medical university since 1930; however, the pediatric faculty as a separate educational system was established as a part of National medical institute in 1934. Its establishment is the logical result of fruitful developments of leading scientists in the sphere of pediatric science and practical work as to treatment of children and teenagers. Today at the faculty there is 1 theoretical (department of histology and embryology) and 9 clinical departments (obstetrics and gynecology No 3, internal diseases No 4, children’s surgery, children’s infectious diseases, pediatrics No 2, pediatrics No 4, neurology and rehabilitation medicine, surgery No 4, phthisiology), among them 6 departments are supportive ones in Ukraine (histology and embryology, children’s infectious diseases, neurology and rehabilitation medicine, pediatrics No 2, phthisiology, surgery No 4).
The following famous names are at the head of national pediatrics as a science in Kyiv historical territories: O.L. Lypskyy, V.Ye. Chernov, I.V. Troitskyy, F.D. Rumiantsev, D.L. Sygalov, and in the newest times – corresponding members in AMS of the USSR O.M. Khokhol and V.M. Sidelnykov, professors O.V. Cherkasov, V.G. Balaban, I.M. Rudnev, O.I. Koshel-Pleskunova, P.S. Moschych, V.D. Chebotaryova, Ye.G. Gorodetska, A.O. Andruschuk. The powerful link of children’s surgery at National medical university is in personalities of professors A.R. Shurynka, M.B. Sytkovskyy, professors D.Yu. Kryvchenya, pupil of M.M. Amosov and O.O. Shalimov and famous children’s orthopedist O.V. Dolnytskyy. The graduates from faculty assisted to establishment of the institute of pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology at NAMS of Ukraine, and it is remarkable that its heads academicians O.M. Lukyanova and Yu.G. Antypkiv belongs to these rows.
The professors teaching composition includes 152 persons. Among teachers of the faculty there are 26 professors, 48 assistant professors, 79 assistants, among them 35 Doctors and 105 Candidates of Sciences. 8 Doctors and 11 Candidates of Medicine were prepared for recent 5 years at the faculty.
The following famous persons fruitfully work at the faculty: 1 academician in NAMS of Ukraine professor V.G. Maydannyk, 1 academician in ASHE professor R.G. Protsiuk and 2 corresponding members in NAMS of Ukraine (professors Yu.B. Chaykovskyy, O.P. Volosovets), 7 honorary doctors of Ukraine (professors V.G. Mishalov, V.G. Maydannyk, A.F. Levytskyy, A.O. Burka, O.I. Sobko, S.O. Kramaryov, T.V. Loboda), 4 honorary scientists and technicians of Ukraine (professors V.G. Lyzogub, D.Yu. Kryvchenya, O.P. Volosovets, R.G. Protsiuk, Yu.B. Chaykovskyy), 5 laureates of state and personal prizes (professors V.G. Maydannyk, Yu.B. Chaykovskyy, O.V. Dolnytskyy, D.Yu. Kryvchenya, V.A. Cherniak), 5 chief extraordinary specialists of MHC of Ukraine and 5 chief extraordinary specialists at CAHC in c. Kyiv.
Nine clinical departments of the faculty are located in 11 medical preventive establishments at Chief administration of health care in c. Kyiv.
Almost 1 000 students study at the faculty, among them 64% study with excellent and good marks. In total 13,095 doctors were trained at the faculty since its foundation. The generations of famous and talented compatriots were brought up by their hands and knowledge, conscience and mind.
The work is held taking into consideration the integration of university into general educational European space (Bologna process), rating system for assessment of students’ activity, test control of knowledge in the form of licensing integrated exams “KROK 1” and “KROK 2”, implementation of new technologies using computer classrooms, internet classes, English speaking study. All students are provided with sufficient amount of educational methodological and scientific literature.
The highly qualified pediatric schools is established in the process of the long historical development of pediatric faculty at National medical university, which was formed by famous scientists from the former USSR – corresponding members in AMS of the USSR Khokhol O.M., Sidelnykov V.N. and their pupils and followers – academician in NAMS of Ukraine, Honorary Doctor of Ukraine, laureate of State prize of Ukraine, head at department of pediatrics No 4, chairman in association of pediatricians in CIS countries Maydannyk V.G., corresponding member in NAMS of Ukraine Volosovets O.P., Honorary Doctor of Ukraine, head at department of children’s infectious diseases, professor Kramaryov S.O., professor Petrenko V.I. – head at department of phthisiology, dean of pediatric faculty, professor at department of children’s surgery Kryvchenya D.Yu. They all make the worthy contribution into development of pediatric science in Ukraine; bring the results from scientific researches of pediatric faculty.
At present moment the pediatric faculty (medical faculty No 3) of O.O. Bogomolets National medical university, where the pediatric and accompanying departments function in full force to train doctors-pediatricians, is the largest in Ukraine faculty due to training of doctors-pediatricians.
The evidence of high pedagogical and scientific potential at employees of the faculty is the fact that according to results from rating of four recent years it takes the leading places among faculties of O.O. Bogomolets NMU. The material technical provision of educational process in specialty “Pediatrics” corresponds to modern sanitary hygienic requirements and fire safety rules and allows performing the field-specific standards of education at proper level. The qualitative composition of scientific pedagogical workers at the faculty is considered as the most important prerequisite for improvement of pedagogical provision for educational process.