The department of pharmacy and industrial technology of drugs


On 16 May 2024, Zhanna Polova, Head of The Department of Pharmacy and Industrial Technology of Drugs, and Olena Нlushchenko, Associate Professor of the Department, took part in the trilateral conference “Business and Education in the Pharmaceutical Industry. A recipe for effective cooperation”, organised by the pharmaceutical company Arterium. The conference was devoted to discussing the problems of mismatch between education and labour market needs and developing new opportunities for bringing higher education institutions and business closer together to improve the quality of training of future specialists.



This year, the students of  The Department of Pharmacy and Industrial Technology of Drugs joined the All-Ukrainian competition of student’s scientific works in the fields of knowledge and specialties in the academic year 2023-2024.

The 5th year student Anastasiia Vakula (first place) and the 3rd year student Kateryna Mykhailova (second place) won in the Pharmacy section. We sincerely congratulate the winners and their supervisors!


Together with the Ukrainian Pharmaceutical Student Association @upsa.ukraine, Darnitsa Pharmaceutical Company implements the Pharm Buddy mentoring programme, under which the employees of the company act as mentors to students.

Mentors and future pharmacists work together to develop individual development plans that allow them to understand all aspects of professional life.

Recently, the participants of the Pharm Buddy programme, namely the 4th year students of the Faculty of Pharmacy Nataliia Petryk and Sofiia Harlampovych, visited the production facilities of Darnitsa Pharmaceutical Company



At the beginning of November 2022, 3rd year students of the Faculty of Pharmacy Nataliia Petryk and Liliia Mykhailovska attended the Autumn Assembly organised by the European Pharmaceutical Students’ Association. The Congress was held in Greece. The participants’ programme consisted of two symposia, a workshop and a training of their choice. As part of the visit, the participants had the opportunity to visit the pharmaceutical factories APIVITA and DOCTOR’S LABS



In October 2019, a master class was carried out by the cosmetics company of the manufacturer «Denova» at the Department of Pharmacy and Industrial Technology of Drugs, which was participated by the staff of the Department and students of the 5th course of the 581K Pharmaceutical faculty.

The master-class was carried out by Zhanna Brokhova – medical specialist of the first category, cosmetologist, master of shugaring, certified technologist for professional cosmetics of the company «Denova», teacher of cosmetology and shugaring.



The international seminar «Unicum from Hungary – Prostaglandin chemistry» was held by department of pharmacy and industrial technology of drugs on 20, May, 2011 within the festival “Year of chemistry and Day of Science of France in Ukraine”.

Lecturers: Tibor KISS (Prostaglandin Production Manager, Sanofi-aventis)

Gabor Havasi (Prostaflandin Chemical Development Manager, Sanofi-aventis)

Participants in seminar:

The attaché on issues of university and scientific cooperation and director in French Ukrainian center on university and scientific cooperation: Giyosh Kolen.

Representative of “Sanofi – aventis Ukraine” company.

Head at department of pharmacy and industrial technology of drugs, Doctor of Pharmacy, Siatynia M.L.

Head at department of organization and economics in pharmacy, Doctor of Pharmacy, professor Volokh D.S.

Dean in pharmaceutical faculty, head at department of biological, bioorganic and pharmaceutical chemistry, Doctor of Medicine, professor Nizhenkovska I.V.

Head at department of Pharmacognosy and botany, Doctor of Pharmacy, professor Sereda P.I.

Teachers at department, students in the 3rd-4th courses in pharmaceutical faculty.

III (65) International scientific practical congress of students and young scientists “Urgent problems in modern medicine” was held on 12-14, October, 2011 on the base of Bogomolets National medical university.

This year the congress was devoted to three outstanding jubilees: 170th anniversary of Bogomolets National medical university, 130th anniversary of O.A. Kysil Students’ scientific society and 200th anniversary since birthday of the first dean in medical faculty at Emperor St. Volodymyr University professor Volodymyr Opanasovych Karavayev.

The plenary meeting of separate section “Technology of drug” was held for the first time at department of pharmacy and industrial technology of drugs. Earlier the section was united with the section at department of organization and economics in pharmacy.

Chairman in jury: Doctor of Pharmacy, professor, head at department of pharmacy and industrial technology of drugs M.L. Siatynia.

Members in jury: Candidate of Pharmacy, assistant professor V.P. Popovych

Candidate of Pharmacy, assistant M.V. Shumeyko

Candidate of Pharmacy, assistant Zh. M. Popova

Candidate of Pharmacy, assistant O.M. Glushchenko

Secretary: member in O.A. Kysil SSS, students of the 5th course in pharmaceutical faculty A.I. Grebelnyk.

7 oral reports were presented at the section. The reporters were students from Bogomolets NMU, post-graduate student in Shupiko NMAPE and post-graduate at department of pharmaceutical technology, management and economics of health care FGAOU VPO “Belgorod state national research university”.

Due to results of reports the following students were awarded with diplomas:

I place – Solovey T.A., student of the 5th course in Bogomolets NMU “Development of cosmetic complex to remove the problem of alopecia at men”.

II place – Prydachyna D.V. – post-graduate student in Belgorod state national research university, “Study on viscosity of hydroxyl propyl methyl cellulose in the process of supramicrostructurization”

III place Ratushnyy S.V. – post-graduate student in Shupiko NMAPE, “Biopharmaceutical researches on innovative transdermal therapeutic system with merkazolil” and Zotsenko L.O., student of the 5th course at Bogomolets NMU, “Researches on consumer’s choice of multivitamin preparations”.

The works of all participants were published in the issue of special edition by HEB of Ukraine “Ukrainian scientific medical journal for youth”.

State exam – Technology of medicines