The department of pharmacy and industrial technology of drugs
(УКР) Зовнішня професійна співпраця
On 28.05.2024, within the framework of scientific and educational cooperation, Valentyna Petrivna Ivanikina, a pharmacist for the manufacture of medicines of the in-hospital pharmacy of the Feofaniya Clinical Hospital, conducted an online tour of the aseptic block for 3rd and 4th year students of the Faculty of Pharmacy.
Within the framework of cooperation with experts of the pharmaceutical industry, online meetings with the leading medical experts of the Darnytsa Pharmaceutical Company Maksym Shepetko and Oleksii Petrenko were organised for the students of the Faculty of Pharmacy on the topical issues of the stages of pharmaceutical development of original and generic drugs, namely: “Preclinical studies of medicinal products. Stages of preclinical development: pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, safety pharmacology and toxicology. Standards for conducting preclinical trials” (22.05.2024) and “Clinical trials of medicinal products. Phases of clinical development. Standards for conducting preclinical studies” (29.05.2024).