Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry
Training and Methodological Work
Vice Chair for Education and Training: Associate Professor Igor Svintsitskyi, MD, MSc, PhD (email:
The following subjects for dental students are taught by the Department staff members:
- “Introduction to Internal Medicine, Including Internal Medicine Nursing Practice”;
- “Deontology in Medicine”;
- “Internal Medicine (Including Epidemiology, Infectious Diseases, Clinical Pharmacology, Endocrinology)” (Modules “Internal Medicine (Pulmonology, Gastroenterology, Cardiology, Rheumatology)”, “Internal Medicine (Nephrology, Hematology, Allergology)”, “Endocrinology”);
- “Evidence-Based Medicine Methodology”.
The following subject for medical students is taught by the Department staff members:
- “Internal Medicine” (Modules 4 & 5).
Regulations of everyday academic performance and final exam evaluation
Lists of questions for final exam
Educational guidelines for self-preparation for practical classes
The Department representatives are constantly involved into work of Testing Centre of Ministry of Health of Ukraine. They create new tests for “Step-2” and “Step-3” Exams and check the old ones.
A lot of MSc in Medicine, Residents, PhD Students have been prepared by the Department Professors. In 1972-2015 the Department was responsible for methodological guidance of Internal Medicine Internship in Bogomolets National Medical University.
In 1974-2017 the Department carried out advanced training courses for representatives of Higher Medical Educational Institutions of Ukraine in “Internal Medicine” and elective courses (“Current Issues in Rheumatology”, “Current Issues in Gastroenterology”, “Current Issues in Pulmonology”, “Current Issues in Cardiology”, “Current Issues in Nephrology”, “Current Issues in Hematology and Transfusiology”, “Instrumental Methods of Functional Diagnosis”, “Evidence-Based Medicine Methodology”, “Evidence-Based Medicine”).
Department staff members are the authors of a lot of national textbooks [“Internal Medicine” (in Ukrainian (2008, 2009), Russian (2008, 2010), English (2019)), “Pharmacotherapy” (2012), “Family Medicine. Book 1: General Issues of Family Medicine” (in Ukrainian (2013), Russian (2015) and English (2016)), “Internal Medicine: Handbook for General Practitioner” (2014), “Internal Medicine: a textbook based on the principles of evidence-based medicine: 2018/19” (2018)] and study guides [“Hospital Therapy. Vol. 1: Pulmonology, Cardiology, Rheumatology” (1993), “Hospital Therapy. Vol. 2: Gastroenterology, Nephrology, Hematology” (1994), “Encyclopedia for General Practitioner” (1995), “Gastroenterology” (1995), “Nephrology” (1995), “Rheumatology” (1996), “Pharmacotherapeutic Guide for Gastroenterologist” (2000), “Physician’s Drug Handbook” (2003), “Internal Diseases. Vol. 1, 2” (2004), “Diagnosis and Treatment of Common Diseases of Digestive System” (2004, 2007), “Rheumatic Diseases and Syndromes” (2006), “Rational Diagnosis and Pharmacotherapy of Respiratory Diseases” (2007, 2013), “Management of Heart Defects in General Practice” (2010), “Internal Medicine Practicum Handbooks: Gastroenterology, Pulmonology, Hematology, Cardiology, Rheumatology, Nephrology” (2010), “Diagnosis and Treatment of Blood Disorders” (2011), “Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease” (2011), “Bile Reflux in Clinical Practice” (2012), “Diagnosis and Treatment of Kidney Diseases” (2014), “Diagnosis and Treatment of Rheumatic Diseases” (2017), “Diagnostic Tests in Internal Medicine” (2019), Ukrainian version of “eMPendium: Internal Diseases” Educational Platform (