Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics
History of the Department
The Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of Bogomolets National Medical University was founded in 1923.
Sergii Lukyanovych Tymofeev, a progressive scientist and organizer, was the first Head of the Department. At first, the name of the Department was “Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology”. Urgent needs of medicine stipulated for the foundation of the Department, as there were a lot of disabled children, because of congenital and acquired defects of the development and traumas of the musculoskeletal system.
S.L. Tymofeev, a Professor
S.L. Tymofeev, a Professor, understanding the significance of this not only medical, but a national social problem, proved the necessity to include the methods of the conservative and orthopedic surgery into the curriculum of the young doctors, with mutilation of the adults when their musculoskeletal system is hurt. He wrote: “A great quantity of the lame, limped, humped, and other helpless people suffering from disfiguration and deformations nowadays walk along the streets without any aid, as the latter demands deep knowledge and great skills in plastic surgery.” The site of the Department made by him became the military hospital, where students and young doctors could get all necessary practical skills, and Tsendorovsky consulting room with all conditions for mastering methods of rehabilitation of people suffering from injuries, surgery on joints, affection of muscles and tendons.
The enthusiast doctors, such as S.T. Novytsky, A.Ya. Sheftel, M.K. Konchyn, were the first employees of the Department. They were engaged not only in important pedagogical and clinical work, but in creative scientific work as well, dealing with problems of traumatology and orthopedics. Moreover, they created workbooks, tutorials, and textbooks.
In 1927, Prof. Tymofeev published the textbook (monograph) “Principles of Surgery and Traumatology”, which was the principal manual in teaching the students. S.T. Novytsky published the training and practical guides in desmurgy and plastering techniques. Thus, the employees of the Department headed by Prof. Tymofeev supplied their students with modern workbooks and a textbook in orthopedics and traumatology, relevant to the curriculum.
By the way, they published scientific articles and announcements. Within the period from 1923 till 1932, the employees of the Department published nearly 40 tractates covering organizational issues, improvements and advance developments of treating orthopedic-traumatological patients, solving traumatic shock problems, osteoplasty, and reconstructive orthopedic surgery.
In 1936, S.T. Novytsky defended a thesis “Adult Cervical Hip Fracture” for the academic degree of a Doctor of Medicine and published the monograph in the same topic, which is urgent even today. In 1945, Prof. Novytsky was chosen to be the Head of the Department of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy, which he headed till 1957. He was a Dean of the Medical Department during many years.
In 1944, A.Ya. Steftel defended a thesis for the academic degree of the Doctor of Medicine and was chosen to be the Head of Pediatric Surgery.
In1932, People’s Commissioner for Public Health of Ukraine invited Oleksandr Grygorovych Yeletsky, a well-known scientist and a talented surgical clinician, a student of the professors S.I. Spasokukotsky and V.I. Rozumovsky, to the Kyiv Medical Institute and commissioned him as a Head of the Department.
О.G. Yeletsky, a Professor
The 100 Bed Clinic became the site of the Department at the All-Ukrainian Traumatology and Orthopedics Research Institute. The program of studying orthopedics and traumatology was extended, and the students got the opportunity to observe various orthopedic and traumatological patients. They could get the practical skills both in the clinic and in the trauma centre. It was the first scientific and pedagogical centre in Ukraine, which allowed thoroughly studying of the traumatology and orthopedics, and professors and lecturers of the Department were afforded an opportunity to carry out the scientific research in laboratories, a vivarium, a rehabilitation department, and a biomechanical laboratory.
The Department headed by Prof. Yeletsky became the pedagogical school and a creative scientific subdivision of the Institute. The talented scientists-clinicians such as К.М. Klimov, who became the first winner of the Stalin Prize in orthopedics and traumatology, Deputy Director, and Director of the Kyiv Research Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology; V.P. Zakharzhevsky, who was one of the leading theorist-clinicians, a member of the Writers’ Union of Ukraine; І.P. Alekseenko (later he became Director of the Kyiv Research Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Deputy Minister of Public Health of Ukraine, Rector of the Medical Institute, and worked as an advisor in Public Health of Romania and China), were the assistants of the Department; А.І. Apasova, V.V. Monblanov, М.S. Novyk, were the assistant professors of the Department.
О. G. Yeletsky, І.P. Alekseenko, V.P. Zakharzhevsky
A great work connected with the improvement of the educational and pedagogical process and carrying out the clinical work was done by highly-qualified assistant professors with a wide clinical experience, namely М.S. Novyk, V.V. Monblanov, and A.І. Apasova.
Maks Solomonovych Novyk got clinical training at the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics and was taken to the army when the war began. He worked at the hospitals, where he gave the efficient aid to the wounded soldiers and officers. Following the demobilization, he returned to Kyiv and was chosen upon the contest to be the assistant of the Department, and when he defended a Candidate’s thesis, he was chosen to be the assistant professor of the Department. Maks Solomonovych passed the school of war, that’s why he devoted his scientific work to studying the trauma and surgical treatment of fractures. One of the urgent problems was the problem of femoral neck fractures treatment, and Maks Solomonovych was among the first doctors in Ukraine, who implemented the methods of closed osteosynthesis of femoral neck fractures after Beler, which he got to know in Beler’s Clinic in Austria. Scientific research was dedicated to birth traumas, spinal fractures, upper extremity fractures, and traumatism.
М.S. Novyk was a skilled pedagogue and a mentor. His practical studies served a school for young assistants and postgraduate students.
After the war, Volodymyr Viktorovych Monblanov, lieutenant colonel of medical service and a military surgeon, was employed upon the contest as an assistant of the Department. He passed his experience of military field surgery and traumatology to the students, resident physicians, postgraduate students, and young doctors. Volodymyr Viktorovych was a modest person, a brilliant surgeon, and a favorite teacher. When he defended his Candidate’s thesis, he was chosen to be the assistant professor of the Department. He studied the healing of fractures and treatment of gunshot wounds.
V. V. Monblanov
His experimental research in reparative regeneration in the process of its slow joining and false joints showed the incapability of the existing methods of extended resections in intact bone stock, which led to extreme limb shortening. On the basis of the experimental research, he proved the reasonability of opening the bone-marrow channel and implementation of stable osteosynthesis guaranteed by the reparative regeneration process. Works by V.V. Monblanov found a great practical application in healing the shotgun limb wounds and their rehabilitation.
Volodymyr Viktorovych had a great authority as a scientist, a clinician, a mentor, and a pedagogue. He was loved by his students, young doctors, assistants, and he was deeply respected by his colleagues.
In postwar period, Antonina Ivanivna Apasova was employed upon the contest as a professor assistant of the Department. Having passed the famous Sverdlovsk school of orthopedists-traumatologists, Antonina Ivanivna was a very educated person, a highly-qualified specialist, a wonderful pedagogue, and a mentor for the youth.
Scientific research of O.G. Yeletsky and his colleagues was dedicated to the development and improvement of methods of treating fractures, artificial joints, and issues of the reparative regeneration of a bone. Prof. Yeletsky studied the anatomic variations of lumbosacral part of the spine and their role in occurring a pain syndrome, enhanced the methods of treating spinal injuries and diseases, he became a flagman of working out the arthroplastic joint replacement surgery in the former USSR. His development of the knee-joint innervation became his classical research. In 1936, he published the monograph “Spinal Injuries and Diseases”, and in 1937, his pupil Klimov Kostiantyn Mykhailovych developed the original method of treating displacement of the acromial end of the clavicle and defended a Candidate’s thesis. In 1938, V.P. Zakharzhevsky devised a new method of osteosynthesis – a plane-perforated “boltsung” for shaft fractures. І.P. Alekseenko grounded the significance of the biomechanical factors in treating femoral neck fractures and obtained the academic degree of a Candidate of Medicine. For the nine-year postwar period, three theses for the academic degree of a Candidate of Medicine were defended at the Department, one monograph and 34 tractates were published. His creative activity was interrupted by the beginning of the Great Patriotic War (1941).
The colleagues of the Department went to the front, and the Institute was evacuated to Cheliabinsk. Prof. Yeletsky volunteered for the army, worked as an advisor in various hospitals, shared his knowledge and experience with the young doctors. He published 6 tractates about the policy and methods of treatment gunshot fractures, wounds, and their consequences. І.P. Alekseenko, V.V. Monblanov, and M.S. Novyk went to the front. During the evacuation, the employees of the Department were training military doctors and treating wounded soldiers and officers. Taking into account the profile of the Department, it was renamed into the Military Field Surgery Department.
After liberation of Kyiv in 1944, the Institute was returned to its native city, Prof. Yeletsky continued his work at the Institute, and the Department was named according to the table of organization as Hospital Surgery Department No. 2. During that period, А.І. Apasova, an assistant professor, and І.P. Alekseenko, an assistant professor, worked for the Department. The latter was later the Deputy Minister of Public Health of Ukraine. It was his second job. The assistants such as G.S. Leonchuk, М.О. Vorobyov, А.S. Marynych, А.Ya. Feldman, and М.S. Novyk worked for the Department, too. In the postwar period, the employees of the Department carried out a great organizational work in enabling such processes as educational, clinical, and advisory. The city was fully destroyed. It was necessary to renew the clinical site and the student hostel – everything was done by efforts of the academic teaching staff and students. Finally, the Institute was renewed. The everyday work was begun. In 1952, the Department got back its initial profile name: the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics.
The employees of the Department headed by О.G. Yeletsky, a professor, and research officers of the first clinic of the Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics (the site of the Department) were involved in a great creative and pedagogical work in relation to improvement of the teaching methods, and equipment of the Department with all appliances necessary for the teaching.
The employees of the Department took an active part in the scientific development in the prevention of injuries, treatment of war disabled veterans, and joints diseases; they made a huge contribution into the reconstructive surgery, when the supporting-motor apparatus is injured.
The routine work related to teaching young doctors was done, as well as specialists in traumatology and orthopedics in the clinical residency and postgraduate school.
Headed by Prof. Yeletsky, the following theses were defended: in 1950, G.S. Leonchuk, V.V. Monblanov; in 1953, G.V. Novykov, А.А. Merman, Т.І. Prylypko; in 1954, A.H. Ozerov; in 1955, А.S. Marynych, І.G. Talko; in 1956, І.Т. Knysh. And I.V. Shumada was chosen upon the contest to be the assistant of the Department. The following persons defended their theses: О.І. Palatny, in 1961; V.Ye. Vlasenko, in 1967; A.V. Ostapchuk, in 1969; V.І. Kryzhanivsky, P.І. Kozynets, О.І. Voloshyn, in 1968; the Doctor’s theses: M.O. Vorobyov, in 1961; A.H. Ozerov, in 1963, M.V. Novykov, in1969; І.G. Knysh, in 1966. As a result, guided by O.G. Yeletsky, 4 Doctor’s theses and 19 Candidate’s theses were defended.
Prof. Yeletsky contributed much to the organization and improvement of the teaching work at the Department, having enhanced the level of knowledge and practical skills of the students in orthopedics and traumatology, and training of highly-qualified specialists and lecturers for higher school. He created a scientific school, which gave birth to the outstanding orthopedists-traumatologists, who worthily carried on his innovative ideas: M.V. Novykov, A.H. Ozerov, I.V. Shumada, І.G. Talko, О.І. Voloshyn, І.Т. Knysh, etc. O.G. Yeletsky perfected the teaching methods of healing traumas and spinal diseases, worked out the efficient access to the joints, improved the regeneration surgery on the femur, knee, humeral, and elbow joints. He was a flagman of the development of arthroplastic surgery on big joints. He offered the methods of treating spastic pareses, when the spinal cord is injured. Based on the studying of the bone regeneration, he proved the ability of hypertrophic ends of artificial joints to be regenerated and simultaneously refuted the existing assertion concerning their inability to be regenerated. Prof. Yelesky improved the methods of surgical treatment of chronic dislocations of the shoulder, congenital subluxations, and adult hip dislocation. He investigated and described the innervation of a knee joint, and the bone regeneration stimulation methods. In 1966, 76-year-old Prof. Yeletsky retired, having occupied the position of the Head of the Department for 34 years, and then this position was occupied upon the contest by Ozerov Anton Hrysanovych.
А.H. Ozerov, a Professor
Prof. Ozerov continued the traditions of his teacher, and expanded the scientific and pedagogical work. In connection with requalification of the Scientific Research Institute into the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, A.H. Ozerov extended the site of the Department to perform the teaching of traumatology with the correspondent quality by adding the Traumatology Division (80) beds of the 25 Clinical Hospital of Kyiv.
At the traumatological site of the Department, the students got the opportunity to carry out the curation of traumatological patients and to work at the trauma centre, that means to get the necessary practical skills in emergency traumatology. Prof. Ozerov, while improving teaching of traumatology and orthopedics, carried out a great scientific work and training of scientists and practicians.
А.H. Ozerov grounded the role of injuring menisci in pathogenesis of the arthropathy deformans of a knee joint. He worked out the prescriptions for the surgical treatment, and studied the theoretical and clinical issues of degenerate and dystrophy diseases of femoral and knee joints. He managed to ground the methods of treatment pathogenetically. He worked out the original model of the arthropathy deformans, which helped to carry out the experimental research, to reveal the most efficient pathogenetical methods, and to offer their clinical practice.
Anton Hrysanovych carried out a considerable clinical and advisory work, worked much with young specialists, and trained lecturers for the higher school. Under his guidance, 15 Candidate’s and 7 Doctor’s theses were defended.
The following Candidate’s theses were defended by І.М. Rublenyk, Т.V. Korobkina, А.Ye. Yatskevych, G.V. Gaiko, in1967; І.P. Rudy, in 1969; S.P. Tvardovska, in 1971; І.G. Gaidak, in 1973, etc.
The following Doctor’s theses were successfully defended by А.H. Ozerov, in 1963; М.К. Panchenko, in 1967; А.М. Ostapchuk, in 1969; І.V. Shumada, in 1970; V.М. Kovalishyn, О.І. Voloshyn, in 1972; О.М. Shcherban, in 1974; Ya.Y. Kryzhanivsky, in 1978.
А.H. Ozerov, a Professor, and employees of the Department
Prof. Ozerov was a widely educated expert, a creative clinician-surgeon, and a judicious mentor for young doctors. A serious illness prevented Anton Hrysanovych to complete his constructive plans because he suddenly died in 1976. Prof. Ozerov headed the Department within 10 years. His colleagues at the Department were: І.G. Knysh, І.V. Shumada, G.S. Leonchuk, Ya.Y. Kryzhanivsky, О.І. Voloshyn, V.Ya. Drobotun, Yu.P. Zalozny, V.І. Kravchuk, and І.P. Rudy. In 1977, after the transference of І.Т. Knysh, an assistant professor, to the Oncology Institute as the Head of Division, and І.V. Shumada, an assistant professor, became the Director of the Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Ya.Y. Kryzhanivsky and V.Ya. Drobotun were chosen to be the assistant professors.
In March 1977, Skliarenko Yevgen Tymofiiovych, a professor, the winner of the State Prize of Ukraine, was invited and chosen upon the contest to be the Head of the Department. He was the student of К.М. Klimov, the winner of the Stalin Prize, А.К. Yeletsky, a professor, and А.Ye. Frumina, a Professor. He kept the traditions of the Department and his teachers.
E.Т. Skliarenko, a Professor
The program of teaching traumatology and orthopedics was extended. The methods of active carrying out the practical training were devised, which was oriented to the development of clinical thinking and acquirement of practical skills. As a supervisor of the Students’ Scientific Society of the university named after Professor Kysel, Prof. Skliarenko initiated the work of the Students’ Scientific Circle at the Department. All lecturers of the Department took an active part in its work. The Department was scientifically oriented to the issues of healing fractures and joint diseases.
The staff of the Department continued to train the highly-qualified specialists for practical activity and higher educational establishments. For the first time in the history of the Department, foreign graduate students were trained at the clinical residency and postgraduate school. Guided by Prof. Skliarenko, the following Candidate’s theses were successfully defended: М. Haddadin (1982, Jordan), P. Karidas (1983, Cyprus), G. Heisan (1989, Syria), О. Errero (1990, Colombia), М. Karim (1990, Syria), and А. Jouni (1992, Syria). Furthermore, 21 domestic specialists defended the Candidate’s theses and 5 specialists defended the Doctor’s theses (G.Ya. Martynenko, V.Ya. Drobotun, Ye.P. Pashkov, M.V. Sukhovii, and S.І. Gerasymenko).
Prof. Skliarenko is a flagman of development of such scientific orientation as rheumatic orthopedics. In 1974, he was granted with the State Prize of Ukraine for scientific research in this field. He worked out and grounded the tactics and methods of treating patients suffering from hemophilia, Bechterew disease, and psoriatic arthritis. A great attention was paid by him to the treatment of patients suffering from degenerate and dystrophy injuries of joints, and made their classification. Moreover, he made the classification of arthropathy. Prof. Skliarenko worked out the methods of immersing transplantation of articular ends, and was the first, who invented the methods of decalcification of articular ends and their transplantation. In 1996, he was granted for the second time with the State Prize of Ukraine for the development of joint reconstructive surgery.
In 1984, Prof. Skliarenko was awarded a title of an Honored Scientist of Ukraine. He made a great contribution into traumatology: together with Prof. Voloshyn, he developed the differentiated indications for treating the cervical hip fracture; together with O.O. Fediura, an assistant, he dealt with the head of the femur fractures and artificial joints of the femoral neck; he invented one of the pathogenesis mechanisms of a customary posterior shoulder dislocation, and grounded the differential tactics of treating customary shoulder dislocations, developed the methods of a single total synovectomy of a knee joint, and investigated the treatment of Dupuitren’s contractures together with T.M. Perfilova, the senior research officer; they grounded the defibrosing property of furazolidone; he worked out the gentle closed method of osteosythesis of oblique diaphyseal fractures and the distal tibia syndesmosis together with Prof. Voloshyn. Together with A.T. Brusko, a professor, and Ye.P. Pashkov, a Doctor of Medical Science, he devised the biological synovial fluid, and the inscriptions for cryosurgery in orthopedics and traumatology. He worked out the methods of treatment of a nerve during the amputations and plasty of Achilles tendon in obsolete ruptures.
Prof. Skliarenko is an author of 19 inventions, 5 monographs, and one textbook. Since 1997, he has occupied the position of a professor of the Department.
Since 1997, the Department has been headed by Buryanov Oleksandr Anatoliiovych, a professor, the student of O.O. Korzh, an academician, Ye.T. Skliarenko, a professor, and O.I. Prodan, a professor.
Scientific and practical investigations of the Department are devoted to the further development and improvement of the treatment facilities in the field of current matters of traumatology and orthopedics: metalosteosynthesis, reconstructive surgery and plasty, degenerate and dystrophy injuries of a musculoskeletal system and a spine, restorative treatment of inflammatory diseases of joints, etc.
The employees of the Department are busy with health care practice.
he Department works on 4 clinical sites, where the educational and scientific research work is carried out (the Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Railway Clinical Hospital No. 1 of the Southern-Western Railway of Ukraine, and Clinical Hospital No. 9, Kyiv). Consultancy and therapeutic activities are performed. New methods of surgery and conservative treatment of patients are introduced. The employees of the Department regularly hold the scientific and practical conferences to improve the professional level of general practitioners of the clinical sites.
History in personalities.
More than 35 years passed (1969), when Oleksandr Grygorovych Yeletskyi, a talented scientist, a wide educated clinician, a surgeon-innovator, and a teacher, died.
Oleksandr Grygorovych was born on May 29, 1889, in the family of an employee, in Kharkiv. He obtained a good education, successfully finished the gymnasium, and in 1906, he was enrolled to the Medical Faculty of the Kharkiv University, where he showed a devotion not only to the medicine, but to the creative work as well. In 1911, he graduated from the medical faculty and was called up to the military service, where he served as a doctor of the 186 Aslanduzsky regiment in Saratov. Still Oleksandr Grygorovych didn’t stop communicating with research teams. He attended the advanced surgery university clinics of Saratov, passed the Doctor’s examinations at the university, and in March 1913, V.I. Rozumovsky, a professor of Emperor’s Nicolas II University of Saratov, made an announcement to the management of the university: ”For the vacant position of an assistant pro-rector of the Department of Operative Surgery headed by me, I am honored to introduce O.G. Yeletskyi to work for hire and to fulfill the aforementioned duties, who finished the course of the Kharkiv University in 1911, and has been a military doctor till present in Saratov, Aslanduzsky regiment. His documents are filed in the university in the event he will pass the examination for the academic degree of a Doctor of Medicine” (issued by the Emperor of the Nicolas II University, 1915 Т.У1, edition 2 – p.8.11.104).
So the way of creativeness and science headed by Prof. Rozumovsky, a talented surgeon, began. Nevertheless, it was interrupted by the World War I.
- Yeletskyi was called up to the military service and appointed to be a surgeon of the main dressing station of the division. From the first days of the war, Oleksandr Grygorovych assisted wounded soldiers and officers, and accumulated the clinical experience. In 1918, Oleksandr Grygorovych returned to the Saratov University to perform his former duties at the Department. The war experience helped him to begin independent practical clinical activities. In 1919, he organized the orthopedic subdivision in Saratov, and a sanatorium for the patients suffering from the tuberculosis of bones and joints, and widely developed the surgical methods of treatment. In 1920, O.G. Yeletskyi was appointed to be the Pro-rector of the Department. Thanks to good theoretic training and a huge experience received during the war years, О.G. Yeletsky defended a Doctor’s thesis, in 1924, on “Resection of Posterior Roots of the Spinal Cord as a Treatment of Spastic Paralyses”, and in January 1925, he was chosen to be a professor and then the Head of the Department of the Operative Surgery and Topographical Anatomy of the Saratov University. Combining pedagogical and clinical activities, filigree surgical techniques, deep knowledge of anatomy and topographical anatomy, and a necessity to seek something innovative, allowed Oleksandr Grygorovych to develop new directions in surgery of a musculoskeletal system. A special attention was paid by him to the restorative surgery. He was the first in the Soviet Union, who fulfilled arthroplasty of femur and knee joints for the patients suffering from tuberculosis of joints, and he made the report about arthroplasty at the meeting of surgeons in Leningrad (1928). In 1932, Prof. Yeletsky was invited to the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of Bogomolets National Medical University. Its clinic was based on the Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology. It was the period of creative growth of Prof. Yeletsky. He organized the school of young scientists, which gave Doctors of Medicine such as А.H. Ozerov, І.G. Knysh, М.К. Panchenko, І.G. Talko, О.М. Shcherban, etc.
The creative work was interrupted by the Great Patriotic War, and Oleksandr Grygorovych became a military volunteer. He worked as an advisor at the hospitals, gave the efficient aid to the front line soldiers, taught the young surgeons to fulfill the urgent requirements to the military field service, and was much involved into surgery himself.
After liberation of Kyiv in 1943, he returned to the Department and continued his important creative, practical, and pedagogical activities. He took an active part in scientific meetings and conferences. His reports usually contained new directions, methods, and creative developments. Together with V.V. Monblanov, he grounded that it was a mistake to perform big resections of eburnated ends in false joints, as they knitted well after the opening of marrowy canals and stable osteosythesis.
Implementation into clinical practice of this grounded statement allowed not only to successfully treat false joints, but also to prevent disability and tremendous limb shortening, which occurred after big resections of eburnated ends in false joints. The issues elaborated by Oleksandr Grygorovych and his pupils regarding recovery of large joints was a ground for implementation of reconstructive surgery into the clinical practice, which allowed not only to reduce the level of disability, but also to return to the patients support and dynamic functions of the injured joints.
The experience received in the Patriotic War served a basis for the active treatment of purulent lesions of the musculoskeletal system, such as bullet osteomyelitis.
O.G. Yeletskyi paid a great attention to treatment of patients suffering form suppurative diseases, fusion of bones and treatment not only of false joints, but explanation of reasons of slow fusion, and correspondingly to grounding the pathogenetic treatment.
Oleksandr Grygorovych dealt with one of the most difficult problems in traumatology – treatment of obsolete and congenital adult dislocation of a hip and a shoulder.
Prof. Yeletskyi took an active part in preparing the Great Medical Encyclopedia, he wrote the section “Dislocations”.
Prof. Yeletskyi published more than 60 tractates and 3 monographs. His students defended 5 Doctor’s and 19 Candidate’s theses.
O.G. Yeletskyi transferred the Department to his student А.H. Ozerov, and continued rendering consultations, generalizing the tremendous clinical experience till the end of his life. О.G. Yeletskyi died on December 2, 1969.
The creative personality of Oleksandr Grygorovych as a scientist, a surgeon-innovator, and a clinician remains in memory of his students, who keep developing of the scientific orientation initiated by Prof. Yeletskyi.
The school of Prof. Yeletskyi remains at the cutting edge of the national science.
Ozerov Anton Hrysanovych
Ozerov Anton Hrysanovych, a professor, was born on January 30, 1912, in the family of an employee, in Sambor, Lviv region. After finishing the gymnasium, he entered the Medical Faculty of the Lviv University and graduated from it in 1940. Following the graduation, he became a district doctor in Ivano-Frankivsk region, then he worked as a surgeon at the hospitals of Lviv and Volodymyr-Volynsky, and during the period of the Great Patriotic War, he performed his activities at the hospital of the Soviet Army. From 1946 till 1948, he was a laboratory assistant of the Department of Otolaryngology of the Kyiv Extension Course Institute for Medical Practitioners, and in 1948, he entered the clinical residency of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, where he worked at the clinic of Prof. Yeletsky. Guided by the professor, he defended the thesis for the academic degree of a Candidate of Medical Science on “Surgical Treatment of Patients Suffering from Arthrosis Deformans of Lower Extremities” in 1954, and in 1963, he defended the thesis for the academic degree of a Doctor of Medical Science on “Arthrosis Deformans of a Femur Joint, Clinically and Experimentally”.
Anton Hrysanovych went the way from a resident physician to the Head of 1 clinic, and in 1963, he was chosen to be the Head of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of Bogomolets National Medical University headed by him till 1976.
Prof. Ozerov was a wide educated scientist-clinician. His scientific research was dedicated to one of the most urgent problems in orthopedics: degenerate and dystrophy injuries of large joints of lower extremities. He experimentally proved that one of the main reasons of degenerate and dystrophy changes in a femur joint was biomechanical variations, which formed the basis for the development of methods of preventive surgery oriented to restoration of ordinary anatomic and biomechanical relations in adult joints, which prevent the development of a pathological process of the working-age patients.
He devoted a great deal of his creative activities to one of the urgent problems in traumatology: treatment of fractures of the femoral neck and fractures of extremities. The methods offered by him of closed osteosynthesis of fractures of the femoral neck became available to practitioners-traumatologists.
As a student of the Kyiv school of traumatologists, he was the follower of the stable osteosynthesis of fractures of long tubular bones and false joints, improving the metal clips for such osteosynthesis. Clinical and experimental research of homo- and hetero-bone grafting allowed Prof. Ozerov to ground the demonstrations for differentiated application of bone grafting during the reconstructive surgery after consequences of traumas and diseases of a musculoskeletal system.
The well-known research of Anton Hrysanovych dedicated to traumas and spinal diseases, especially the studying of pathogenesis and treatment of spondylolisthesis.
He published nearly 80 tractates. Anton Hrysanovych paid a great attention to training of young specialists. Guided by him, 8 Doctor’s and 15 Candidate’s theses were defended.
Beside scientific, pedagogical, clinical, and advisory work, Prof. Ozerov was an active member of the editorial board of interdepartmental collection “Orthopedics, Traumatology and Prosthetics”, and a member of the Board of Republican Scientific Society of Traumatologists and Orthopedists. His scientific research became the basis for further investigations.
Yevgen Tymofiiovych Skliarenko
Yevgen Tymofiiovych Skliarenko was born on October 14, 1924, in the family of an employee, in the village of Maly Divlin, Olevsky district, Zhytomyr region.
After finishing the ten-year school in 1941, he volunteered for the army and fought at the Southern-Western and the First Ukrainian fronts. In 1945, he was demobilized and entered the Vinnytsia State Medical Institute, and in IV semester, he was transferred to the Lviv Medical Institute and graduated from it with awards in 1950. After the graduation from the Institute, he went to work to Ismail (now Odesa) region as the Head of the District Hospital in the village of Shevchenkovo, Kiliysky district. In 1952, he entered the clinical residency of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, which he graduated from in 1954, and was chosen upon the contest to be a researcher of the ІІІ Clinic. His teachers were K.M. Klymov, the winner of the State Prize of the Soviet Union, A.E. Frumina, a professor, and O.G. Yeletskyi, a professor. Ye.T. Skliarenko went the way from a researcher to the Head of the ІІІ Clinic headed by him from 1957 till 1999. In 1959, Ye.T. Skliarenko defended the thesis for the academic degree of a Candidate of Medical Science, and in 1966, he defended the thesis for the academic degree of a Doctor of Medical Science. In 1969, he was awarded a rank of a professor, and in 1984, a rank of an Honored Scientist of Ukraine. In 1977, he was chosen upon the contest to be the Head of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of Bogomolets National Medical University. He was the Head till 1997, and later he worked on contract at the same Department. He was the Head of the Students’ Scientific Society of the Professor Kysil Institute for 11 years.
Prof. Skliarenko is a founder of a new scientific orientation and the school of orthopedics and rheumatology – rheumorthopedics, and in 1977, he was awarded with a State Prize of Ukraine.
He is an author of working out a range of reconstructive surgeries on large joints, and in 1996, he was secondly awarded with a State Prize of Ukraine.
Prof. Skliarenko is a founder of implementation of orthopedic treatment of bone and joint injuries of the patients suffering from hemophilia and psoriasis, which substantially reduces the disability and its severity. He grounded and offered the clinical practice of treatment of degenerate and dystrophy injuries of joints depending upon the form of pathologic process, and systematized the nomenclature;
– offered the classification of diseases of joints, fractures of a proximal end of the femur, as well as prescriptions and techniques of surgical treatment of fractures in thochanter area of the thigh bone.
– offered and worked out the methods of the closed osteosynthesis of oblique fractures and spiral diaphyseal fractures;
– grounded and worked out the methods of osteosynthesis of articular fractures of a knee joint;
– grounded and offered the immersion method of transplantation of articular ends preserved by low temperature and demineralized articular ends;
– worked out and offered the methods of treating synovitis with a furazolidone solution.
He published the textbook for higher schools “Traumatology and Orthopedics”.
He issued 6 monographs and published 342 tractates.
Guided by Ye.T. Skliarenko, 6 Doctor’s theses and 23 Candidate’s theses were defended, including by 6 foreigners.
Prof. Skliarenko is an editor of the journal “Chronicle of Traumatology and Orthopedics”, a member of the editorial board of the journal “Ukrainian Rheumatologic Journal”, “Orthopedics, Traumatology and Prosthetics”, “Reporter in Traumatology and Orthopedics”.
Buryanov Oleksandr Anatoliiovych
Buryanov Oleksandr Anatoliiovych was born on July 19, 1960, in Kyiv. In 1983, he graduated from the Medical Faculty of the Kyiv Medical Institute, and from 1984, he took clinical studies in the speciality “Traumatology and Orthopedics” based on clinical hospital No. 25, Kyiv.
In 1984, he was chosen for the position of a researcher of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion to the Division of Effects of Burn Wounds Surgery.
In 1987, he won the contest and till 1990, he took the full time post-graduate study at the Kharkiv Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after Professor Sytenko.
During 1990-1991, he worked as a researcher of the Division of Spinal Pathology at the same Institute.
From 1991, being chosen upon the contest, he worked as a senior researcher of the Division of Spinal Pathology with the Republican Spinal Centre. Since that time, О.А. Buryanov was actively involved in teaching traumatology and orthopedics at the Department of the Ukrainian State Medical University.
From 1993, being chosen upon the contest, he worked as an assistant and professor assistant at the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics.
During this period, he showed himself as a progressive creative pedagogue and an experienced specialist.
In 1995, О.А. Buryanov was chosen upon the contest to be the Head of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics.
In 1997, he defended the thesis for the academic degree of a Doctor of Medical Science, and in 2000, he was awarded an academic rank of a Professor of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics.
Prof. Buryanov is a member of the Specialized Scientific Council 14.01.21 “Traumatology and Orthopedics” at the Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine, and “Rheumatology and Cardiology” at the National Medical University. He is an expert of High Attestation Commission of Ukraine in surgical diseases.
Furthermore, he is a deputy editor-in-chief of the scientific and practical journal “Chronicle of Traumatology and Orthopedics”, a member of the editorial council of the journals “Reporter of Traumatology and Orthopedics” and “Trauma”.
О.А. Buryanov is a member of the World Organization of Orthopedists and Traumatologists (SICOT), the Organization of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (ISMIS), a member of the Board of the Association of Traumatologists and Orthopedists of Ukraine.
He is an author of more than 200 tractates, 17 patents and inventions, 2 monographs and 5 tutorials.
Great scientific achievements of the Department have been made in the field of the musculoskeletal system recovery, treatment of spastic paralyses, spinal diseases and injuries, treatment of pseudojoints, and osteoarticular tuberculosis, as well as bone tissue regeneration, methods of arthroplasty, etc.
Significant results have been gained in solving the problems of degenerate and dystrophy injuries in the musculoskeletal system, dysplasia of a femoral joint, osteosynthesis, and rheumorthopedics.
The employees of the Department published 18 monographs, more than 1400 tractates, and 82 inventions have been protected with copyright certificates.
19 doctors and 64 Candidates of Medical Science have been trained. Today 3 Doctor’s and 5 Candidate’s theses are in the process of creating.
Nowadays a cohesive team of scientists and lecturers works at the Department, including Prof. Skliarenko, a twice winner of the State Prize of Ukraine and Honored Scientist of Ukraine, 4 Doctors and 6 Candidates of Medical Science.
The Department is oriented to the continuation of the scientific search and extension of the program of teaching traumatology and orthopedics, working out and implementation of new methods of treatment, active practical studies to develop clinical thinking and master practical skills by students and young specialists.
The staff of the Department keeps training highly-qualified specialists at the residency to perform practical activities.
Approximately 20 junior surgeons get the degree of a doctor-specialist in Traumatology and Orthopedics at the Department annually.
The highly-qualified specialists for higher school are trained at the Department: lecturers, assistant professors, professors, heads of the profile departments, and the training courses are taken place annually.
The training of highly-qualified specialists for practical public health and higher school are performed at the residency and postgraduate school not only for the citizens of Ukraine, but for the foreigners as well. Thus, 6 citizens from the Middle East and South America got the degree of a Candidate of Medical Science. Five foreign citizens are writing their theses.
Constant effective dynamic relationships of the Department are established with the Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, which is a unified scientific school, which allows to substantially extend the range of knowledge and up-to-date achievements, and to increase the possibility of learning new methods of investigation and treatment, that means to improve the training of traumatologists and orthopedists.