Science – it is organized knowledge
Herbert Spencer
Responsible employee:
Rozovyk Olesya Dmytrivna, Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Studies.
Тel.: (044) 454 49 44
The theme of research work of the Department of Ukrainian Studies:
«Pedagogical skills of the lesson: the communicative aspect»
Research of the communicative aspect of the methodology of conducting seminars and practical classes of medical university students is taking into account the professional orientation. The results of research are used to improve the teaching methods of the disciplines «Ukrainian language (for professional purposes)», «Ukrainian as a foreign language», «History of Ukraine and Ukrainian culture», special courses on professional communication, in creating educational and methodological literature.
Monographs, textbooks and manuals of teachers of the department
used in the educational process
Lytvynenko N.P. Ukrayinskyi medychnyi dyskurs. – Monohrafiya.
[Ukrainian medical discourse. – Monograph.]
The monograph deals with the problem of the communicative-grammatical and socio-pragmatic characteristics of modern Ukrainian medical discourse. A method of conceptual analysis of different types of discourse and communicative dynamics of syntactic units used in professional communication is proposed.
Misnyk N.V. Misnyk N.V. Formuvannya ukrayinskoyi medyko-klinichnoyi terminolohiyi. – Monohrafiya.
[Formation of Ukrainian medical and clinical terminology. -Monograph].
The monograph deals with comprehensively studies the Ukrainian medical clinical terminology, conducted a linguistic analysis of the peculiarities of its formation and functioning, made recommendations for the normalization of the studied terminology.
Rozovyk O.D. Zhinky u hromadsʹko-politychnomu ta sotsialʹno-kulturnomu zhytti USRR (1920-ti roky).–Monohrafiya.
[Women in the socio-political and socio-cultural life of the Ukrainian SSR (1920s). – Monograph].
The monograph deals with the socio-economic situation of women in the 1920s, the peculiarities of the legislation on their political, social and cultural-educational rights. This studies based on the wide range of the little-known archival documents.
Rozovyk D.F., Rozovyk O.D. Pereselenskyi rukh v Ukrayini: druha polovyna XVI st. – 1930-ti roky. –Monohrafiya.
[The migration movement in Ukraine: the second half of the XVI century – 1930s. – Monograph].
The monograph deals with the problem of the origins of resettlement movements of the population of Ukraine during the specified period. The consequences of resettlement processes for the socio-economic development of the regions are shown.
Textbooks and manuals
Astapenko I.A., Blidchenko-Nayko V.V., Misnyk N.V., Nikolayev V.V. Praktykum z ukrayinskoyi movy dlya inozemnykh studentiv: navchalnyy posibnyk: ch. 1/ Za red. prof. N.P. Lytvynenko, 2018. – 96 p.
[Astapenko I.A., Blidchenko-Naiko V.V., Misnyk NV, Nikolaev V.V. Workshop on the Ukrainian language for the foreign students: textbook: Part 1 / Ed. prof.
N.P. Lytvynenko, 2018. – 96 p.].
Bulatkina H.I., Kulinska Y.I., Misnyk N.V., Nikolayev V.V., Serhiyenko T.V. Praktykum z ukrayinskoyi movy dlya inozemnykh studentiv: navchalnyy posibnyk: ch. 2 / Za red. prof. N.P. Lytvynenko, 2018. – 112 p.
[Bulatkina G.I., Kulinska Y.I, Misnyk N.V., Nikolaev V.V., Sergienko T.V. Workshop on the Ukrainian language for foreign students: textbook: Part 2 / Ed. prof. N.P. Lytvynenko, 2018. – 112 p.]
Misnyk N.V., Barabash S.M., Zakharchenko A.V., Kulinska Y.I., Skybun N.V. Vyvchaymo ukrayinsku razom!: navchalnyy posibnyk dlya inozemnykh studentiv / Za red. prof. N.P. Lytvynenko, 2019. – 128 s.
[Misnyk N.V., Barabash S.M., Zakharchenko A.V., Kulinska Y.I, Skybun N.V. Let’s learn Ukrainian together! : textbook for foreign students / Ed. prof. N.P. Lytvynenko, 2019. – 128 p.].
Lytvynenko N.P., Misnyk N.V. Robochyy zoshyt studenta-medyka u dvokh chastynakh. Kyiv, 2019
[Lytvynenko N.P., Misnyk N.V. Workbook of a medical student in the two parts. Kyiv, 2019].
Ivanenko I.M., 2018. Osnovni vymohy do pidhotovky, napysannya i zakhystu naukovo-doslidnytskykh robit. Metodychni rekomendatsiyi. – Kyiv, KMANUM, 2018
[Ivanenko I.M., 2018. Basic requirements for the preparation, writing and defense of research papers. Guidelines. – Кyiv, КМАNUМ, 2018].
Velychko O.B., Shevel N.O. (u spivavtorstvi). Istoriya Ukrayiny: pidruchnyk / V.A. Kachkan, V.M. Levandovsʹkyy, O.B. Velychko, N.O.Shevelʹ ta in.; za red. V.A. Kachkana. – 2-e vyd. – Kyiv, VSV «Medytsyna», 2018.
[Velychko O.B., Shevel N.O. (co-authored). History of Ukraine: textbook / V.A. Kachkan, V.M. Lewandowski, O.B. Velychko, N.O. Shevel and others; ed. by V.A. Kachkan. 2nd edition. – Kyiv, VSV «Medicine», 2018].
Velychko O.B., Rozovyk O.D. Manual for the course «History of Ukraine and Ukrainian culture» in concise form. – Kyiv, Book-plus, 2019.
Nina Lytvynenko, Natalia Misnyk, Oksana Yanyk «Let’s learn Ukrainian together» – Кyiv, «Fenyx», 2020.
– Київ: «Фенікс», 2020.
The book is part of a set of textbooks for foreign students studying the Ukrainian language in institutions of higher medical / pharmaceutical education.
The manual is based on the main points of the current Discipline Program.
Lutsak S. M., Ilkiv A.V., Lytvynenko N.P., Misnyk N.V. ta in. Ukrayinska mova yak inozemna dlya anhlomovnykh studentiv-medykiv u 2 knyhakh. – Kyiv, Medytsyna, 2019. – Knyha 1.
[Lutsak S.M., Ilkiv A.V., Lytvynenko N.P., Misnyk N.V. etc. Ukrainian as a foreign language for English-speaking medical students in 2 books. – Kyiv, Medytsyna, 2019. – Book 1.]
National (interdepartmental) textbook with electronic audio application. It was concluded in accordance with the Standardized requirements for levels of proficiency in Ukrainian as a foreign language, in order to training of the specialists in the areas 222 “Medicine”, 221 “Dentistry”, 226 “Pharmacy”, as well as in accordance with the modern concept of teaching Ukrainian language as a foreign language.
The book is intended for students, interns, teachers, students of postgraduate education of medical institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.