Department of Public Health

Educational activities

Responsible for educational work at the department:

senior teacher, Ph.D. Bibyk Inessa Hennadiyevna


The potential of the Ukrainian nation depends on the youth and young professionals who are studying in higher educational institutions of Ukraine. The future of our country is in the hands of the youth. That is why every higher educational institution should pay attention to the comprehensive development of students, who shape the potential of our country in the future. In the professional training of future health care workers, the Department of Public Health of Bogomolets National Medical University pays sufficient attention not only to the academic component, but to the education of worthy citizens of the country, comprehensively developed personalities with a broad outlook and the ability to think critically. This is possible due to the unity of three components – training, development and upbringing. Education is a determining factor that all employees of the department are engaged in. During 2017-2023, employees of the Department of Public Health, together with students, took part in a number of events at the state, industry and university level.

During 2017-2024, employees of the Department of Public Health, together with students, took part in many events at the state, industry, and university level


Educational work of the Department of Public Health of the Educational and Research Institute of Public Health and Preventive Medicine Bogomolets National Medical University  for 2023/2024

In 2023-2024 the Department of Public Health conducted 22 educational events, including

  1. National and patriotic education:

The meeting in the online mode of the student scientific circle is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Department of Public Health of the O.O. NMU. Bogomoltsa

  1. Legal education:

Informational and educational event in online mode on the topic: “International day of universal coverage of health care services. Medico-legal aspects”.

  1. Legal education:

Meeting of the student research group of the Department of Public Health on the topic: “Mechanisms of the formation of antibiotic resistance and monitoring systems for the spread of antibiotic resistance”.

  1. Moral education

Joint online event with students of Kyiv University named after Borys Grinchenko: “Academic integrity of a student of higher education: 10 steps to self-improvement.”

Organization and holding of the 1st stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the field of “Public Health”.

  1. Environmental education:

Participation of teachers of the Department of Public Health and students in the scientific and practical conference with international participation “Ecological and hygienic problems of the sphere of human activity”.

Organization and holding of Sectional meeting No. 2 “Informational, educational and scientific and practical aspects of the development of the public health system.”

  1. Labor education:

Informational and educational event online on the topic: “Education of medical university students in Ukraine during martial law”.

  1. Physical education and formation of a healthy lifestyle:

Informational and educational event in online mode on the topic: “Mental health. Psychological difficulties of ZVMO students and options for solving them (before World Mental Health Day, October 10)”.

Meeting in the online mode of the student scientific circle on the topic: “Correction of risk factors for the occurrence of oncological diseases.”

Participation in the organization and holding of a scientific and practical conference with international participation before the 2024 World Health Organization on the topic “My health is my right.” Organization and conduct of the “Student Scientific Section” section (13 reports).



Public and educational work of the department of social medicine and public health of Bogomolets NMU for 2022-2023 p.


Events within the framework of meetings of the student scientific circle of the department

  1. Meeting of the student research group of the Department of Social Medicine and Public Health on the topic: “Mental health, strategies for its preservation (before World Mental Health Day, October 10)”, October 26, 2022.
  2. Meeting of the student research group of the Department of Social Medicine and Public Health on the topic: “Diabetes as a global problem of humanity (before World Diabetes Day, November 14)”, November 16, 2022.
  3. Meeting of the student research group of the Department of Social Medicine and Public Health on the topic: “Emergency situations in health care: countermeasure strategies”, December 14, 2022.
  4. Meeting of the student research group of the department of social medicine and public health on the topic: “Modern priorities of the public health system”, February 6, 2023.
  5. Meeting of the student research group of the department of social medicine and public health on the topic: “Aspects of the organization of medical care for some oncological diseases”, February 20, 2023.
  6. Meeting of the student research group of the department of social medicine and public health on the topic: “Vaccination as a health care priority”, April 12, 2023.
  7. Meeting of the student research group of the Department of Social Medicine and Public Health on the topic: “How to resist information theft: the issue of copyright protection”, November 05, 2023.


Participation in international and All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works and the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad

  1. Participation in the April Student’s Scientific Session 2023 (Kyiv, Bogomolets NMU, April 2023). Report “Reviewing the progress of combat against malaria in Africa’s most populated nation” (Oyebode Victor Oluwamayowa, 3rd prize place).
  2. Participation in the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific papers in fields of knowledge and specialties, section “theoretical medicine” (Kyiv, Bogomolets National Medical University, April 6, 2023) (Nataliia Kolomiiets, 3rd prize place).


Participation in the organization and conduct of scientific and practical forums, conferences

1. The fourth scientific symposium with international participation “Public health in the social and educational space – challenges in the conditions of globalization of society and prospects for development” (September 21-23, 2022, Ukraine, Ternopil)


Highlighting the main competencies of a medical specialist as a member of an interdisciplinary team (T. Gruzieva, H. Inshakova)

Studying the problems of non-infectious pathology as a basis for the formation of preventive programs (T. Gruzieva, H. Inshakova, L. Haliienko, V. Zamkevych)

Implementation of digital technologies in the field of public health: opportunities and advantages (H. Inshakova, I. Soroka)

Issues of monitoring and assessment of health and well-being in educational programs for the preparation of masters of health (T. Gruzieva, N. Hrechyshkina, H. Inshakova)

Improvement of the professional educational program for the preparation of masters of public health taking into account national experience (T. Gruzieva, N. Hrechyshkina)

Preventive strategies in the fight against oncodermatological pathology (N. Kalashnykova, T. Gruzieva)

Modern aspects of the legal regulation of the examination of temporary disability (O. Nikolaienko, T. Gruzieva)

Organizational structure and management processes in a privately owned maternity hospital (N. Mykytenko, T. Gruzieva)

Approbation of the toolkit for studying the state of information provision of the existing health care management system within the framework of electronic health care (A. Slobodian, B. Palamar)


2. V Scientific and practical conference with international participation “Academic readings named after Volodymyr Pask” within the framework of the 31st International Medical Exhibition PUBLIC HEALTH 2022) (October 6, 2022, Ukraine, Kyiv)


Iron dysmetabolism in the pathogenesis of anemia in coronavirus disease (O. Antonyuk)


3. V scientific and practical conference with international participation on the topic “Public health in Ukraine: problems and ways to solve them” (November 10, 2022, Ukraine, Kharkiv)


Competency approach in the training of masters of public health (T. Gruzieva, N. Hrechyshkina)

Issues of epidemiology of non-infectious diseases in educational programs for the preparation of masters of health (T. Gruzieva, N. Hrechyshkina, L. Haliienko, H. Inshakova, V. Zamkevych)

The development of continuous medical education is a priority in ensuring the quality of medical care (H. Inshakova, T. Gruzieva)

Toolkit for studying the opinions of medical specialists regarding the implementation of preventive aspects (N. Kalashnykova, T. Gruzieva)

Modern aspects of information provision of administrative and management activities in the electronic health care system (I. Soroka, O. Nikolaienko, T. Gruzieva)

Effectiveness of quality control systems in health care institutions (N.M. Mykytenko, T. Gruzieva)


4. Scientific-practical conference with international participation “Legal, organizational and economic principles of rehabilitation programs for persons with disabilities” (November 10, 2022, Ukraine, Kyiv)


Peculiarities of rehabilitation of elderly people with non-infectious pathology (T. Gruzieva, H. Inshakova, N. Shestak)

Issues of public health in training programs for physical therapy and occupational therapy specialists (T. Gruzieva, N. Hrechyshkina)


5. Modern directions of scientific research development: Proceedings of VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference (January, 26-28, 2022, Chicago, USA)


Current trends in the incidence of diabetes mellitus and measures for its prevention (T. Gruzieva, H. Inshakova)


6. Ecological and hygienic problems of the sphere of human activity: materials of a scientific and practical conference (with international participation) (March 3, Ukraine, Kyiv)


Issues of monitoring in the field of environmental hygiene in the course of public health master’s training (T. Gruzieva, N. Hrechyshkina, H. Inshakova)

Ecological components of the global burden of diseases (N. Hrechyshkina)

The influence of the environment on the health of the elderly population (H. Inshakova, N. Shestak)


7. Scientific and practical conference with international participation for the World Health Day 2023 “Health for all” (April 6, Ukraine, Kyiv)


Modern approaches to the formation of an educational and professional public health program (T. Gruzieva)

Peculiarities of coverage of issues of the global burden of disease in the course of training for masters of public health (N. Hrechyshkina)

Quality management in the health care system as a component of public health master’s training (B. Palamar)

Modern approaches to the teaching of biostatistics in the formation of competencies of masters of public health (H. Inshakova)

Prognostic trends in the morbidity of the elderly – patients of a multidisciplinary health care institution (M. Diachuk, H. Inshakova, T. Gruzieva)

The role of advocacy campaigns in combating the spread and control of STIs in Ukraine (L. Haliienko, O. Zholobko)

The place of biostatistics in the training program for future masters of medicine in modern conditions of study (N. Slutu)

A toolkit for studying the opinions of medical specialists regarding existing educational problems and needs in the context of ensuring the quality of medical care (T. Gruzieva, H. Inshakova)

Environmental aspects in public health curricula (F. Melnychuk)

Assessment by future masters of public health of the educational process and educational content (P. Vasylkivskyi)


8. The fifth scientific symposium with international participation “Public health in the social and educational space – challenges in the conditions of martial law and prospects for development” (September 27-28, 2023Ukraine, Ternopil)


Formation of a modern institutional structure of personnel training for the public health system (B. Palamar, T. Gruzieva)

Analysis of educational programs for public health masters in Ukraine and Sweden (T. Gruzieva, N. Hrechyshkina, H. Inshakova)

Biostatistics as an integral component in the training program for future masters of public health (T. Gruzieva, H. Inshakova, N. Hrechyshkina, N. Slutu)

Teaching the discipline “Prevention in public health” to masters of public health (N. Hrechyshkina, L. Lytvynova, O. Donik, L. Artemchuk)


9. Medical forum “Comorbid endocrinological patient – 2023. Session 4” (October 4, 2023, Ukraine, Kyiv)


A patient with high cardiometabolic risk: focus on the management of comorbid pathology in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic (O. Antonyuk)


10. VI Scientific and practical conference with international participation “Academic readings named after Volodymyr Pask within the framework of the 32nd International Medical Exhibition “PUBLIC HEALTH 2023” (October 5, 2023, Ukraine, Kyiv)


Organization, sorting, prevention and treatment of acute radiation sickness in war conditions (A. Kazmirchuk, O. Petrusha, O. Krasiuk, O. Antonyuk)


11. VI scientific and practical conference with international participation on the topic “Public health in Ukraine: problems and ways to solve them” (Tomilsky readings) (October 26, 2023Ukraine, Kyiv)


100 years in the service of public health (to the 100th anniversary of the Department of Public Health of Bogomolets NMU (T. Gruzeva)

Advocacy, communication and social mobilization as important components of public health master’s training (L. Haliienko)

Modern aspects of teaching the academic discipline “Health Promotion” for future Masters of Public Health (N. Hrechyshkina)

Implementation of European approaches to teaching biostatistics in the public health master’s course (H. Inshakova)

Justification of the educational content of the discipline “Politics and ethics in public health. Intersectoral strategies” in the course of public health master’s training (T. Gruzieva)

Formation of a healthy lifestyle as a strategic direction of public health practice (V. Zamkevych)

Biostatistics training for future masters of medicine in conditions of mixed education (N. Slutu)


12. Scientific and practical conference with the participation of young scientists “Modern aspects of the development of personalized medicine: current challenges and a look into the future” (November 01-02, 2023, Ukraine, Kyiv)


Medical and social aspects of skin cancer prevention and control in the conditions of the development of the public health system (N. Kalashnykova, T. Gruzieva)

Use of preventive digital technologies for healthy aging (H. Inshakova, T. Gruzieva, N. Shestak, I. Soroka)

Mixed training of biostatistics of future doctors as a means of expanding the educational content of the discipline (N. Slutu)


13. 25th European Congress of Endocrinologists (May 13-16, 2023, Istanbul, Turkey)


Analysis of covid inpatient lethality in adults with metabolic disorders such as diabetes and/or obesity. Endocrine Abstracts (O. Antonyuk)


Participation in internship:

  1. Training for staff of higher education institutions on the development of educational programs for training public health specialists within the framework of the Erasmus+ project ICM University of Gothenburg, Sweden 12.06 – 23.06.2023 (T. Gruzheva, B. Palamar, N. Hrechyshkina, H. Inshakova, V. Zamkevych)
  2. “Internationalization of education. New and innovative teaching methods. Implementation of international educational projects ni the EU financial perspective» Colegium Civitas, Warsaw, Poland, 18.11-20.12.2022 (Bibyk I.G.)