Teaching and methodological work
Working programs and syllabus
Thematic plans
Thematic plans of practical classes 4-6 courses
Study schedule
- Schedule 2024-2025
- Distribution of groups 2024-2025
- Schedule of pre-module consultations 2024-2025
- Schedule of MC 2024-2025
- Thematic plan and schedule of lectures 2024-2025
Studies at the Department of Surgery №2 conducted on clinical bases City clinical hospital No. 17 Kyiv, City clinical hospital No. 4 Kyiv, National military medical clinical center “Main military clinical hospital”, Maternity hospital No. 5, Kyiv, Medical Center services and rehabilitation State joint stock company holding company Artem Company, Ukrainian defense industry Concern, F.K. Yanovsky Institute of Phthisiology and Pulmonology Kyiv, State institution “National institute cardiovascular surgery named after M.M. Amosov” State scientific institution “Innovation Center of Technologies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
The department provides training students, interns, masters, medical residents, graduate students.
According to the Bologna process is provided by the credit-modular system.
Teaching at the department conducted with local medical students and English-speaking students №1 4, 5 and 6 courses. Teaching is conducted in accordance with standard educational program developed by the department, and with the following regulations:
• educational qualification characteristics (EQC) and educational and professional programs (EPP) training approved by MES of Ukraine on 16.04.03 №239 “On Approval of the components of education standards in field of study 1101” Medicine “;
• Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine .31.012005 year №52 “On approval and introduction of new curriculum training educational qualification of” specialist “training” doctor “in higher educational institutions of III-IV accreditation Ukraine specialties” Medicine “,” pediatrics “” medical prophylaxis ”
• Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine №539 08.07.2010. “On amendments to the curriculum training educational qualification of” specialist “training” doctor “in higher education IV level of accreditation in the field of” medicine “,” pediatrics “,” medical prophylaxis “, approved by the Ministry of Health of 19.10 .2009 №749 ”
• recommendations on curriculum development courses, approved by the MOH of Ukraine of 24.03 per 2004 №152 “On approval of recommendations on curriculum development training courses”, as amended and supplemented by the order of Ministry of Health of Ukraine from 12.10.2004 for №492 “On Amendments and additions to the recommendations for curriculum development training courses “;
• Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine from 31.01.03 for №148 “On measures for implementation of the Bologna Declaration in higher education and science.”
Employees of the Department developed guidelines:
1 Algorithms of diagnostic and medical tactic of surgical diseases. Modules of 1 and 2.- Kиїв: Книга Плюс, 2014;
2 Study Guide of Surgery for Medical Students (module 4), Kиїв: Книга Плюс, 2012;
3 Study Guide of Surgery for Medical Students (module 1), Kиїв: Книга Плюс, 2011;
4 Study Guide of Surgery for Medical Students (module 2), Kиїв: Книга Плюс, 2010;
5 Практикум з хірургії.- К.: ВПЦ «Експрес»,. 2012;
6 Хірургічне лікування захворювань селезінки.- Київ: Валрус Дизайн, 2014;
7 Гострий апендицит.- К.: Валрус Дизайн, 2013.- 182 с;
8 Алгоритми діагностичної і лікувальної тактики при хірургічних захворюваннях. Модуль 2, К.: ВПЦ «Експрес», 2012;
9 Хірургічне лікування захворювань підшлункової залози, Київ: Валрус-Дизайн», 2011;
Students 4,5,6 base rates established guidelines for training sessions on each topic, according to the curriculum.
In addition to materials for training by the department created a base test control used for intermediate and final module control students 4 and 5 courses.
Particular attention is paid to training students at the Department of Surgery №2 to license examination “Step 2”. For this purpose, the relevant staff regularly replenish cathedral test database “Step 2 Surgery” new challenges that ‘are in general based “Step 2” testing center.
Practical classes with students conducted in accordance with the curriculum not only theoretically, but preferably at the bedside, in the manipulation, dressing rooms, operating rooms, offices diagnosis (practical part).
Schedule of pre-exam consultations
Physical examination of a surgical patient
Algorithm-Physical examination of a surgical patient
Laboratory and instrumental diagnostics of acute surgical pathology of abdominal organs
Algorithm-Laboratory and instrumental diagnostics of acute surgical pathology of abdominal organs