Department of Surgery Dentistry Faculty
Scientific work
Responsible Officer:
Slonetskyi Boris Ivanovych , Professor of the department of surgery dentistry faculty, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of Ukraine.
Contact Information:
- Main areas of work: Minimally invasive technologies in the treatment of pathology of the abdominal organs. Herniology.
- Research: “Development and implementation of the latest technologies in emergency abdominal surgery”
- Publishing activities:
- “Short small intestine” syndrome: achievements, realities, prospects: monograph / B.I. Slonetsky, M.I. Tutchenko, I.V. Verbytsky. – K.: Interservice, 2018. – 144p.
- Acute intestinal obstruction: historical achievements and contemporary realities / B.I.Slonetsky, M.I.Tutchenko, S.M.Onyshchenko – K.: Interservice, 2018. – 149p.
- 1.Zozulya I.S., Tutchenko M.I., Slonetsky B.I., et al. .- Emergency medicine. Emergency (urgent) medical care.- Textbook edited by I.S. Zozulya.-VSV.-“Medicine”.-2023.- ISBN 978-617-505-917-3.-560p.
- Protocols for providing emergency medical care at the level of basic life support – “First on the scene” / G.G. Roshchin, S.V. Synelnyk, M.I. Tutchenko and others, edited by Prof. G.G. Roshchin. – Kyiv:,2018. – 120p.