Department of Pediatrics №2
Volosovets Oleksander Petrovych
Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
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Volosovets Oleksander Petrovych, born on September 26.1961. He graduated with honors in 1984 from the Bogomolets Kyiv Medical Institute in the specialty Pediatrics. In 2006 he graduated from the faculty of management in health care at Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.
During 1984-1986 he studied in clinical residency at the Department of Pediatric Diseases № 2 of the Bogomolets Kyiv Medical Institute in speciality Pediatrics. He received his internship at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (USA) in pediatric cardiology, ultrasound diagnostics. He also completed an internship at Maastricht University (Netherlands) in 2004, internship at Nottingham University (UK) in 2006 and in 2014 at Wroclaw Medical University (Poland).
Pupil of corresponding member NAS of Ukraine, AMS of Ukraine, Honorary scientist of Ukraine, Doctor of Medicine, professor V.M. Sidelnykov. In 1990 he defended the candidate’s dissertation “Assessment of myocardial contractility in acquired myocardial diseases in children.” In 1998 he defended his doctoral dissertation “State of cardiovascular system in children from areas of ecological ill-being (clinical experimental research).
Since 1986 to 1987 he was a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Hospital Pediatrics at the Bogomolets Kyiv Medical Institute. From 1987 to 1992 – Assistant Professor of Hospital Pediatrics at KMI. In October 1992 he was elected to the post of assistant professor at the Department of Hospital Pediatrics of the Ukrainian State Medical University. November 27.1997 by the Academic Council of the Bogomolets National Medical University he was elected to the post of Head of Department of Pediatrics № 2. The department is recognized as a basic in the specialty “Pediatrics” among higher educational establishments.
Scientific school is established: 2 Doctors of Medicine and 13 Candidates of Medical Sciences in Pediatrics were prepared. Main directions of scientific activity: pediatric cardio-rheumatology and allergy, environmental pediatrics, ultrasound diagnostics in pediatrics, organization of medical education and science.
In 2000, Volosovets O.P. was awarded the academic title of “Professor” in the Department of Pediatrics № 2 of the Bogomolets National Medical University. He is high-achiever of education (2008). In 2010 he was elected a corresponding member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, in speciality “Pediatrics.”
Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine (2009). He has the highest qualification category in the specialty “Pediatrics” and “Management and organization of health care”. For more than twenty years he worked in the central office of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine in responsible managerial positions in the management (department) of education and science and the Department of development of personnel and education and science. He has 5 rank of civil servant. He has repeatedly been involved with WHO’s Euro Bureau as an expert on Human resources in Ukraine. Co-author of the Ukrainian Doctor’s Code of Ethics.
He is the author of the concept of multifactorial influence of ecotoxic factors, heavy metals and radionuclides of cesium-137 on the development of ecologically conditioned syndrome of circulatory system and cardiomyopathy in children affected by the Chernobyl accident. In 1986 he was directly involved in the evacuation and treatment of children from the exclusion zone. Has made a significant contribution to the development and implementation of new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to the most common heart and lung diseases in children. It was created such a separate line in childhood medicine as an environmental pediatric cardiology.
Scientific adviser of the clinical base of the Department of Pediatrics №2, University-Kyiv City Children’s Clinical Hospital №2. His scientific researches in the field of development of ways of stage application of rational antibiotic therapy of sepsis and pneumonia, respiratory pathology and intracellular infections, ultrasound diagnostics of congenital and acquired cardiac pathology, approaches to the use of anti-inflammatory and emergency treatment have made it possible to significantly improve the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment of these conditions and to reduce mortality rates in health care facilities and infant mortality. From 1997 to 2017 he was the Chief Extraordinary children’s cardio-rheumatologist of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
He is a regular participant in national and international pediatric science forums. He had advanced training in respiratory diseases in children (Spain, 2006; Austria, 2007; Czech Republic, 2008; Belgium, 2014, etc.), digestive diseases (Sweden, 2011), at the European Congresses of Pediatric Physicians (Austria, 2009; United Kingdom, 2013; Italy, 2015; Romania, 2017; Ireland, 2019), etc.
He is a Heard of commission on Content of Education and Standardized Quality Assessment of Training of Medical Specialists and Pharmacists of the MHC of Ukraine (since 2002), Deputy Head of the Scientific Medical Council of the MHC of Ukraine. Deputy Head of the Scientific Medical Council of the MHC of Ukraine (since 2007). Member of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (2015-2019). He is a member of two specialized scientific councils for dissertation defense at the Bogomolets National Medical University. Deputy editor-in-chief of Child Health and Medical Education magazines. Member of the editorial boards of the journal «Pediatrics», «Eastern Europe”,” Scientific Gazette of the Bogomolets National Medical University, «Children’s Doctor». Board member of the Association of Pediatricians of Ukraine. Vice-President of the Association of Rheumatologists of Ukraine (since 2008), member of the Board of the All-Ukrainian Medical Society, member of the Scientific Council on Clinical Medicine at the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.
He has more than 850 scientific printed works, including 8 textbooks, 12 monographs, 61 manuals, 17 inventions and 25 methodical recommendations, including: “Children’s Diseases” (1999), “Neonatology” (2000), “Antibiotics in the polyclinic and primary stationary stage of treatment of bacterial respiratory system lesions in children (2002), “Medical education in the world and in Ukraine” (2006), “Parasitic diseases in children” (2007), “Diagnosis and treatment of emergency conditions in children” (2008), “Cephalosporins in the Practice of Modern Pediatrics” (2007), “Macrolides in practice of modern pediatrics ”(2009),“ Handbook of pediatrician and family doctor ”(2010),“ Congenital heart defects in children ”(2009),“ Medical genetics ”, (2011), “Pre-hospital and early hospital care of children” (2019) and others.
He has prepared 2 doctors, 14 candidates of medical sciences and 1 doctor of philosophy in the specialty “Pediatrics”.
h-index according to Google Scholar – 21, h-index Scopus – 2.0.
He awarded the diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Honorary diploma of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Honorary diploma of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, Honorary certificate and diploma of the Presidium of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Gratitude of the Minister of Health of Ukraine, Gratitude of President of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Gratitude of the Mayor of Kyiv.
He awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Academic Council of the Bogomolets National Medical University (2019), Certificate of Association of Pediatricians of Ukraine (2017), Honorary Certificate of Association of Pediatricians of Ukraine (2019), with the Medal of Academician Strazhesk M.D. For Merit in Health Care” (2010), the Order of the Reverend Elijah Muromets III degree (2011, 2021) was awarded.
Kryvopustov Sergey Petrovich
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pediatrics No. 2
Kryvopustov Sergey Petrovich, born on 17.07.1966, graduated from the Kyiv Medical Institute in 1989 with a degree in Pediatrics. For two years he studied in clinical residency at the Department of Hospital Pediatrics of the Kyiv Medical Institute, specialty “Pediatrics”, then completed postgraduate training at the Medical School of the University of Pennsylvania and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (USA).
He is a student of Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Scientist of Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Viktor Mikhailovich Sidelnikov.
In 1992 he defended his Ph.D. thesis “Functional state of the myocardium in children with heart rhythm disorders according to Doppler ultrasound and echocardiography”. In 1998 he defended his doctoral dissertation “The state of the cardiovascular system in children who have undergone ante- and intranatal hypoxia, and its pathogenetic correction”.
He worked as a doctor at the Kyiv City Children’s Clinical Hospital No. 2, and then worked his way up from an assistant to a professor at the Department of Pediatrics No. 2 of the Bogomolets National Medical University. From 1999 to 2003 he worked part-time as the Head of the Research Sector of the Bogomolets National Medical University.
In 2001, S.P. Kryvopustov was awarded the academic title of “Associate Professor”, in 2004 – the academic title of “Professor”.
Honored Doctor of Ukraine (2016).
Consultant of the Kyiv City Children’s Clinical Hospital No. 2. He has the highest qualification category in the specialty “Pediatrics”, certificates of Good Clinical Practice.
He is an active participant in scientific forums on pediatrics in Ukraine and abroad. He improved his qualifications in Austria (2002) on family medicine and neonatology, at conferences on continuing medical education in Germany (2004), at scientific seminars on respiratory diseases in children (France, 2003; Denmark, 2006; Czech Republic, 2007, etc.), at the International Symposium on Rare Diseases in Pediatrics in Austria (2007), at the European Congresses of Pediatricians (Great Britain, 2013; Italy, 2015; Romania, 2017; Ireland, 2019), etc. He completed a training course on the theory and practice of Evidence-Based Medicine (USAID, 2007).
He is a member of the editorial boards of the All-Ukrainian journals “Pediatrician”, “Child Health”, “Neonatology, Surgery and Perinatal Medicine”.
He has more than 700 scientific publications, including more than 30 textbooks and manuals, in particular, the books: “Children’s Diseases” (1999), “Childhood Medicine” (1999), “Neonatology” (2004), “Selected Issues of Pediatric Cardiorheumatology” (2006), “Diagnosis and Treatment of Emergency Conditions in Children” (2007), “Pediatrician’s Pocket Handbook” (2010), “Pediatrics: Pulmonology and Pediatric Allergology” (2011), “Pediatrics: Cardiology and Nephrology of Childhood” (2014), “Pediatrics: Gastroenterology and Early Childhood Pathology” (2017), “Pediatrics: Neonatology, Hematology, Endocrinology” (2023), etc. Scopus h-index is 3, Google Scholar h-index is 17.
Chairman of the CEC in the specialty 228 “Pediatrics”, member of the CEC in pediatric disciplines of the Bogomolets National Medical University.
Co-author of pediatrics programs for undergraduate and graduate students of higher education institutions. He participated in the development of the sectoral standard of higher education as a member of the Scientific and Methodological Commission of the Higher Education Sector of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
He is a member of specialized academic councils for the defense of doctoral dissertations at the Bogomolets National Medical University, the All-Ukrainian Center for Motherhood and Childhood of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, a number of one-time specialized academic councils. Member of the Commission on Bioethical Expertise and Ethics of Scientific Research, Member of the Academic Council of the Medical Faculty No. 3 of Bogomolets National Medical University. Member of the Bureau of the Board of the Association of Pediatricians of Ukraine.
He was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (2000, 2010), the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2007), the Certificate of Honor of the Mayor of Kyiv (2004, 2021), the Diploma of the Presidium of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (2006), the Gratitude of the Mayor of Kyiv (2002), the Certificate of Honor of the Academic Council of the Bogomolets National Medical University (2019), the Certificate of Honor of the Association of Pediatricians of Ukraine (2019), the Certificate of Honor of the Council of the Kyiv City Trade Union of Health Care Workers (2023).
Kuzmenko Anatoliy Yakovich
Kuzmenko Anatoliy Yakovich was born on 04.05.1949, in Rizhany village, Volodarsko-Volynsky district, Zhytomyr region.
He graduated with honors from the Pediatric Faculty of the Kiev Medical Institute in 1978, entered in the Golden Book of Reverence.
According to the state division, as an excellent student and active member of the student scientific society, he was sent to the clinical residency at the Department of Children’s Diseases № 2 of the Kiev Medical Institute. In 1983 he completed his postgraduate studies at the same department and defended his thesis on the theme: “The value of clinical-instrumental indicators and activity of creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase and its isoenzymes of blood serum in the diagnosis of acquired heart diseases in children”.
After completing his postgraduate studies, he was selected as an assistant at the competition at the Department of Pediatric Diseases № 2 of the Kiev Medical Institute. In 1994 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the theme “Pathogenetic drug and non-drug treatment of cardiac arrhythmias in children”.
In 1996 he was elected associate professor at the competition, and since 2003 to the present time he is a professor of the pediatric department № 2 of the National Medical University. In 2005 he was awarded the academic title of professor.
Author of more than 85 scientific works, including co-author of 1 book “Health of Mother and Child” (1993), 1 textbook “Children’s Diseases” (1999), and 2 textbooks “Urgent Conditions in Pediatrics” (1993), “Urgent Conditions in Children” (2008), 9 methodological works, 5 methodical recommendations, 3 fact sheets, and 2 inventions.
Research interests: pediatric cardiology Counseling children with cardiovascular pathology and infants.
Prokhorova Maria Petrivna
Professor at department, Doctor of Medicine, professor.
Author of 157 scientific works, 45 ones were published after defense of doctoral dissertation, 8 patents, 4 informative letters, 2 guidelines. Co-author of section “Respiratory diseases” in study guide “Emergencies in pediatrics”.
Since 2000 she is responsible for scientific activity at department. Member in Approbatory council of NMU on specialty “Pediatrics” and member in cyclic methodological commission of NMU on pediatric disciplines. She performs the practical classes at high methodological level, reads the lectures for students in III and IV courses in English. Scientific interests – allergology, immunology, rehabilitation. Consultant in department of allergology and department of rehabilitation treatment.
She was awarded with Charter of Honors by Kyiv city mayor in 2008.
Elena V. Mozyrskaya
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pediatrics No. 2.
Responsible for educational work (head of the department)
Mozyrska Olena Viktorivna graduated from Bogomolets National Medical University in 2009.
Since 2013, she has worked as an assistant at the department.
In 2016, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences, in 2023 – her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences.
Responsible for the educational process at the department.
Since 2017 he has been working as an associate professor of the department.
Research interests: pediatric allergology, pediatric dermatology.
Publications (40 publications, including 34 scientific and 6 educational)
Inventions: Patent 99863 IPC A61B 10/00 (2015.01) Method for predicting the course of bronchial asthma.
Member of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, International Society of Dermatoscopists, European Respiratory Union.
Olena F. Chernii.
Associate Professor, Ph.D.
Olena Chernii graduated with honors from the Pediatric Faculty of Kyiv Medical Institute in 1986 and accomplished her clinical residency at the Department of Pediatric Diseases # 2 of Kyiv Medical Institute in 1988.
In 1988 – 1989 she worked as a neonatologist in the maternity ward of the City Clinical Hospital #2 in Kyiv.
In 1994 she completed her postgraduate study at the Department of Pediatrics # 2 and was elected to the post of assistant of the department.
In 1995, Olena Chernii defended her Ph.D. thesis on Features of early adaptation of newborns with manifestations of hypoxia when using Lipin treatment.
Since December 2003 she has been working as an Associate Professor of the Department of Pediatrics # 2. From 2001 until 2015 she served as the headteacher of the department.
Her main area of research in neonatology: being an author of 48 scientific and educational publications she participated in the creation of Pediatric Training Programs for students of medical faculties of medical universities in Ukraine.
She has the highest medical qualification in pediatrics and carries out consultative work in the infectious-diagnostic department of the Kyiv City Clinical Hospital # 2.
Olena Chernii teaches pediatrics to students of 2nd – 6th years of study lecturing and conducting practical classes in Ukrainian, English, and Russian languages. She has received several honorary awards, particularly: Honorary diploma from O.O. Bogomolets National Medical University (2004), Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2007), Acknowledgment of the Minister of Health care of Ukraine (2007), Acknowledgment of the Mayor of Kyiv (2007), Acknowledgment of the Academic Board of O.O. Bogomolets National Medical University (2019).
Loginova Irina Alexandrovna
Loginova Irina Alexandrovna graduated from the Pediatric Faculty of the Kiev Medical Institute in 1979 with honors. During 1979-1981 she studied in clinical residency at the Kiev Research Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, afterwards she worked as a neonatologist until 1989 at the Department of Physiology and Pathology of Neonatal and Preterm Children at the Obstetric Clinic. She defended her PhD thesis on “Adaptation opportunities and ways of their increase in newborns from mothers with late toxicosis”. In 1989 she was elected to the position of assistant of the department of hospital pediatrics (including pediatrics № 2 NMU). Since 2004, she has worked as an associate professor of the department, and in 2006 received the academic title of associate professor.
She teaches 4-6 year students and gives lectures on neonatology.
She is the author of more than 60 printed works and the co-author of Pediatric Curriculum and Programs for Students of the Higher Education Institutions of the III-IV accreditation levels of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on the specialties “Medical” and “Pediatrics”, including programs on the discipline (elective course) “Topical issues of neonatology” and a typical curriculum on the specialty “neonatology”.
She has a higher qualification category on the specialty “neonatology” and she is a consultant of the neonatal intensive care unit of Kyiv City Maternity Hospital # 6.
From 2001 to 2015, she was the Deputy Dean of the Medical and Psychological Faculty of NMU. From June 2015 to June 2017 she worked as the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Psychology.
Khomenko Victoria
Associate Professor, PhD
Khomenko Victoria graduated from the Faculty of Pediatrics at the Kiev Medical Institute in 1986. After passing the internship, she worked as a pediatrician at Kyiv City Children’s Clinical Hospital # 2. From 1990 to 1992 she studied in clinical residency at the Department of Hospital Pediatrics at the Kiev Medical Institute. Since 1994 she has been elected to the position of assistant of the Department of Hospital Pediatrics of the Ukrainian State Medical University. Since 2011 she has been working as an Associate Professor of the Department of Pediatrics.
In 1995 she defended her PhD thesis “Influence of highly dispersed sodium chloride aerosol and aeroionization on free radical processes and bronchitis hyperreactivity in children with recurrent bronchitis”.
Scientific interests – pulmonology and allergy of childhood, pediatric gastroenterology.
He has 80 printed works, including methodical recommendations and a manual.
Khomenko V. is a consultant of the Department of Allergology of the Kyiv City Children’s Clinical Hospital №2. Has the highest qualification category in the specialty “Pediatrics”. She is member of Ukrainian Academy of Pediatrics and Association of Pediatric Allergists of Ukraine.
Awarded the Certificate of Honor from the National Medical University (2004, 2019); has the Acknowledgment of the Minister of Health of Ukraine (2007) and Acknowledgment of the Mayor of Kiev (2004).
Olga L. Kovalchuk
candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the Department of Pediatrics No. 2, responsible for working with English-speaking students
Olga Kovalchuk graduated from the Faculty of Pediatrics at the Khabarovsk Medical Institute in 1991. She completed her postgraduate training in pediatrics in clinical residency at the Department of Hospital Pediatrics, Khabarovsk Medical Institute (1991-1993) and at the Edmonton University School of Medicine (Edmonton, Canada, 1995).
She studied (1996-2000) in correspondence postgraduate study of the State Institution «Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine» and in 2002 under the guidance of the corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, prof. Antipkin Yu.G. she defended her PhD thesis in Pediatrics on the topic: “Parameters of the immune system state in various phases of inflammation and differential application use of Laferon to children with bronchopulmonary pathology.”
The main scientific interests are related to the study of pathology of the bronchopulmonary and immune systems in children.
She worked as a pediatrician at the Children’s Clinical Hospital № 2 in Kyiv (1994-2002), Deputy Chief Doctor of the Children’s Clinical Hospital № 2 (2002-2004).
From 2000-2010 she was elected to the position of assistant of the Department of Pediatrics # 2 of the National Medical University, since October 2010 works as an associate professor of the department.
In 2015 he was conferred the academic title of associate professor.
Has the highest medical qualification category in pediatrics, carries out medical-consulting work in the department for older children of Children’s Clinical Hospital № 2.
Has about 40 publications. Conducts separate lectures on pediatrics to students of III-V courses in English, is responsible for teaching the discipline to students studying English.
She is a participant of congresses, conferences in Ukraine, has advanced training in professional forums abroad, in particular in Canada, Austria.
Tetyana I. Shevtsova
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pediatrics No. 2
Shevtsova Tatyana Ivanovna graduated with honors from the Pediatric Faculty of the Kyiv Medical Institute in 1989. She completed postgraduate training in pediatrics at the Department of Hospital Pediatrics of the Kyiv Medical Institute and at the University of Edmonton (Canada) under the project “Education”.
She completed postgraduate studies at the Department of Neonatology of the National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. P.L. Shupik. In 2004, she defended her Ph.D. thesis in pediatrics on the topic “Features of adaptation of newborn babies from mothers with premature abruption of the normally placed placenta”.
Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences. Neonatologist of the neonatal intensive care unit of the Kyiv City Maternity Hospital No. 6. He is responsible for the work of the student scientific circle of the department. At the department, she is responsible for the educational and methodological support of the 5th year.
Gryshchenko Nataliia Vasilievna
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Dr. Grishchenko Nataliia graduated from the Chernivtsi Medical Institute in 1982 with a degree in Pediatrics. Her career began with the position of a district doctor in the Lugansk City Children’s Hospital, a doctor of the Pediatrics gastroenterology department and then Head of this Department.
From 1990 Dr. Grishchenko Nataliia began teaching at the Luhansk State Medical University (LSMU) as assistant professor in the Pediatrics Department and in 1992 defended her dissertation on the topic: “Clinical and immunological characteristics and treatment of viral hepatitis in children living in an ecologically disadvantaged region.”
Since 1997 she had been an associate professor at the Department of Pediatrics with Pediatric Infections and Pediatric Surgery at LSMU.
From 2007 to 2014 she was responsible for foreign students education in department, co-organizer of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in Pediatrics for English-speaking Students (2012, 2013). In 2012 she attended Pediatric Onco-Hematology Internship in Austria.
Since 2014 Dr. Gryshchenko Nataliia works as an Associate professor of the Pediatrics Department №2, Bogomolets National Medical University. She conducts practical classes, lectures to students for 3-4-5-6 courses of medical faculties, including English speaking students.
Scientific interests are pediatric gastroenterology, infectious pediatric diseases, pediatric hematology, outpatient pediatrics. She has about 90 scientific works.
Associate professor Nataliia Gryshchenko is a co-author of the guidelines for independent preparation of 5-year students in English (approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, 2012).
Pediatrician of the highest category, performs medical and diagnostic work in the pediatric Department № 1 (early childhood) of Kyiv City Children’s Clinical Hospital № 2.
She is awarded with Charter of Honor from Bogomolets National Medical University (2019).
Iemets Oksana Victorivna
candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the Department of Pediatrics No. 2
Yemets Oksana Viktorivna graduated from medical faculty No. 3 of the National Medical University named after O.O. Bogomolets in 2010.
After the internship, she studied at the clinical residency at the Department of Pediatrics No. 2 of the O.O. National Medical University. Bogomolets
Since 2014, she has been elected to the position of assistant of the department, since 2023 she has been working as an associate professor of the department
In 2016, she defended her candidate’s thesis on the topic “Peculiarities of the clinical course of atopic diseases in children depending on the polymorphism of genes encoding proteins of lysosomal and proteasomal proteolysis.”
Scientific interests: Allergology of children’s age, children’s pulmonology.
He is the author and co-author of 28 scientific works, of which 19 are scientific and 9 are educational and methodological in nature, 1 patent for a useful model “Patent 99863 Ukraine, IPC A61B 10/00 (2015.01) Method of predicting the course of bronchial asthma / O.V. Yemets, O.V. Peacock; the applicant and patent holder of the National Medical University named after O.O. Bogomolets – No. 2015 00443; statement 21.01.15; published 25.06.15, Bul. Industrial property No. 12”.
He is a member of the Ukrainian Association of Pediatricians, the European Respiratory Society.
Karulina Yuliya V.
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
Karulina Yuliya graduated with honors from the Pediatrics Faculty of the National Medical University in 1994. She completed her master’s degree at the Department of Pediatrics No. 2 of the National Medical University. She completed internship and advanced training courses in pediatrics and pediatric gastroenterology at the National Medical Academy of Pediatrics.
In 2021, she defended her candidate’s thesis on the topic “Impairment of the motor function of the upper digestive tract in older children with vegetative dysfunction syndrome and ways of their correction”.
She is the author of more than 30 published works, 2 patents for invention, 1 implementation in clinical practice. h-index according to Google Scholar – 3.
Scientific interests – pediatric gastroenterology, pathology of older children.
She works as a secretary of educational and methodological meetings and is responsible for methodological work in the 3rd year.
She completed foreign internships for scientific and pedagogical workers at the Medical University of Lublin (Poland) and the University of Bialystok (Poland). English proficiency level – B2.
She has the highest qualification category in the specialty “Pediatrics” and “Children’s Gastroenterology”.
She is a member of the Association of Pediatric Gastroenterologists and Nutritionists of Ukraine
Sliusar Nataliia Anatoliyivna
Graduated from the Medical Faculty № 3 of the National Bogomolets Medical University in 2006. After completing the internship, she studied in clinical residency at the Department of Pediatrics № 2 of the National Bogomolets Medical University.
Since 2019 she has been elected to the position of assistant of the department.
Research interests: Allergology of childhood, pediatric gastroenterology.
Publications (number): author and co-author of 12 scientific publications, 1 newsletter.
Has the first qualification category in the specialty “Pediatrics” and specialization in pediatric gastroenterology.
Membership in Professional Associations – Member of the Association of Pediatric Gastroenterologists and Nutritionists of Ukraine.
Anna V. Kupkina
Assistant, PhD.
Graduated from the Medical Faculty № 3 of the National Bogomolets Medical University in 2013.
After completing the internship, she studied in clinical residency at the Department of Pediatrics № 2 of the National Bogomolets Medical University.
In 2017-2021 she studied in graduate school at the Department of Pediatrics №2 NMU named after O.O.Bogomolets.
In 2021 she defended her dissertation on “Peculiarities of the clinical course and optimization of treatment of bronchial asthma in overweight and obese children” for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in “Pediatrics”.
Since 2021 she has been elected to the position of assistant of the department. Research interests: pediatric allergology, pediatric endocrinology.
He is the author and co-author of 24 scientific papers.
Has the second qualification category in the specialty “Pediatrics”
Kryvopustova Mariia V.
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics №2.
Kryvopustova Mariia graduated from the Bogomolets National Medical University in 2013, internship in Pediatrics in 2015. She had postgraduate training in Pediatric Allergology.
During 2015-2020 she worked as a pediatric allergist at the Children’s Clinical Hospital № 7 in the Pechersk district of Kyiv.
She has been working as an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the Department of Pediatrics №2 since September 4, 2020.
She is studying for a postgraduate degree in Pediatrics and is working on her dissertation for the degree of Ph.D.
Participated in EAACI congresses (Portugal, 2019); ISMA (Netherlands, 2019); EAACI (UK, 2020).
Member of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.
Manko Nina M.
Senior laboratory assistan
Dina M. Rubinova
Senior laboratory assistant
Kovtun Elena Vladimirovna
Laboratory assistant
Yulia Volodymyrivna Yaremchuk
laboratory technician of the Department of Pediatrics No. 2, responsible for the technical base of the department, methodically uploading educational materials to the distance learning system “Doctor”.