Department of urology

Student Scientific Club


Head Of The Departmen

DMedSc., Professor Nikitin Oleh Dmitrovych

Scientific Head

Ph.D. In Medical Sciences., Assistant Samchuk Pavlo Oleksandrovych

The Group Head

The 6th-year Student Of The Medical Faculty #1, Stepankov Andriy Olehovych

Deputy Group Head

The 6th-year Student Of The Medical Faculty #2, Havrysh Dmytro Ruslanovych

Meeting Place

Oleksandrivska Clinical Hospital In Kyiv, Building G5, Department Of Urology Of NMU Named After O.O. Bohomolets (Shovkovychna Street, 39/1)

Meetings Frequency

Once A Month

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The main areas of the student research of the Department of Urology include problems of “classical” urology, such as cancer of the genitourinary system, nonspecific inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, prostate pathology, urolithiasis, and related metabolic disorders, as well as similar problems of the shared subjects: general and reconstructive surgery, Nephrology, Radiology.

The SSG of the Department of Urology’s essential purpose is the upbringing of highly skilled doctors and scientists in the future achieved through a dynamic combination of different aspects. These include:

  • Study of the most pressing urological and oncologic problems in the monthly meetings. A group of students prepares presentations. They will have an opportunity to dive deep into the question and develop public speaking skills and convey knowledge to other participants. Upon a presentation, a general discussion occurs along with the SSG of the Department of Urology supervisor, assistant Pavlo Samchuk.
  • Organization of joint meetings with other student research groups of the university and conduction of lectures by the leading experts in related fields.
  • Participation in the clinical rounds and examination of patients together with the scientific director of our group and doctors of the urology department at the Oleksandrivska Clinical Hospital in Kyiv.
  • Learning and practicing in basic general-surgical urological procedures.
  • Study of rare and interesting clinical cases.
  • Examination of additional diagnostic methods in urology and their interpretation: laboratory, radiological (CT, MRI, scintigraphy), and endoscopic (cystoscopy, laparoscopy).
  • Visiting operating rooms during endoscopic, laparoscopic, and open surgical interventions of the urological area.
  • Conducting practical master classes at conferences held at the NMU named after O.O. Bohomolets.


The research activity of the SSG of the Department of Urology


Every academic year, the Student scientific group of the Department of Urology conduct joint research under supervision. The results are presented at student scientific conferences in Ukraine and abroad.


In the 2017/2018 academic year we conducted a study on “Prognosis of survival of patients with prostate cancer depending on the type of surgery: a retrospective analysis”, which results were successfully presented at the XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference “Uzhhorod Medical Students’ Conference” that took place 18-21 April in Uzhhorod. The students received a second-degree diploma in the “Surgery” section.

Also, in the 2017/2018 academic year The SSG of the Department of Urology prepared a ground-breaking number of scientific papers across all departments of a surgical profile of NMU named after O.O. Bohomolets. The achievement allowed us to designate a separate “Urology” section at the II All-Ukrainian Conference for Students, Interns, and Young Scientists “Interesting Cases in Clinical Medicine 2018”. The meeting was held on February 14, 2018, under the leadership of the Head of the Department of Urology, Professor Serhii Petrovych Pasechnikov.

Thus, the work of the student scientific group of the Department of Urology masterfully combines fundamental knowledge, clinical thinking, and basic skills of scientific research.

The number of club members grows with every meeting. It now includes over 20, 3rd to 6th year students from different faculties of NMU named after O.O. Bohomolets, two of those are the members of the Student Scientific Society of O.A. Kissel.




Detailed information can be found on the official SSG Facebook page – @UrologyNMU , and Telegram –

If you have any questions about the work of the SSG of the Department of Urology, please contact us via email , Samchuk Pavlo Oleksandrovych ( Scientific Supervisor of the SSG of the Department of Urology ) , as well as via the email of the scientific group,, to specify the time and place of meetings.

View the reports from previous meetings of the SSG of the Department of Urology:

/ news / zasidannya-sng-kafedry-urologiyi-hronichna-hvoroba-nyrok /

/ news / chergove-zasidannya-naukovogo-gurtka-z-urologiyi /

/ news / sektsiya-urologiyi-na-konferentsiyi-tsikavi-vypadky-u-klinichnij-medytsyni-2018 /

/ news / na-kafedri-urologiyi-vidbulysya-lektsiyi-v-ramkah-zasidannya-studentskogo-naukovogo-gurtka /

/ news / majster-klas-shov-nyrky-v-ramkah-konferentsiyi-annual-young-medical-scientists-conference-2017 /

Modern realities are constructed in a way that special attention is paid to distance learning. Today, distance education occupies a socially important place in students’ lives around the world and all educational institutions of Ukraine, and our university is no exception. E-learning allows students to have 24/7 access to educational materials and ongoing support and advice from teachers, on-line video lectures, and other technological solutions to ensure an effective and efficient learning process and several other advantages.


We hold conferences online

The schedule of the Student Scientific Group of the Department of Urology of NMU named after O.O. Bohomolets for the 2020-2021 academic year.

Date of the meeting The topic of the meeting
October 23, 2020 Kidney transplantation: the current state of the medical industry and prospects for development
November 27, 2020 Endovascular interventions in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia: a review of methods, indications, treatment results
December 18 Method of molecular scissors CRISPR-Cas9 and its place in urology.
February 26, 2021 Kidney cancer surgery: resection and nephrectomy
March 19, 2021 Chronic kidney disease stage III-IV: methods to prevent progression to the terminal stage of the disease
April 23, 2021 Anomalies of kidney development and ways of their correction
May 21, 2021 Coral nephrolithiasis: methods of surgical treatment



Meetings are held on the last Thursday of the month at 16-00.


Meetings take place at 5th Department of Urology of NMU’s study room named after O.O. Bohomolets in Oleksandrivska Clinical Hospital conference hall on the 1st floor.


The head of the group is a Ph.D. Samchuk P. O., assistant to the department.