Department of pathophysiology
Training and methodological work
Responsible person: Perepelytsia Yuliia, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pathophysiology, Bohomolets National Medical University. Contacts:
2023-2024 s.y.
Speciality 221 «Dentistry»
Methodical recommendations for teachers for practical classes
Methodical recommendations for teachers for lectures
VC 3.9 Peculiarities of typical pathological processes in dental diseases
Regulation of current knowledge control
Speciality 222 «Medicine»
Methodical recommendations for teachers for practical classes
Methodical recommendations for teachers for lectures
VC 3.3. Cytology with elements of pathophysiology
VC 3.14. Introduction to clinical pathophysiology
Regulation of current knowledge control
Speciality 226 «Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy»
Methodical recommendations for teachers for practical classes
Methodical recommendations for teachers for lectures
Regulation of current knowledge control
Speciality 228 «Pediatrics»