Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy
Khaitovych Mykola Valentinovych – head of the department, doctor of medical sciences, professor. In 1986, he graduated from the pediatric faculty of the O.O. Bogomolets Kyiv Medical Institute.
After completing his internship at the Children’s Clinical Hospital No. 6 in Kyiv, in 1987-1989 he worked as a district pediatrician in Kyiv Medical Center No. 2, and in 1989-1994 as a resident physician in the rheumatic cardiology department of Kyiv Medical Center No. 6. Since 1994, he worked as an assistant, since 2006 – an associate professor, since 2011 – a professor of the Department of Pediatrics No. 4 of NMU. Since September 1, 2014, he is the head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy of NMU.
In 1996, he defended his candidate’s thesis on the topic “Effectiveness of psychotherapy and relaxation gymnastics in the complex treatment of autonomic dysfunctions in children”, in 2006 he defended his doctoral thesis on the topic “Mitochondrial insufficiency in children with autonomic dysfunctions: Diagnosis and treatment.”
Scientific interests: pharmacogenetics, cardiology, pediatric cardiorheumatology and endocrinology, (study of the role of oxidative stress and molecular genetic mechanisms of the development of arterial hypertension, type 1 diabetes, metabolic syndrome); social pediatrics; children’s neuropsychology and psychotherapy (somatoform diseases and possibilities of psychological correction methods), antimicrobial therapy (introduction of administration of antimicrobial drugs).
Hirsch index in Scopus – 4, Web of Science – 1, Google Scholar – 13. Orcid
Under his guidance, 3 PhD theses were defended, 3 dissertations for the Doctor of Philosophy degree were completed, and 1 dissertation for the Doctor of Science degree was completed under his supervision.
- Author and co-author of more than 450 scientific works (including 3 textbooks, 10 training manuals, 9 monographs), 44 inventions. Pediatrician of the highest category, psychotherapist. Member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Pharmacy, the Central Formulary Committee of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the Consultative Expert Group on Combating Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the Presidium of the Ukrainian League for the Development of Palliative and Hospice Care, the editorial board of the journals “Medical Science of Ukraine”, “Zdorov” I of the child”, “International Journal of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology”, “Ukrainian Scientific and Medical Youth Journal”, “Social Pediatrics and Rehabilitation”, Association of Pediatricians of Ukraine, All-Ukrainian Medical Society, UEMS delegate (pharmacology section).
Awarded with two Certificates of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine (2006, 2010), Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (2010), Certificate of Appreciation of the Mayor of Kyiv (2008), Certificate of Honor of the Mayor of Kyiv (2018), Certificate of Appreciation of the Scientific Council of NMU (2021), Certificate of Honor of the Academic Council of NMU (2023).
- Khaitovych MV, Zhdanovych RI. (2024). Neuroprotection in intrauterine herpesvirus infection. Modern Pediatrics. Ukraine. 3(139): 93-100. doi: 10.15574/SP.2024.139.93
- Khaitovych, M., Temirova, O., Kyrilchuk, K., Sova, V., Turchak, D. (2024). Using the AWaRe classification for assessing compliance with outpatient antimicrobial therapy of children. Svit Medytsyny ta Biolohii, 2(88), 172-175.
- Khaitovych, M. V., Turchak, D. V., Ulyshchenko, V. V., Rafalskyi, V. Yu. (2024). Сучасні напрями оптимізації емпіричної антимікробної терапії негоспітальної пневмонії (огляд літератури). Tuberkuloz, Lehevi Khvoroby, VIL-infektsiia, 1(56), 95-102.
- Khaitovych, M. V., Pinskyy, L. L., Temirova, O. A., Afanasieva, I. O. (2024). Використання фармакологічних баз даних для додипломної наукової освіти студентів медичних та фармацевтичних факультетів. Medytsyna ta Farmatsiia: Osvitni Dyskursy, 49-55.
- Serednia, R., Khaitovych, M., Kysil, N., Zabrotska, J., Temirova, O., Kysil, D. (2023). Застосування антимікробних лікарських засобів у дитячих хірургічних відділеннях згідно з результатами дослідження точкового поширення. The Ukrainian Scientific Medical Youth Journal, 142(4), 129-136.
- Temirova, O. A., Horodetska, N. Y., Khaitovych, M. V., Potaskalova, V. S. (2023). Pharmaceutical care is an important component of the rational use of sedative drugs. Medical Science of Ukraine (MSU), 19(3), 95-101.
- Khaitovych, M. V. (2023). Efflux pumps as a pharmacological target to combat antibiotic resistance. Medical Science of Ukraine (MSU), 19(3), 115-124.
- Khaitovych, M. V., Turchak, D. V., Mazur, I. P., Yunakova, N. M. (2023). Dental health of patients using antidepressants and methamphetamines. Oral and General Health, 4(2), 14-18.
- Temirova, O. A., Momro, Y. V., Gromova, O. L., & Khaitovych, M. V. (2023). Pharmaceutical care in the treatment of menstrual cycle disorders among women of reproductive age: rational choice and use of drugs. Farmatsevtychnyi Zhurnal, (4), 105-114.
- Marushko, Yu., Kramarov, S., Vihovska, O., Kryvopustov, S., Khaitovych, M., … (2023). Сучасні аспекти оцінки толерантності до фізичного навантаження у дітей з постковідним синдромом, пневмонією та ожирінням. Simeina Medytsyna. Yevropeiski Praktiki, 18-23.
- Khaitovych, M. V. (2023). Клінічна фармакологія: історія, сучасний стан та перспективи. Українські медичні вісті, 15(1), 58-61.
- Temirova, O. A., Horodetska, N. Y., Khaitovych, M. V., & Potaskalova, V. S. (2023). Фармацевтична опіка як важлива складова раціонального використання седативних лікарських засобів. Медична наука України, 19(3), 95-101.
- Khaitovych, M. V., & Temirova, O. A. (2023). Індивідуалізація антимікробної терапії з метою мінімізації розвитку резистентності. Український медичний часопис, 155(3), 5-7.
- Temirova, O. A., Momro, Y. V., Gromova, O. L., & Khaitovych, M. V. (2023). Фармацевтична опіка у разі лікування порушень менструального циклу у жінок репродуктивного віку: Раціональний вибір та застосування лікарських засобів. Фармацевтичний журнал, 78(4).
- Khaitovych, M. V., Mazur, I. P., Voitova, Y. V., Yunakova, N. M., Turchak, D. V., Temirova, O. A., & Polyakova, D. S. (2023). Side effects of antidepressants on oral health according to questionnaires of patients and healthcare professionals. Світ медицини та біології / World of Medicine and Biology, 84(2), 163-167.
- Khaitovych, M. V., & Misiura, O. M. (2022). Epidemiology, pathophysiology and treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder. Medical Science of Ukraine (MSU), 18(1), 40-53.
- Misiura, O. M., Sova, V. A., Anoprienko, O. V., Sudyka, O. S., Merkotan, A. I., & Khaitovych, M. V. (2022). Emotional state of children of Ukraine who were affected by war factors in the occupied territory. Medical Science of Ukraine (MSU), 18(3), 60-65.
- Khaitovych, M. V., Pinskyy, L. L., Temirova, O. A., Potaskalova, V. S., Saveliieva-Kulyk, N. O., & Polovinka, V. O. (2022). Teaching clinical pharmacology of undergraduate medical students in Europe: Current trends and prospects. Medical Science of Ukraine (MSU), 18(3), 103–111.
- Khaitovych, M. V., Kysil, N. P., & Zhovnir, V. A. (2022). Pharmacogenetic aspects of the use of perioperative drugs in pediatrics. Medical Science of Ukraine (MSU), 18(2), 79-88.
- Khaitovych, M. (2022). Polypharmacy: Definition, risks, management. Oral and General Health, 2(3), 7–12.
- Khaitovych, M. V., Kysil, N. P., Temirova, O. A., Holovnia, O. M., Turchak, D. V., & Polovynka, V. O. (2022). Pre-authorization of antibacterial drugs in the treatment of children with acute perianal abscess. Medical Science of Ukraine (MSU), 18(2), 22–28.
- Khaitovych, M. V., Sova, V. A., Kyrylchuk, K. Y., Sytnyk, I. M., Polovynka, V. O., Temirova, O. A., & Turchak, D. V. (2022). Problematic polypharmacy in outpatient therapy of children: Potential risks of drug interactions. Medical Science of Ukraine (MSU), 18(1), 35–39.
- Temirova, O., Bondarenko, A., & Khaitovych, M. (2022). Pharmaceutical care in the use of vitamin-mineral complexes for women during pregnancy and lactation. Ukrainian Scientific Medical Youth Journal, 132(3), 58–67.
- Temirova, O. A., Khaitovych, M. V., & Krat, J. O. (2022). Sociological study of the role of pharmaceutical care in the dispensing of medicines for the prevention and treatment of acne. Medical Science of Ukraine (MSU), 18(3), 66-72.
- Khaitovych, M. V., Mazur, I. P., & Turchak, D. V. (2022). Менеджмент ризиків загальної анестезії пацієнтів із залежністю від психоактивних речовин. Oral and General Health, 3(4), 12-18.
- Potaskalova, V. S., Khaitovych, M. V., & Natrus, L. V. (2022). The effect of NOS3 and AGTR1 genotypes on the course of arterial hypertension for overweight or obese patients. Wiadomości Lekarskie, 75(2).
- Temirova, O., Krat, J., & Khaitovych, M. (2022). The importance of pharmaceutical care in the release of drugs for the prevention and treatment of acne in women. Ukrainian Scientific Medical Youth Journal, 131(2), 70–77.
- Turchak, D. V., & Khaitovych, M. V. (2022). Clinico-pharmacological aspects of ovarian-menstrual cycle support. Medical Science of Ukraine (MSU), 18(1), 84-96.
- Khaitovych, M. V., Voroniuk, L. M., & Borisova, G. Yu. (2021). Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children: Diagnostic markers and features of pharmacotherapy. Medical Science of Ukraine, 17(1), 24-28.
- Sytnyk, I., Shysh, A., Bruzgina, T., Khaitovych, M., Sadohurska, K., & Greshko, I. (2021). Molecular mechanisms of cardioprotection of N-acetylcysteine in patients with cardiovascular diseases. Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 58(5), 12-21.
- Khaitovych, M., Potaskalova, V., Afanasieva, I. (2021). Online study at the medical university in the convention of the Covid-19 pandemic: impression of students. Open Access: Pedagogical challenges of modern education in the context of blended learning. Alcide De Gasperi University of Euroregional Economy, Warsaw, pp. 49-59 (ISBN 978-83-954584-1-5).
- Dolinska, S., Potaskalova, V., Khaitovych, M. (2021). Polypharmacy in the treatment of arterial hypertension and heart failure. – Family Medicine; 1:53-57. (
- Afanasieva, I.O., Khaitovych, M.V., Potaskalova, V.S., Andrushchenko, I.V., Yevminov, V.V., Kudelia, I.A. (2020).The prevalence of posture pathology in school-aged children (results of a population-based study with the use of the computerized photo-geometric program Posture). Zaporozhye Med J.; 22 (3), 389-394.
- Pinskyy, L.L., Khaitovych, N.V., Ovcharenko, N.A., Koveshnykov, A.V., Radchenko, T.N. (2020). The Effect of Antidepressants on Biochemical Parameters of the Blood of Patients with Opioid Dependence, Combined with Chronic Hepatitis C. EC Gastroenterology and Digestive System. – 7.5.- 2020.- p. 36 – 43. (
- Khaitovych, M.V. Modern neuroprotection in pediatrics. Child’s Health. 2020, 15(6), pp. 450–455.
- Khaitovych, M.V., Turchak, D.V. (2020). JILBER’S SYNDROME: CLINICAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL ASPECTS. Review. Medical Science of Ukraine (MSU). 2020; 16 (4), 58-64.
- Strutynskyi, R., Parkhomenko, O.M., Voronkov, L.G., Khaitovych, M. et al. (2019). INCIDENCE OF ALLELIC POLYMORPHISMS I337V, E23K OF KCNJ11 GENE AND S1369A OF ABCC8 GENE ENCODING KATP-CHANNELS, IN PATIENTS WITH MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION, ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION AND HEART FAILURE. Fiziolohichnyĭ zhurnal 65 (4), 12-19. DOI: 15407/fz65.04.012
- Khaitovych, M.V. (2019). CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY OF FLOROCHINOLONS: A FOCUS ON SAFETY. Review. Medical Science of Ukraine (MSU) 15 (3-4), 90-97.
- Khaitovych, M.V. (2019). Risk management of use drugs with narrow therapeutic index in clinical practice. Review. Medical Science of Ukraine (MSU) 15 (3-4), 105-111.
- Potaskalova, V.S., Khaitovych, M.V., Plenova, O.M., Valigura, M.S. (2019). THROMBOSE-PREVENTIVE INFLUENCE OF QUERCETIN IN RATS ON THE HYPER-COAGULATION DIET. Medical Science of Ukraine.15 (3-4), 19-23.
- Khaitovych, M.V. (2019). Safe use of Cogivis and Silenta neuroadaptogens in pediatric practice. Child’s Health. 2019, 14(3), 177–181.
Pinsky Leonid Leonidovych – professor, doctor of medical sciences, an outstanding figure in the education of Ukraine, an honored worker of science and technology of Ukraine.
In 1990, he graduated with honors from the Luhansk State Medical University, majoring as “Physician”. In 1991, he defended his candidate’s thesis (“Clinical and immunological features of the course and treatment of dysentery in patients with diabetes mellitus”), in 2006 he defended his doctoral thesis (“Chronic hepatitis C: clinical and laboratory indicators of the activity of the process and stages of liver fibrosis”), passed the way from assistant (1992 – 2005), associate professor (2005 – 2006), professor of the department (2007 – 2009) to head of the Department of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology of the Luhansk State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (2010-2015).
From 2014 to 2015, he resumed the work of the department of internal medicine and postgraduate education at the “Luhansk State Medical University” on Ukrainian territory (Rubizhne, Luhansk region). In 2013 – 2015 Professor L.L. Pinskyi was the head of the state research topic, which was financed from the funds of the general fund of the State Budget of Ukraine “Clinical-pathogenetic features of the course and treatment of somatic and endocrine pathology in drug-dependent patients”.
Google Scholar Hirsch Index – 3. Orcid
In 1998, he successfully completed a two-year study at the Institute of Patent Studies and received the qualification “Patent Expert”. From 1998 to 2002, he was a scholarship holder of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. From 2000 to 2004, he was an expert of the Soros Foundation on the distribution of youth program grants. Information about Professor L.L. Pinsky is included in the book “Who in Science and Engineering”. He has the honorary title “Outstanding Education of Ukraine” (2007). The academic title of professor of the Department of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology was awarded in 2011. In 2015, he was awarded the honorary title “Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine”.
For 5 years, he worked as the deputy vice-rector for scientific work of the “Luhansk State Medical University” of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Pinsky L.L. is the author of more than 290 scientific works, including 2 textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, 6 monographs, as well as 11 inventions of Ukraine and the USSR. He is a member of the editorial board of 2 scientific journals. Took part in 4 international multicenter clinical studies as a leading researcher.
For 30 years, he was the head of the student scientific society of the Luhansk State Medical University, the deputy director of the Luhansk Regional Medical and Biological Boarding Lyceum for scientific work, the organizer of the Small Medical Academy of Sciences in 8 medical schools of the region.
While performing the duties of the head of the department of scientific work of students of O.O. Bogomolets (2015-2018) Professor L. L. Pinsky initiated the holding of the All-Ukrainian competition for the best scientific work (in English) in all specialties, the All-Ukrainian Olympiad (in English) in 5 fields, the annual April student scientific session, the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of interns and young scientists “Interesting cases in clinical practice”, monthly events for the scientific education of SNT members and young scientists in 5 directions.
Pinsky L.L. is a doctor of the highest category in the specialty “Infectious diseases”, the first – in “Endocrinology” and “Clinical immunology”, worked for 5 years as the chief clinical immunologist of the Luhansk Regional Department of Health Care, the head of the hepatology center of the Luhansk Regional Narcological Dispensary. He advises diagnostically difficult patients in the Kyiv emergency hospital and the “Doctor Redger” medical center.
Over the past 5 years, Professor L.L. Pinsky has conducted more than 180 master classes, lectures, reports on modern problems of clinical pharmacology for doctors of Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, and Armenia. Took part in the work of congresses, conferences and scientific forums in more than 20 countries of the world.
Fluent in English, teaches foreign students. Under the leadership of Professor L.L. Pinsky has defended 2 foreign master’s students and is preparing to defend 2 more Ukrainian master’s students in clinical pharmacology.
At the department, professor L.L. Pinsky is responsible for the department’s international work.
1.Пінський Л.Л. Афанасьєва І.О. / Досвід організації заходів наукової освіти для студентів фармацевтичного факультету при підготовці кваліфікаційних робіт за напрямком «Клінічна фармація» // Медицина та фармацiя: освiтнi дискурси Вип. 1, 2024.- С. 49-55. DOI: 10.32782/eddiscourses/2024-1-6. (Фахове видання України, категорія Б).
- Pinsky L.L., Golubovska O.A., Khaitovich M.V. Steatous changes in hepatocytes in patients with chronic hepatitis C // Medical science of Ukraine / Медична наука України, 2024. – Vol. 20. – № 1.- С. 39-44.
DOI: (Фахове видання України, категорія Б).
3.Хайтович М.В., Пінський Л.Л., Темірова О.А., Афанасьєва І.О., Потаскалова В.С., Трофімова Т.С., Половинка В.О. Савельєва-Кулик Н.О. / Використання фармакологічних баз даних для додипломної наукової освіти студентів медичних та фармацевтичних факультетів // Медицина та фармацiя: освiтнi дискурси Вип. 2, 2023.- С. 49-55. (Фахове видання України, категорія Б). DOI eddiscourses/ 2023 -2-8.
4.Хайтович М.В., Пінський Л.Л., Темірова О.А., Потаскалова В.С., Савельєва-Кулик Н.О., Половинка В.О.
Викладання в європі клінічної фармакології на додипломному етапі студентам медикам: сучасні тренди та перспективи. Огляд. Медична наука України. 2022; 18(3):103-111. (Фахове видання України, категорія Б)
- Пінський Л. Л., Овчаренко Н. А., Хайтович Н. В., Соловйова Г. А., Ковешніков А. В., Мукхерджі Соумаво. Патоморфогенез стеатозу печінки у пацієнтів з опіоїдною залежністю. Гепатологія та гастроентерологія. 2021; 5(1):44-49. (Фахове видання України, категорія Б) (
Afanasyeva Inna Oleksandrivna – associate professor of the department, candidate of medical sciences.
She graduated with honors from the pediatric faculty of the Kyiv Medical Institute named after O.O. Bogomolets in 1995.
In 1997, she graduated with honors from her master’s degree, and in 2000 she also graduated from postgraduate studies with honors. In September 2001, she defended her thesis on the topic “The state of the cardiovascular system and autonomic homeostasis in children with postural pathology” and in December of the same year received the scientific degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences.
From December 1, 2000, she worked as an assistant at the Department of Pediatrics No. 4, from 2015 – as an assistant at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy of the National Medical University named after O.O. Bogomoletsa, since 2019 – an associate professor of the same department, in 2020 she received the academic title of associate professor.
Scientific interests: vertebrology, clinical pharmacology, clinical pharmacy. Google Scholar Index – 3. Orcid –
He is the author and co-author of more than 70 scientific works (including 1 electronic study guide, 1 textbook), 5 inventions. Pediatrician of the highest category; doctor of physical and rehabilitation medicine. Member of the Ukrainian Academy of Pediatric Specialties, Public Organization “Vinnytsia Regional Association of Pharmacists “Cum Deo”. Awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the Mayor of Kyiv. Teaches foreign students.
The priority areas of practical activity are the treatment of children with autonomic dysfunctions, postural pathology and spine problems, age-related features of medication use, interactions and side effects of medications. Has the method of electroneuromyography. Consults patients in the Evminov Vertebral Health Center with spinal diseases.
Responsible for educational and methodical work of the department.
- Otamas I.H., AnishchenkoV.O., Ovsiankina L.A., Afanasieva I.A., Bieliatynskyi A. COVID-19 Pandemic: Development of Digital Technologies that Provide Connection, Collaboration and Lifelong Learning. Studies of Economia Aplicada Applied Economics. Special Issue: Development of a Market Economy in the context of the Global Financial Crisis, 2021. 39(12): 1-15
DOI: 10.25115/eea.v39i9.5770. (Scopus, Q4).
(фахове видання України, категорія Б).
- Хайтович, М. В., Пінський, Л. Л., Темірова, О. А., Афанасьєва, І. О., Потаскалова, В. С., Трофімова, Т. С., Савельєва-Кулик, Н. О. (2023). ВИКОРИСТАННЯ ФАРМАКОЛОГІЧНИХ БАЗ ДАНИХ ДЛЯ ДОДИПЛОМНОЇ НАУКОВОЇ ОСВІТИ СТУДЕНТІВ МЕДИЧНИХ ТА ФАРМАЦЕВТИЧНИХ ФАКУЛЬТЕТІВ. Медицина та фармація: освітні дискурси, (2), 49–55.
(фахове видання України, категорія Б).
- Гарджум Ламія, Афанасьєва І.О. (2023). Evaluation of the effectiveness of therapy in degenerative-dystrophic disk diseases. Український науково-медичний молодіжний журнал/ Ukrainian scientific medical youth journal.-2023.-2(139).- 25-31.
(фахове видання України, категорія Б).
- Afanasieva I.A., Andrushchenko I.V. Clinical case: conservative treatment of sequestered disc herniation. Radiation Diagnostics, adiation Therapy.- 2020. – №1. – С. 67-72. (фахове видання України, категорія Б).
Polovynka Vladyslav Oleksandrovych – associate professor, candidate of medical sciences.
Graduated with honors from the Bogomolets National Medical University in 2005. In 2008, he received a specialist certificate in the specialty “Obstetrics and Gynecology”.
In 2012, he defended his thesis for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate of medical sciences in the specialty “Obstetrics and gynecology” “The role of early diagnosis of hemodynamic disorders in the genesis of perinatal complications under conditions of threatened miscarriage”.
He participated in congresses and scientific and practical conferences of obstetricians-gynecologists, where he gave reports. In 2014, he passed certification and received a qualification category in the specialty “Obstetrics and Gynecology”.
Since 2014 – assistant of the department. Since 2019 – associate professor of the department. He is the author of more than 40 scientific works.
Advanced training:
- Bogomolets National Medical University, Institute of Postgraduate Education, Educational and Scientific Center of Continuing Professional Education, TU “Rational antimicrobial therapy and administration of antimicrobial drugs in the work of a doctor”, TU “Physicians TU Rational antimicrobial therapy and administration of antimicrobial drugs in the work of a doctor”, 28.11.2022 – 09.12.2022, 50 BPR points.
- Bogomolets National Medical University, Institute of Postgraduate Education, Educational and Scientific Center of Continuing Professional Education, TU “Application of Case Technologies in Medical Higher Education Institutions”, 12.06.2023-23.06.2023, 2 ECTS, 60 hours.
- “Theoretical foundations of teaching in modern conditions”, 01.03.2023- 05.05.2023, ISMA, Riga, Latvia, 6 ECTS, 180 hours. No. 05-09/09-681.
Hirsch Scopus Index – 3. Orcid ID:
Fluent in English. Responsible for the English-language form of education, medical work, AC – electronic dean’s office, LIKAR.
- Бенюк, В., Чеботарьова, А., Гичка, Н., Ковалюк, Т., Бенюк, С., Усевич, І., Курочка, В., & Половинка, В. (2023). Особливості порушень і методи корекції системи гемостазу у жінок з антенатальною загибеллю плода. Репродуктивне здоров’я жінки, (4), 50–58.
(Scopus, Q4)
2.Бенюк, В., Олешко, В., Ковалюк, Т., Бенюк, С., Усевич, І., Корнієць, Н., & Половинка, В. (2024). Сучасний підхід до лікування інфекцій сечових шляхів під час вагітності. Репродуктивне здоров’я жінки, (5), 66–73. (Scopus, Q4)
- Хайтович М.В., Пінський Л.Л., Темірова О.А., Потаскалова В.С., Савельєва-Кулик Н.О., Половинка В.О. Викладання в Європі клінічної фармакології на додипломному етапі студентам медикам: сучасні тренди та перспективи. Огляд. Медична наука України. 2022; 18(3): 103-111. (Фахове видання України, категорія Б)
- Хайтович, М.В., Н.П. Кисіль, О.А. Темірова, О.М. Головня, Д.В. Турчак, і В.О. Половинка. Преавторизація антибактеріальних засобів при лікуванні дітей з перініальним абцесом. Медична наука України. 2022; 18(2): 22-28.
(Фахове видання України, категорія Б)
- Хайтович М.В., Сова В.А., Кирильчук К.Ю., Ситник І.М., Половинка В.О.,Темірова О.А., Турчак Д.В. Проблемна поліфармація при амбулаторній терапії дітей: потенційні ризики взаємодії лікарських засобів. Медична наука України. 2022; 18(1): 33-39. (Фахове видання України, категорія Б)
- The study of volume and structure of sales of pharmaceutical assortment of antihypertensive drugs to 2019. Nehoda, Tetiana & Sakhanda, Ivanna & Mykola, Shumeiko & Vladyslav, Polovynka & Dmytro, Savchenko. (2020). Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 13. 4535. DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2020.00799.4. (Scopus, Q4).
Viktoriia Potaskalova – associate professor, candidate of medical sciences.
In 2000, she graduated from O.O. Bogomolets A doctor of the highest qualification category, he specializes in “Therapy” (2001), “Cardiology” (2013) and “Psychotherapy” (2009). In 2012, she defended her candidate’s thesis in the specialty of cardiology on the topic “Clinical and pathophysiological features of essential hypertension in men under the conditions of exposure to ultrahigh-frequency electromagnetic radiation.” He is the author of more than 60 scientific works.
Advanced training was held:
- Institute of Postgraduate Education of Bogomolets NMU, certificate. 2024, TU “Modern approaches to managing the quality of medical care” (50 hours).
- Modern problems of clinical allergology, immunology, infectology. O.O. Bogomolets National Medical University, Ukraine, 2023, 2 credits (60 hours)
- Application of case technologies in the medical higher education institution of the Bogomolets NMU, Ukraine, 2023. 2 credits (60 hours)
- International science group, Portugal XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Theoretical and scientific bases of actual tasks. 2022. 0.8 credits (24 hours)
- O.O. Bogomolets University, Online tools for the organization of distance and mixed learning in a medical university. 2022, 2 credits, (60 hours)
- School of Management, Finance and Economics, School of Health Science and Medical Education, Glasgow, Scotland International internship program “Healthcare Management, Policy and Leadership” 2021 (6 credits)
- O.O. Bogomolets University, TU “Bioethical and deontological aspects of the organization of medical care. 2021, 2 credits, (60 hours)
- Acide de Gasperi University of Euroregional Economy of Jozefow, Jozefow, Poland. The international postgraduate practical internship “Education and research in universities: Polish experience” (16.02-16.03) 2021 (120 hours)
- Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Certificate No. a2f79196ec3c4cfe900b579c35de4c010. Distance course: Providing emergency care for severe acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI). March 24, 2020 (10 hours).
- Medidata Classic Rave EDC Essential for Clinical Research Coordinator. 2019. 0.25 credits (15 hours)
Orcid –
Responsible for scientific work of the department, medical faculties.
- Potaskalova V.S., Khaitovych M.V., Natrus L.V. et al. The effect of nos3 and agtr1 genotypes on the course of the arterial hypertension for the overweight or obese patients. Wiadomości Lekarskie, 2022. LXXV (2): (Scopus, Q4). DOI: 10.36740/WLek202202137.
- Темірова, О. А., Городецька, Н. Я., Хайтович, М. В., Потаскалова, В. С. Фармацевтична опіка як важлива складова раціонального використання седативних лікарських засобів. Медична наука України. 2023, Т.19, №3. С.95-101.(Фахове видання України, категорія Б)
- Хайтович, М. В., Пінський, Л. Л., Темірова, О. А., Афанасьєва, І. О., Потаскалова, В. С., Трофімова, Т. С., Савельєва-Кулик, Н. О. (2023). Використання фармакологічних баз даних для додипломної наукової освіти студентів медичних та фармацевтичних факультетів.Медицина та фармація: освітні дискурси, (2), 49–55. (фахове видання України, категорія Б).
4.Хайтович М.В., Пінський Л.Л., Темірова О.А., Потаскалова В.С., Савельєва-Кулик Н.О., Половинка В.О. Викладання в європі клінічної фармакології на додипломному етапі студентам медикам: сучасні тренди та перспективи. Огляд. Медична наука України. 2022; 18(3):103-111. (Фахове видання України, категорія Б).
Temirova Olena Anatoliivna – associate professor, candidate of biological sciences
In 2014, she graduated with honors from the Faculty of Pharmacy at the Bogomolets National Medical University with a degree in “Pharmacy.” From 2015 to 2018, she pursued postgraduate studies in the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy at the Bogomolets National Medical University. Since December 2018, she has been an assistant at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy. In 2020, she defended her dissertation titled “Pharmacological Justification for the Combined Use of N-acetylcysteine and Melatonin in Type 1 Diabetes” to obtain the scientific degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences in the specialty 14.03.05 – Pharmacology. In 2024, she was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor.
Professional Development: 2020 – Completed a professional development course on “Psychological and Pedagogical Foundations of Higher Medical Education” (Educational and Scientific Center of Continuing Professional Education, Institute of Postgraduate Education, Bogomolets National Medical University), and a topical improvement course on “Current Issues in Clinical Pharmacology in Modern Gastroenterology” (Ukrainian Training Center of Family Medicine, Bogomolets National Medical University). 2021 – International internship “Teaching and Research at Universities: The Experience of Poland” (University of Euroregional Economy, Józefów, Poland). 2022 – Completed a professional development course on “Innovative Teaching Technologies” (Institute of Professional Development for Pharmacy Specialists, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv), and a course on “Case Study Methods and Workshops in Medical Universities” (Educational and Scientific Center of Continuing Professional Education, Institute of Postgraduate Education, Bogomolets National Medical University). 2023 – Completed a course on “Antimicrobial Stewardship” (Educational and Scientific Center of Continuing Professional Education, Institute of Postgraduate Education, Bogomolets National Medical University).
Research Interests: Diabetes mellitus, antimicrobial therapy, pharmaceutical care. 6898
Memberships: Member of the “Society of Young Scientists and Specialists of Bogomolets National Medical University”, Member of the scientific organization “Center for Ukrainian-European Scientific Cooperation”, Member of the “Independent Association of Nutritionists and Dietitians of Ukraine”.
Academic Contributions: H-index in Google Scholar: 3. Author and co-author of more than 50 scientific papers, 2 utility model patents, and 2 textbooks. Translator of the publication “Rang and Dale’s Pharmacology”. Proficient in English (B2 certificate), teaches foreign students.
Additional Responsibilities: responsible for the student scientific society at the Faculty of Pharmacy, specializing in “Pharmacy”. Serves as the secretary of the department’s methodological meetings.
- Protector properties of N-acetylcysteine, melatonin and their compatible use for oxidative damage of rat brain cells with experimental diabetes mellitus type 1. (2020). Experimental and Clinical Physiology and Biochemistry, 2019(4).
- Temirova, О., Krat, J., & Khaitovych, M. (2022). The importance of pharmaceutical care in the release of drugs for the prevention and treatment of acne in women. Ukrainian Scientific Medical Youth Journal, 131(2), 70–77.
- Khaitovych, M. V., Mazur, I. P., Voitova, Y. V., Yunakova, N. M., Turchak, D. V., Temirova, O. A., & Polyakova, D. S. (2023). SIDE EFFECTS OF ANTIDEPRESSANTS ON ORAL HEALTH ACCORDING TO QUESTIONNAIRES OF PATIENTS AND HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS. World of Medicine and Biology, 19(84), 163.
- Temirova, O., Tarverdieva, Y., Khaitovych, M., Sova, V., & Kyrylchuk, K. (2023). Management of the interactions’ risks when using phytomedicines in children. Ukrainian Scientific Medical Youth Journal, 141(3), 160–166.
- Khaitovych, M. V., Temirova, O. A., Kyrilchuk, K. Y., Sova, V. A., & Turchak, D. V. (2024). USING THE AWaRe CLASSIFICATION FOR ASSESSING COMPLIANCE WITH OUTPATIENT ANTIMICROBIAL THERAPY OF CHILDREN. World of Medicine and Biology, 20(88), 172.
Savelyeva-Kulyk Natalia Oleksandrivna, аssistant, PhD
2005 – Sumy State University, Medical Faculty, “Medicine”, doctor.
2006 – A. S. Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Arts, “Music and art culture”, Bachelor degree, teacher of music and art culture.
2007 r. – Master’s degree in the specialty “Pediatrics”.
2010 r. – PhD-thesis defense on specialty 14.01.10. – pediatrics.
2010 r. – P.L. Shupik NMAPO, specializing in “Sanology”.
2018 – P.L. Shupik NMAPO, specializing in “Psychotherapy”.
ORCID ID: 0009-0009-9641-9247
Researcher ID: AFG-2390-2022
Web of Science
Scopus ID ORCID ID: 0009-0009-9641-9247
Researcher ID: AFG-2390-2022
2008–2010 – Sumy State University, assistant at the Department of Pediatrics and Postgraduate Education. 2010–2018 – P.L. Shupik NMAPE, assistant at the Department of Sports Medicine and Sanology; Department of Medical Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine. 2016-2022 – LLC “Morion”, medical editor/writer. 2019 – IT “Health Precision”, Medical QA.
Advanced qualifications
2012 – “Bach Flowers: A Theoretical and Experiental Journey Discovering Emotions” (GUNA). 2021 – International postgraduate practical internship “New and innovative teaching methods” (Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie). 2024 – “German for You A2/B1: Grammar, Elementary to Intermediate”.