Nataliia D. Kozak Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Colonel of the Medical Service Graduated from Bogomolets National Medical University in 1999 with a degree in General Medicine, and completed her internship in 2000 in General Hygiene at BNMU. Serves in the Armed Forces of Ukraine since 1999: senior hygienist of the Central sanitary and epidemiological detachment of the National guard of Ukraine, since 2000 – the head of the sanitary and hygienic department of a separate detachment of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, since 2005 – the head of the department for the prevention of socially dangerous and infectious diseases of the Center of health of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, since 2007 – the head of the sanitary and hygienic department of the Central sanitary and epidemiological department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. Since September 2009 – senior lecturer of the department of military preventive medicine of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy at 0.25 part-time position. Since August 2012 – associate professor of the department of organization of medical support of the armed forces for 0.25 part-time position. Received the title of associate professor of the department of organization of medical support of the armed forces of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy in 2015, since September 2016 – professor of the department of organization of medical support of the armed forces of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy for 0.25 part-time position. In the period from 2013 to 2016 – the head of the scientific and organizational department of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy, from 2016 to the present – the head of the faculty of retraining and advanced training of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy. Professor (2020–2023) of the department of hygiene and ecology No. 3 as part of the FDTAFU, and since September 1, 2023 – Professor of the department of communal hygiene and human ecology with a course of age hygiene as part of the Educational and research institute of public health and preventive medicine of Bogomolets National Medical University. He is the author of 128 publications, including 117 academic and 11 educational publications, including 2 textbooks.
Taras S. Mervinskyi Assistant of the department of descriptive and clinical anatomy of Bogomolets National Medical University Graduated from the medical faculty No. 1 of the Bogomolets National Medical University in 2018. In 2022, he became a postgraduate at the department of histology and embryology of Bogomolets National Medical University. Conducts a dissertation research for the degree of Philosophy Doctor (PhD) on the topic: «Formation of a glial scar in case of cerebral hemorrhage under conditions of correction». Scientific supervisor: prof. Yaremenko L.M. |
Yuliia S. Vakarenko Dispatcher of the Dean’s Office since the faculty foundation. |
Tetiana V. Prochenko |
With the proclamation of Ukraine’s independence on August 24, 1991 and the decision to create the national Armed Forces on December 6, 1991, many new problems arose, including the training of medical officers in Ukraine. In this regard, the issue of creating Ukraine’s own system of military medical education has become acute.
In pursuance of paragraph 5 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 16.10.1995 No. 820 “On the establishment of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy”, implementation of paragraph 10 of the decision of the Board of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 20.11.1996 No. 14 “On the results of admission to higher medical educational institutions of Ukraine in 1996”, the Concept for the establishment of the Faculty of Training of Doctors for the Armed Forces of Ukraine of the Bogomolets National Medical University was developed, the main purpose of which was to ensure the introduction of training of specialists in the specialties of professional direction “Medicine” and educational qualification levels “specialist” in the amount of up to 100 people in 1997 for further enrollment in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations.
In accordance with the Regulation “On the State Higher Educational Institution”, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 05.09.1996, No 1074 and by the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 24.04.1997, No 132, the Faculty for the doctors’ training for the Armed Forces Of Ukraine was established at the Bogomolets National Medical University.
The training of 100 students began on September 1, 1997. The training of doctors at the faculty was based on the system of education in state higher medical schools of Ukraine in the specialties “General Medicine”, “Medical and Preventive Care” with a term of study of 6 years and “Dentistry”, “Pharmacy” with a 5-year period of study.
The first enrollment of students to the faculty and its deployment was carried out by the then dean of the faculty – Colonel of the Medical Service V.V. Solyaryk, Deputy Deans, Professor (at that time assistant) O.M. Naumenko, Colonel of the Medical Service (at that time Major) O.I. Polezhaev and dispatcher of the Dean’s Office Y.S. Vakarenko.
From November 1999 to February 2005, the Faculty for the doctors’ training for the Armed Forces Of Ukraine was headed by Colonel of the Medical Service, Honored Worker of Health of Ukraine O.I. Shcherbak.
Under his leadership, the education of future military doctors was carried out by his deputies – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor O.M. Naumenko, Candidate of Medical Sciences V.V. Moskalenko, Major of the Medical Service, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor O.M. Vlasenko, Dispatcher of the Dean’s Office Y.S. Vakarenko and Inspector of the Dean’s Office T.L. Tretyak.
The result of the activities of the Dean’s Office of the Faculty during this period was the implementation of the terms of the Concept of profiling of training at the Faculty of Training of Doctors for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This made it possible to raise to a qualitatively new level the effectiveness of undergraduate training of military medical specialists for the needs of the Armed Forces and other military formations of Ukraine.
Since the beginning of 2024, applicants for the first (bachelor’s) and second (master’s) levels of higher education in the specialty 227 “Therapy and Rehabilitation” of the medical and psychological faculty have been reassigned to the Faculty for the doctors’ training for the Armed Forces Of Ukraine.