Department of analytical, physical and colloid chemistry

Employees of the department



Zaitseva Galyna Mykolaivna

Head of the Department of Medical and General Chemistry, Associate Professor of Department of Medical and General Chemistry, Candidate of Chemical Sciences (since 1998).

She graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in 1981. She defended her dissertation on “Properties and chemical-analytical use of silica with immobilized O-, N-, S-, P-containing organic reagents.” In 1999-2000 she completed an internship “Postdoctoral Fellow” at UNICAMP University in Campinas, Brazil.

Since November 2016 – Head of the educational and methodical department.

Fluent in English.

In 1991 she received a grant “Scholarship, Southampton University, UK”, in 1996 – a grant “NATO Sponsored Advanced Research Workshop, France”, in 1998 – a grant “IWISE Fellow, Iowa State University, USA”, in 2005 – Grant “ICWES13, Korea”, in 2008 – Grant “ICWES14. France », in 2016 – Gratitude of the Kyiv Mayor.

Kalibabchuk Valentyna Oleksandrivna

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine.

In 1956 She entered the Faculty of Chemistry of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (former Taras Shevchenko Kyiv State University (KSU)), which she graduated with honors in 1961. and was recommended for graduate school.

In 1961 – 1962 she worked at the LV Pisarzhevsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences ( of the USSR Academy of Sciences) in the department of photochemistry as an engineer. In 1962 she entered the graduate school of KSU with a degree in “inorganic chemistry”, which she graduated in 1966. Since January 1966to May 1968 Kalibabchuk V.O.  worked as an engineer at the Institute of Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1968 she  defended her dissertation on the topic: “Properties of thorium tetrachloride and its interaction with cyanites, thiocyanates, selenocyanites and alkali metal nitrites in non-aqueous media” in the specialty “inorganic chemistry”. In the same year she was awarded the degree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences.

From May 1968 to 1970 she worked as a junior researcher at the Institute of Photochemistry, and from September 1970 to May 1980, as an associate professor at the Kyiv Evening Faculty of the Ivan Fedorov Ukrainian Polygraphic Institute (KVF UPI) at the Department of General Scientific Disciplines.

In 1980-1982 she  was in doctoral studies. In 1983- defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Spectral properties, electronic structure and the ability to complex the formation of displaced diazo naphthols” in the specialty “physical chemistry”. In the same year she was awarded the degree of Doctor of Chemical Sciences. In 1985, the Higher Attestation Commission awarded V.O. Kolibabchuk the academic title of professor.Since 1984 she  worked as a professor of the department of general scientific disciplines of KVF UPI.

In 1985 she was  selected by competition for the position of Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, Kyiv State University. Taras Shevchenko, where she worked until 1990.

Since 1990 V.O. Kolibabchuk currently works at the Bogomolets National Medical University. 1990-1991 – Professor, since 1991- Head of the Department of Medical and General Chemistry.

Since 1995 – Academy of Higher Education of Ukraine (Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology), in 1996 she received a grant from Soros Professor.

Professor Kalibabchuk a well-known specialist in the field of medical education. She has been teaching for 50 years, of which the last 21 at the National Medical University at the Department of Medical and General Chemistry, which main issue is  educational and methodological work among the relevant departments of higher medical educational institutions of Ukraine.Under her leadership, new curricula has been developed in the following disciplines: “Bioinorganic, biophysical and colloid chemistry” for the following specialties: “medical business”, “medical-preventive business”, “pediatrics”, “medical psychology”; a standard curriculum for the discipline “Bioinorganic Chemistry” for students of pharmaceutical faculties (specialty “clinical pharmacy”), authors: Ogurtsov VV, Lutsevich DM, Kalibabchuk VO, Galinskaya VI (2005); the first Ukrainian-language textbook “Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry” was published for second-year students of the Faculty of Pharmacy (electronic version); modern integrated program in the discipline of “Chemistry” for medical lyceums, which won first place in the competition among specialized programs was created.

In connection with the experimental introduction in Ukraine of the European Credit-Modular System of Education (ECT S), which is a key requirement of the Bologna Declaration of 1999, V.O. Kalibabchuk takes an active part in the modernization of the educational process of students at the Department of Medical and General Chemistry. Under her leadership, the staff of the department introduces a credit-module system of organization of the educational process, which provides, in accordance with the basic principles of the Bologna process, structuring the material of the discipline on the module with checking the quality of mastering each module.For this purpose all necessary educational and methodical materials are developed and introduced in educational process and the corresponding methodical actions are carried out: discipline “Bioinorganic, biophysical and colloid chemistry” is transformed into discipline “Medical chemistry” for which standard and working programs are created.In accordance with them, a Ukrainian-language textbook “Medical Chemistry” was written in 41 volumes. Sheet, which was published in 2006, also created a Russian-language textbook, creating primary banks of test questions on all subjects of the discipline “Medical Chemistry” to control the knowledge of first-year medical students in each class. The tests are written in Ukrainian, Russian and English.

A necessary condition for an educational institution to enter the single European educational space is the introduction of English-language education. Accordingly, in 2004 Kalibabchuk V.O. for the first time gave lectures and conducted classes in a group of foreign students in English. She co-authored the texts of lectures in English (76p.) and three textbooks (170p.), which are provided to all English-speaking students, English textbook.

Systematically, Professor Kalibabchuk V.O. gives lectures to first-year students of four medical, dental, medical-psychological, pharmaceutical faculties and students of medical training for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who are distinguished by clarity, quality, depth of the presented material. She successfully uses the results of her and the staff of the Department of Scientific Development in lectures to explain the processes occurring in medical and biological systems. Depending on the lecture audience, Valentyna Oleksandrivna reads in three languages: Ukrainian, Russian, and English.In addition, V.O. Kalibabchuk has been fruitfully engaged in scientific work for 50 years.She is a well-known specialist in the field of inorganic and physical chemistry. For the first time she developed theoretical and practical bases of physical chemistry of diazonaphthols as perspective light-sensitive materials for silver-free layers; developed a new approach to the study of chemically modified silica for the development of new chemical sensors; has obtained important results in the synthesis of polynuclear coordination compounds of bimetals with bioligands and the creation on their basis of modern magnetic materials and drugs.

Kalibabchuk V.O. is the author of more than 400 scientific works, including more than 3 monographs, textbooks and teaching aids. She has prepared 8 candidates of sciences; 2 candidate and doctoral dissertations are in the process of preparation.

Kalibabchuk V.O. conducts extensive scientific and organizational work as a member of the Commission on Chemistry of the Scientific and Methodological Council for Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, member of the Presidium of the Ukrainian Chemical Society, member of the Presidium of the Section “Chemistry and Chemical Technology” at the NAS of Ukraine. 26.001.03 of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and D 26.003.07 of Bogomolets National Medical University, was a member of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine (1992-1998).For significant personal contribution to the creation of spiritual and material values ​​and the achievement of high skill in professional activities she was repeatedly awarded diplomas of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Education of the USSR and Ukraine, diplomas and thanks of the Head of Kyiv City State Administration (2001, 2002, 2003, 2004). She was awarded the medal “In Memory of the 1500th Anniversary of Kyiv” (1982), the badge “For Excellent Success in Work” of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Education of the USSR (1978). Diploma of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (2006), diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2006), Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine (2006).

In 2014, she received a Diploma of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for significant personal contribution to the development of health care and high professionalism.




Reva Tetyana Dmytrivna

Professor of the Department of Medical and General Chemistry (since 2011),

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (since 2010).

She graduated from Gorky State University with a degree in Chemistry in 1990. She defended her dissertation on “Optimization of the choice of silica adsorbents for the concentration of ions of major biotoxicants in combined methods of analysis.”

Since 2015 – Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Bogomolets NMU.

In 2003 – received the Gratitude of the Kyiv Mayor, in 2010 – Diploma of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.




Sergii Martynovych Gozhdinsky

Associate Professor of the Department of Medical and General Chemistry (since 1999),

Candidate of Chemical Sciences (since 1976).

He graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in 1963. He defended his dissertation on “Study of the formation of galate and chromite-galate rare earth elements.”

He graduated from the Kyiv Institute of Patent Affairs, the Central Institute for Patent Training in Higher Education and the Higher State Training Courses for Executives in the Field of Invention and Rationalization.From 1987 to 1993 he worked at the Research Institute of Surface Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine as the head of the department of patent-licensing, invention and innovation work.

He organized the teaching of the course “Analytical Chemistry” for second-year students of the Faculty of Pharmacy and the elective course “Fundamentals of Patent Science”.

In 2016 he received a Diploma of the Academic Council of Bogomolets NMU.




Academic Degrees:

1981 BSc, Department of Chemistry, Shevchenko State University, Kyiv, Ukraine

1989 PhD (Macromolecular Chemistry), Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry (IMC), National AcademyofSciencesof Ukraine (NASU), Kyiv, Ukraine

Research Interests :

Thermodynamic properties and mechanical performance of heterogeneous polymer materials (filledpolymers, polymer blends, interpenetrating polymer networks, polymer nanocomposites, biopolymers)

I have more than 140 scientific articles and reports in Ukrainian and foreign scientific journals.




Kostyrko Olena Olehivna

Associate Professor of the Department of Medical and General Chemistry (since 2009),

Candidate of Chemical Sciences (since 2003).

She graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in 1997. She defended her dissertation on “Isoquinoline-containing spiranes based on cycloalkylated o-bromomethylphenylacetonitriles.” In 2012 she graduated from the Bogomolets National Medical University, majoring in Pharmacy (correspondence department).Responsible for educational and methodical work of the department at the correspondence department, as well as the curator of the preparatory department at the department in the discipline “Chemistry” for foreign citizens. Fluent in English. In 2005 she received a personal scholarship from the International Charitable Foundation P. Kulish.




Kraievska Yana Apollinariivna

Associate Professor of the Department of Medical and General Chemistry (since 2015),

Candidate of Chemical Sciences (since 2010).

She graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in 2006. She defended her dissertation on “Synthesis, structure and properties of oxide compounds such as Rudlesden-Popper and Dion-Jacobson.”

Responsible for the English-language form of education at the department.

She speaks English at the C1 level confirmed by an international certificate.




Pushkareva Yaroslava Mykolayivna

Associate Professor of the Department of Medical and General Chemistry (since 2015), Candidate of Chemical Sciences (since 2013), Associate Professor (since 2017).

She graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of VN Karazin Kharkiv National University in 2009. She defended her dissertation on “Solving problems of qualitative chemical analysis using artificial neural networks.”

Responsible for teaching and methodological support of the educational process in English at the department.

Fluent in English.

Winner of the scholarship named after Professor IE Tarapov in the 2010/2011 academic year.





Tymoschuk Olga Borysivna

Associate Professor of the Department of Medical and General Chemistry (since 2009),

Candidate of Chemical Sciences (since 2008).

She graduated from Zhytomyr State Pedagogical University named after Ivan Franko in 2003. She defended her dissertation on “Synthesis and properties of high-temperature superconducting materials with rare earth metals in different degrees of oxidation.”

Responsible for the pedagogical workload of the teaching staff of the department.

Fluent in French.



Oksana Mykolayivna Chkhalo

Associate Professor of the Department of Medical and General Chemistry (since 2020).

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (since 2019).

She graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in 1998. She is working on his dissertation on “Methods of teaching analytical chemistry of future pharmacists using information technology.”She defended her PhD thesis in 2019 on “Methods of teaching analytical chemistry to students of pharmaceutical specialties using information technology”, 13.00.02 – Theory and methods of teaching (medical and pharmaceutical disciplines) Curator of the discipline “Analytical Chemistry” at the Department of Medical and General Chemistry. Since 2015 she has been acting Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy.




Bolotnikova Anastasia Olehivna

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Medical and General Chemistry (since 2020), Candidate of Chemical Sciences (since 2019).



Lysenko Tetyana Anatoliivna

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Medical and General Chemistry (since 2014).

She graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv in 1997. She is working on his dissertation on “Methods of implementing interdisciplinary links in the process of teaching medical chemistry to future doctors.”

Secretary of the department since 2005.

In 2016, she received a letter of thanks from the Kyiv City State Administration






Kushtapina Iryna Gennadiivna

Engineer of the I category of the Department of Medical and General Chemistry since 2012.

She graduated from the Faculty of Roads of the Kyiv Automobile and Road Institute in 1980.

Responsible for logistics of the department.




Radko Victoriia Yuriyivna

Senior laboratory assistant of the Department of Medical and General Chemistry (since 2013).

She graduated from the Faculty of Technologyat the Lviv Polytechnic Institute in 1990.

She is responsible for the training laboratory workshopon the subjects”Medical Chemistry”, “Physical and Colloid Chemistry”.




Egorova Natalia Mikhailivna

Laboratory assistant of the Department of Medical and General Chemistry (since 2015).

She graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in 1974.

Responsible for the training laboratory workshop on the subject “Inorganic Chemistry”.




Rudkovska Lyubov Martynivna

Laboratory assistant of the Department of Medical and General Chemistry (since 2018).

She graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

Responsible for the training laboratory workshop on the subject “Analytical Chemistry”.