Department of analytical, physical and colloid chemistry



2023-2024 academic year


Specialty 221 “Dentistry”

Specialty 222 “Medicine”

Specialty 226 “Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy”





2022-2023 academic year


Syllabuses of the disciplines


Work programs



2021-2022 s.y.


Working programs 2021-2022


Syllabuses 2021-2022



2020-2021 s.y.


Working programs 2020-2021


Syllabuses 2020-2021



At the Department of Medical and General Chemistry of Bogomolets National Medical University the training and methodological work on the following topics has been carried out in 2008 – 2016:

“The integration of chemical disciplines teaching in higher medical educational establishments and establishments of preliminary training” (implementation period 2008-2010);

“The theory and methods of chemical disciplines teaching in higher medical educational establishments under medical education reformation” (implementation period 2011-2013)

“The theory and methods of chemical disciplines teaching in higher medical educational establishments in credit-module system of educational process” (implementation period 2014-2016.).

Methodological results:

1: Educational and didactic supplying of the educational process is provided in such disciplines as “Medical Chemistry” for native and foreign students of medical faculties; “Chemistry” for foreign students studying at the preparatory department; listeners of correspondence preparatory courses in “Chemistry”.

  1. Methodical recommendations on standardized test tasks development in “Chemistry” for students of correspondence preparatory courses are worked out and implemented.
  2. The problem of preliminary training of medical lyceum students and lyceum extracurricular work organization is investigated; historical and pedagogical analysis of preliminary students training in medical lyceum is carried out.
  3. The role of chemical disciplines study in future specialists training of pharmaceutical industry is investigated.
  4. The ways of students independent work activation are studied.
  5. The standard curricula for the discipline “Medical Chemistry” for students of medical, stomatological and medico-psychological departments are created.
  6. A bank of test tasks to prepare students in higher education establishments for taking license examination “Step 1” is created.

The methodological results of the Department of Medical and General Chemistry can be used to improve the structure and content of courses in the following disciplines: medical chemistry for students of stomatological and medico-psychological departments, analytical, inorganic chemistry, physical and colloid chemistry for students of pharmaceutical department of full-time and correspondence forms of study, teaching means of classical chemical disciplines on the basis of their integration with the new ones; pedagogical technologies development of process efficiency increase in teaching of medical chemistry of future health care specialists is carried out. Methodical system of chemical knowledge purposeful formation guaranteeing the achievement of planned results in the teaching of chemical disciplines is implemented in higher medical educational establishments. In 2017 – 2019 the implementation of the research work on the topic:


The aim is to improve students’ knowledge by means of integration of chemical disciplines teaching in higher medical educational establishments and establishments of preliminary training, development, theoretical justification and experimental verification of open methodological system of chemistry teaching of future health care specialists.


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