Pharmaceutical faculty
Candidate of Chemistry
Assistant professor at department of medical and general chemistry
Pushkinska str., 22, phone: 235-90-65
Candidate of Chemistry, assistant professor at department of pharmaceutical, biological and toxicological chemistry
senior teacher at department of medical and general chemistry
assistant at department of pharmacy organization and economics
The history for development of pharmacy in Ukraine as a science is intimately connected with the establishment and development of Kyiv medical and pharmaceutical schools. For example, one of the first ancient documentary historical remembrances are the chronicles of Kyiv Pechersk Monastery, which testify that already in the XI century among the monks there were people, who devoted their life to rendering the medical aid to other people. Moreover, later they established the hospital at monastery, in which the patients could free of charge receive the therapeutic, surgical and psychoneurological aid. The monastic healers prepared the powders, ointments, extracts and broths. This can testify to the fact that the manufacture of simple forms of pharmaceutical products already at that time had the little systematic and organized character.
If we consider the establishment and development of Kyiv pharmaceutical school within the context of NMU’s history, so, the conditional starting point may be the foundation of Saint Volodymyr Kyiv university in 1834. In 1840 Russian Emperor Mykola I signed the rescript about opening the medical faculty within its structure. But the first medical students could start their study only in a year when the premise, suitable for educational process, was found.
It was the former estate of captain Korf, which was in Mariyniskyy park across the present Building of Officers. Namely since that moment when the medical faculty received the constant “registration”, the pure establishment and development of Kyiv pharmaceutical schools as an independent sphere starts.
Later at medical faculty they opened the special pharmacy, which not only provided the population of the capital with pharmaceutical products but served as an academic base for training of pharmacists due to system of apprenticeship. The graduates from this original pharmaceutical educational establishment could work in pharmacies and continue their pharmaceutical career.
After 3-5 years of work as an assistant pharmacist, according to “Decree from medical department of Ministry of internal affairs in Russian empire”, dd. 1838, they had the right to pass through exams to receive the highest qualification of pharmacy workers – “pharmacist”. It is interesting that the owners of pharmacies first of all had qualitatively learn their assistants, moreover, when their pupils in an established period for some attempts could not pass through exam and receive the qualification level of pharmacist, this fact could become a reason for special investigation, initiated by state regulatory authorities. If it was found out that the reason for failures of future pharmacist is the poor quality educational process, organized by owner of pharmacy, so, the latter one could be fined or in general deprived of the license for conduct of professional activity. Besides, it was allowed for assistant pharmacists on their own to open the pharmacy establishments at the places, where there was the acute deficit in them. Of course, it was allowed for them to render a little limited list of pharmaceutical services.
Later on the base of university pharmacy at medical faculty they opened two separate laboratories: chemical and pharmacological. Well, of course, the historical picture for development of Kyiv pharmaceutical school during the times of Russian empire could more precise be imagined thanks to the pharmacy which not only preserved until our days but continues functioning as an existing pharmacy establishment. We mean the pharmacy-museum in Podol, which history of activity started in the XVIII century. For many years this pharmacy establishment was the best one in Kyiv. In general, the number of pharmacies in the capital at the end of XVIII century was 4, and at the beginning of the XIX century – already 6.
The next stage in history of Kyiv pharmaceutical school is dated by the start of the 20-ies in the XX century, when Kyiv medical institute was established. It became the legal successor of medical faculty at Saint Volodymyr University. Later Kyiv pharmaceutical institute was also established but as an independent capital scientific educational establishment it existed until 1935, when according to decision of Verkhovna Rada of the UkrSSR it was transferred to Odessa, and in 1959 – to Zaporizhe, where Zaporizhe pharmaceutical institute was established on its base. The medical faculty that performed the training of doctors was established within this institution not long ago. Later Zaporizhe pharmaceutical institute was renamed into Zaporizhe medical institute, as a part of which the pharmaceutical faculty functions as of today. Kyiv pharmaceutical school made the important contribution into pharmaceutical science and education in other cities of Ukraine.
As it concerns the necessity in update of work of higher pharmaceutical educational establishments in Kyiv, so, the first attempts to restore the historical justice were made by capital educators and scientists in the 80-ies last century. Unfortunately, due to many reasons they failed to realize those thoughts at that time.
The pharmaceutical faculty within O.O. Bogomolets National medical university was opened only after Ukraine acquired its independence – in 1997.
The first dean was the famous organizer of pharmaceutical business, talented pedagogue, professor Volokh Dmytro Stepanovych, who worked as a dean in 1997-2003.
In 2006 the pharmaceutical faculty received the highest – IV level of accreditation.
Today at the faculty there are 9 departments, among them 5 supportive and 5 graduating ones. The professors teaching composition includes 180 persons, among them 18 Doctors and 98 Candidates of Sciences. Among the teachers of the faculty there are 12 professors, 41 assistant professors, 69 assistants.
At the faculty there are 9 academicians and corresponding members in academies of sciences, 4 laureates of state and personal prizes, 4 honorary scientists and technologists.
The tasks of the faculty anticipate the practical realization of set purpose, namely: the integration of the faculty into world educational and scientific pharmaceutical space.
The strategy of the faculty at modern stage is to train the pharmaceutical staff for pharmacy network and medical establishments, for production, science, control and analytical laboratories, performance of qualitative training of specialists and masters of pharmacy.
The main directions in strategic development are:
Provision with qualitative managements, i.e. establishment and approval of the new wording for University Charter according to provisions of Law of Ukraine “About higher education”, dd. 01.07.2014 No 1556-VII, implementation of quality management system according to ISO 9001 (2008; 2015), provision with collegiate character and openness in taking the managerial decisions, establishment of the uniform network for electronic documents circulation, increase in authorities of faculty with the corresponding increase in responsibility, introduction of criterion for possession of English language as compulsory for scientific pedagogical workers of the faculty of young age, provision with conditions for independent assessment and monitoring of activity and management of university by Supervisory board, provision with inclusion of university and faculty into independent world ratings of HS, in particular, QS, systematically to control the possible manifestation of corruption in this sphere, including through anonymous survey, participation in establishment of the Institute of postgraduate education with the corresponding special departments at modern clinical bases in order to enlarge the training of interns and participation in training of residents, improvement of quality in practical training of persons, who study through establishment and realization of the corresponding complex integrated program with proper methodic and resource provision, bringing the quality in educative activity to international standards, reinforcement of innovativeness for scientific activity, enlargement of international integration, improvement of consulting work, further spiritual and corporate development, improvement of efficiency in financial economical activity.
The faculty will further reinforce its scientific methodic and material technical base, relied on traditions of university that have formed for 175 years of its activity, using the experience of teaching and establishment of science for many years, developing the relations with faculties of National university and other educational establishments of pharmaceutical direction.
Taking into consideration the main purpose for qualitative training of specialists in pharmacy according to the requirements of society, the program of educational activity of the faculty anticipates the fulfillment of such tasks:
- completion of work as to establishment of State standards for educational levels (qualification characteristics and educational professional programs), writing and publishing the educational methodic literature, practicum, textbooks, study guides;
- implementation of programs for computer training of specialists;
- search for the new methodic approaches to teaching, provision with visualization of educational process and application of computers, approaching the content of study to practical activity of graduates.
The concept for development of specialty anticipates different system of actions, directed to consolidation of national pharmaceutical sphere, provision with high level of medical aid to population pursuant to formation of the corresponding knowledge and general humanistic upbringing of graduates from pharmaceutical faculty.
The activity of the faculty is carried out pursuant to the Charter of O.O. Bogomolets National medical university. The legislative basis at formation of the purpose, strategic and practical tasks of the faculty, developing the program in different directions of work are the Law of Ukraine “About education”, concept of pharmaceutical education, approved by MHC of Ukraine, Labor Code of Ukraine (with changes and amendments), laws of Ukraine, decrees from Cabinet of ministers of Ukraine, the ones that concern the higher schools, decisions and orders from Ministry of education of Ukraine, Ministry of health care, local councils and executive power authorities.
It is anticipated that the activity of the faculty during next decades will be based on use of the best traditions in training of specialists, constant relation with practical pharmacy, performance of actual scientific researches. The pharmaceutical faculty is a component of National medical university, which defines the directions for development of activity of professors teaching composition according to general requirements of higher education in Ukraine.
The economical, technological, social factors that occur in the society actively influence on changes in production process of pharmacy establishments. Hence, there is a wide use of computers in practical pharmacy, commercialization, denationalization of enterprises, introduction of changes into organizational structures of pharmaceutical system in general that requires the new modern knowledge.
The professors teaching collective of the faculty has been working on methodic provision for educational process, directing the efforts to its constant improvement.
The pharmaceutical faculty actively implements such learning technologies as business games, situational tasks, develop the automated learning and control systems.
The significant attention is paid to fulfillment of the Law of Ukraine about state language; the teachers perform the classes at the faculty in Ukrainian language and demand the knowledge of Ukrainian language from students.
The significant place while training the specialist is allocated to educational and industrial practice on the base of pharmacies, pharmaceutical plants, firms, control and analytical laboratories, where the students acquire the practical skills for their further work.
The activity of the faculty is based on historical traditions that have formed at the university and in state system of pharmaceutical education, as well as taking into consideration the general changes in society. Among general changes in the society that influence on activity of University and component of its part – pharmaceutical faculty, we should distinguish the following ones:
- development of independent Ukrainian State;
- democratization of political life;
- transfer to market economical relations;
- revival of Ukrainian national culture and culture of other nationalities;
- development of new interstate relations;
- necessity in ecological recovery of society.
While implementing the state educational program the scientists and employees of university and faculty orient to social humanitarian disciplines and national direction of students’ youth. Students’ mastering the achievements of world and national culture, general human social moral and aesthetic values. The main place in achievement of the basic purpose of the faculty, related to training of pharmaceutical staff, is taken by the complex of modern management methods: democratic basis, collegial decision taking, direction of activity and departments and divisions to fulfillment of strategic plans for the faculty. The efficient forms in management of faculty are the councils with discussions of learning methodic, scientific, economical and other issues that arise under influence of external circumstance and requirements of society.
Honor. Mercy. Glory – such words are coined on the Emblem of University, and the collective of University and faculty directs their pupils namely to these high moral ethical categories.
The students and teachers of the faculty together with the whole country arose to the warriors for idea of “revolution of dignity”, in daily struggle they passed through “lustration” from corruption and improper manifestations of totalitarian power of management at the establishment. The democratic election of the new rector – K.M. Amosova took place at the university under conditions of absolute publicity, transparency and availability.
Directions of spiritual and corporate development:
- to increase the participation of students from faculty in projects of Ukrainian and international students’ organizations (with the corresponding resource support);
- to support the experience teachers of faculty through maximum use of their scientific pedagogical and clinical potential;
- to take part in establishment of museum of history of University;
- worthily to prepare for the 175th anniversary of O.O. Bogomolets NMU, to provide with performance of solemn events, including scientific conferences, jubilee scientific historical editions, etc.
The reproductions of unique portrait gallery for famous scientists and pupils of University serve to development of “spiritual” vector in upbringing activity, as well as launching the scientific readings, devoted to the memory of leading figures of scientific schools, reading the a great number of publications, speeches by authoritative personalities to the studentship, students and young scientists at scientific forums of different levels, the establishment and content filling the website of University and faculty, etc.
Address for dean’s office of pharmaceutical faculty:
Kyiv, Pushkinska str., 22, 5th floor.
Phone for dean’s office of full time pattern of study: (044) 235-90-65
Phone for dean’s office of extramural pattern of study: (044) 235-44-29