The regular meeting of University administration, headed by the first pro-rector on scientific pedagogical activity Tsekhmister Ya.V., took place on 20, November, 2014 in the administrative building of the University.
The following issues were considered at agenda:
1. About academic backlog of NMU’s students as of 01.11.2014 (reporter – Stechenko O.V., head at educational methodological division).
1. Information by pro-rector on scientific pedagogical activity professor V.I. Stepanenko, head at educational methodological division assistant professor O.V. Stechenko “About state of academic backlog of students as of 01.11.2014” should be taken into consideration.
2. Deans of University’s faculties should increase the personal control over the state of students’ academic backlog, to control the process for liquidation of academic backlog by students of DNMU and LNMU, who were admitted to study at the faculty on a temporary basis according to the order No 624, dd. 30.10.2014.
Responsible persons: deans of faculties.
Period of fulfillment – until 01.02.2015.
3. Deans of faculties, heads at departments – according to the order No 633, dd. 03.11.2014 – should provide with organization and performance of retaking IMC and tests in educational subjects from autumn winter semester according to the schedules, approved by departments and agreed with University administration; timely to inform the students and employees of University’s departments about periods for liquidation of academic backlog; to allow the non-degree students to liquidate the academic backlog during semester every day.
Responsible persons: deans of faculties, heads at departments of University.
Period of fulfillment – until 01.02.2015.
4. Deans of faculties should perform the weekly work on attendance of classes with non-degree students, on liquidation of academic backlog, etc.
5. Deans of medical faculties No 1-4 and faculty on work with foreign students should organize the trainings at computer rooms of University for students-debtors in “Krok 1. General medical aid”.
Responsible persons: deans of medical faculties No 1-4, faculty on work with foreign students.
Period of fulfillment – since 21.11.2014.
6. To prepare the draft order about liquidation of academic backlog in summer practical training by students of DNMU and LNMU.
Responsible persons: head at EMD, dean on practical training.
Period of fulfillment – until 24.11.2014.
2. About the state of indebtedness in payment for study and accommodation at hostels (reporter – Fed N.S., chief accountant).
The present people were provided with the information about reduction of students’ indebtedness in payment for study and accommodation at NMU’s hostels. Fed N.S. also mentioned that the significant reduction in indebtedness in payment but she emphasized that indebtedness of foreign students.
3. About course of inventory of material valuables at NMU (reporter – Nykytiuk O.A., pro-rector on educational methodological activity and perspective development)
Professor Nykytiuk O.A. informed the present people about inventory of material valuables at NMU according to order No 549, dd. 30.10.2014. He mentioned the necessity in timely preparation of write-off certificates of material valuables among other comments.
The chairman of the meeting Tsekhmister Ya.V. informed the present people about the following among current affairs:
– deputies of KCSA at the regular meeting on 20.11.2014 voted for allocation of the land lot (0.3 ha) into ownership of University;
– according to the letter from MHC of Ukraine No 08.01-47/22/1269-14/33639, dd. 18.11.2014 Bogomolets NMU offered to establish the department “Medicine of catastrophes”;
– due to errand by rector of University Amosova K.M. the work on optimization of work programs and improvement of medical practice of students at NMU started;
– the changes will be introduced at department of physical education and health. Namely the assessment system will be cancelled, as well as regulatory indices, etc.
– the visitors of administrative building is recommended to have a certificate at them (permit, student identification card);
– due to the new rules for admission to the higher school of Ukraine, MHC recommends to submit the proposals for performance of admission campaign until 1, December. The deans of faculties should submit the list of vocational-oriented events;
– the departments of University should timely submit the lists of employees, who wish to attend English courses.
of Bogomolets National
medical university