Please, tell me, could I submit the original documents for contractual form of study?
According to the letter from Ministry of education and science of Ukraine No 1/9-402, dd. 27.07.2016 the entrants, who are not recommended to budget form of study, can already now submit the original documents to contractual form of study. The lists of persons, recommended for contractual form of study, will be announced on official website of university and stands of admission commission on 06.08.
Why has the number of places for enrollment to the places of state ordering changed?
On 1, August, 2016 the Uniform state electronic base on issues of education performed the rating of entrants and held the redistribution of places under specialty “Medicine” under educational programs taking into consideration the priorities of applications, established by entrants. 722 entrants of general contest and 14 – due to quotas received the recommendation to enrollment to places of state ordering in medical faculty for educational program “Medical care” within specialty 222 “Medicine”. 17 entrants due to general contest received the recommendation to the places of state ordering in faculty for training of doctors for the Armed Forces of Ukraine for educational program “Medical care”. 19 entrants due to general contest and 3 – due to quotas received the recommendation for educational program “Pediatrics”. 1 entrant due to general contest – for educational program “Medical preventive care”. 6 entrants due to general contest and 1 – due to quotas received the recommendation for enrollment to the places of state ordering to educational program “Dentistry” within the specialty 221 “Dentistry”. 5 entrants due to general contest within specialty 225 “Medical and psychological rehabilitation” received the recommendation for enrollment to the places of state ordering to educational program “Medical psychology”. Together with the persons, enrolled due to results from interlocution (4 persons due to specialty 222 “Medicine”, educational program “Medical care” and 1 person due to specialty 221 “Dentistry”, educational program “Dentistry”), the places of state ordering were distributed by the following way: 780 under specialty 222 “Medicine” (757 places under educational program “Medical care”, 22 – “Pediatrics”, 1 – “Medical preventive care”) 5 under specialty 225 “Medical and psychological rehabilitation”, 8 under specialty 221 “Dentistry”, together 793 places of state ordering.
What is the number of places for contractual form of study?
The volume of training to the places beyond the plan of state ordering at O.O. Bohomolets National medical university is as it follows:
Educational program “Medical care” – 80
Educational program “Pediatrics” – 208
Educational program “Medical preventive care” – 229
Educational program “Dentistry” – 342
Educational program “Pharmacy” – 100
Educational program “Pharmacy” (extramural courses) – 500
Educational program “Technology of perfume and cosmetic means” – 100
Educational program “Medical psychology” – 95
What is the work schedule of admission commission during submission of original documents?
The Admission commission of National medical university works EVERYDAY since 9.00 until 18.00.
Are all students of the 1st course provided with hostel?
The hostels are provided only to students from privileged categories.