O.O. Bohomolets National Medical University
welcomes applicants from all the regions of Ukraine and beyond its borders
Medical Colleges of Donetsk and Lugansk Regions, and the Autonomous Respublic of Crimea!
The university it is, above all, highly scientific and teaching staff, one of the most powerful in higher medical schools of Ukraine uniting 12 faculties, 79 departments, three research institutes.
High level of training is provided by the help of powerful personnel, innovative technologies of organization and realization of the educational process, integration of education, research and medical activities, international cooperation, modern logistics, upbringing of active citizenship position.
NMU is the main institution on teaching methods and work in the system of higher medical education in Ukraine, coordinator of the implementation of the principles of the Bologna process among the higher medical schools of Ukraine.
Within the institution there are more than 1,200 teachers, 27 of whom Re full members and corresponding members of the state and  31 of public academies of Sciences of Ukraine, 31 of foreign academies, 37are members of the international scientific organizations and associations, 66 laureates of the State Prizes of Ukraine and nominal bonuses, 95 Honoured distinguished educators  in the field of science and technology, distinguished doctors of Ukraine and others.
133 professors, 181 doctors of sciences, 354 docents and 762 candidates of sciences carry out teaching process.
The University was the first university in the state which launched a new international training methodology of training the doctors – the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).
Over the past 3 years almost 2,000 students have acquired the unique international educational document, Diploma Supplement, as the Diploma Supplement of the European standard.
About 14 thousand students, graduate students, medical residents, masters, doctors (pharmacists) –internship residents, including 1340 foreign nationals are trained in the University.
During the recent years, more than 100 students won the Ukrainian Student Olympiad and scientific competitions of the MES of Ukraine.
Over the years the institution has trained more than 85,000 professionals, including more than 3,000 of foreign citizens from 64 countries.
Alumni of the institution work in every fourth country all over the world and in all regions of Ukraine. One of seven doctors and pharmacists in Ukraine is a graduate of NMU.
In 2014 24 best graduates were employed at the University Department.
Clinical Departments of University is located on 142 bases, where 8.4 thousand beds are organized, around 150 thousand patients are treated annually, 70 thousand surgeries are performed, delivery of 15 thousand of new baby birth are adopted.
Dental medical center receives over 250 thousand visitors per year.
In 2011 NMU has joined the Magna Charta Universitatum, the Great Charter of Universities (Italy, the city of Bologna). The Univrsity has over 100 agreements with international and foreign organizations, is co-founder of the European Inter-University Center of Research and Cooperation (Italy), the East European Universities Network (Poland), involved in 27 educational, 53 research and 28 grants providing international projects.
The University is the co-executor of the TEMPUS, EU project «Modernization of Undergraduate Medical Education in the Eastern Partnership.”.
Together with the Caroline Institute (Sweden), Lanzhou University (China) (Chinae University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Gansu (China) educational and scientific programs to train young scientists are implemented.
Much attention is paid to the development of the student self-government, versatile education of future professionals.
22 amateur art groups are actively running (including 7  folk groups) along with 19 sports sections.
Outstanding athletes: winners of international and national competitions, Honored Masters of Sports of Ukraine are enrolled in NMU.
Multidimensional activities of institution is reported through the web-site, the university newspaper MEDYCHNI KADRY (“Medical personnel”), specialized published editions and media.
According to the rating of the UNESCO project “Top 200 Ukraine” in 2014 NMU took VIII place among universities in Ukraine.