  1. At the first practical class and lecture with students of the 4th, 5th and 6th courses to inform the students about licensing integrated exam “Krok 2” and possibility to receive the following forms from official website of Testing Center at MHC of Ukraine (

It is compulsory to perform the training until taking exam, to form “risk groups” due to testing results, separately to perform the training of “risk

To deans

To provide with testing of students at computer classrooms according to the schedules. Every month the results from testing should be submitted to the prorector on academic and methodological activity of NMU. To organize the discussion of issues about progress in studies, results from training and results from passing through licensing exams “Krok” at Scientific councils in corresponding faculties, council of monitors, production meetings with students and teachers of department. Until 15, May – 6th course, until 15, June – 3rd course.

– Booklets of test tasks for recent 10 years – 2004-2014. Informational materials for training of students to exam (“Krok 2” – “General medical training”)

For students – citizens of Ukraine –

For foreign students, who study in Russian and Ukrainian language –

For foreign students, who study in English language –

To place the information about availability of materials for training to LIE “Krok 2” from official website of Test Center at MHC of Ukraine to the stands of department and site of Educational portal of NMU. The departments should perform the annual monitoring for update of test tasks on official website of Test Center at MHC of Ukraine and replenish the departmental test database that is used during practical classes and FMC. The training to licensing integrated exam “Krok 2” should be performed at each practical class for students of the 4th, 5th, 6th courses. The test tasks of A format (typical for “Krok 2”) were developed for this purpose and are included into methodological guidelines of departments and correspond to the topic of each practical class and are used by teachers. The students of the 4th, 5th, 6th courses at each practical class solve up to 10 tests of incoming level of knowledge according to the topic and 10 outgoing ones (at the end of the class) in hard copies. Once a week the students of the 4th, 5th, 6th courses take 50 tests in computer classroom. While passing through FMC they solve 50 tests in hard copy. The student may receive the positive mark due to results from testing at FMC if he/she has 80% of correct answers. It is necessary not only to choose the correct answer but to explain the choice. Gradually reduce the time for choice of the answer, i.e. work for the time. Not solved test tasks should be solved at classes, consultations with teacher. The solution of test tasks, their assessment and discussion is an integral element of educational process. The special attention should be paid to the work with test tasks at classes with the students of the 6thcourse. The test tasks, developed by department, are used by teachers at working off the missed classes in the form of hard copies and at computer classroom. The use of test base, booklets on corresponding topics while checking the knowledge at each practical class with compulsory analysis and explanation of incorrectly solved tests. To perform the individual consultations for students on issues about tasks in LIE “Krok 2”. On the eve of FMC each student passes through control tests in hard copy. The percentage of correct answers for admission to FMC is not less than 80%. Pursuant to results of pre-testing the “risk group” is created at department, which includes the students that received less than 80% of correct answers. The additional classes on tests in hard copy and at computer classroom are held with this contingent due to additional timetable, approved by head at department and with involvement of teachers from department. It is suggested for department regularly to perform the interlocutions on certain test questions within training to licensing integrated exam “Krok-2”. To recommend the implementation of electronic system Moodle at departments to control the independent work of students with test task base “Krok-2”. It is suggested for department to form the sampling from booklets to pass through LIE “Krok-2” due to their discipline and to place it on the website of department. To listen to the issues about training to LIE “Krok-2” and analysis of its passing regularly at meetings of department paying the special attention to the risk groups and the most typical mistakes while solving the test tasks. The special attention should be paid to foreign students, especially, English speaking ones, as to improvement of their training in different disciplines, having assigned the curators to them, with the control by dean’s office. The graduation departments twice a week and every day before exam “Krok-2” should perform the consultations about training to licensing integrated exam. To continue the practice of students’ pre-testing to pass through LIE “Krok-2”, to select risk groups of students and to perform the individual work with them. To provide with constant update of test tasks base for use at practical classes according to the booklets from recent five years.