
This year the budget of University, under assistance of rector at O.O. Bogomolets NMU professor Kateryna Amosova, allocated the money for repair of the assembly hall in physical chemical building of University. The hall seats 930 spectators, the meeting of Scientific Councils, Conference of Labor Collective and solemn events are performed here.

The repair started on 10, January, 2018. Among performed works – the floor on the stage and stairs that run to the stage were repaired. All 930 chairs were disassembled in the stalls and on the balcony. The fillers were replaced in each chair, they were covered with new good quality materials, the new elbow-rests were installed and the fixtures were replaced. The floor on the balcony and in the hall was also completely repaired. It is planned to complete the repair of assembly hall on 20, February, 2018.

Changing the interior, the assembly hall invariably remains the center of versatile life at University – educational, cultural, public and entertaining.

Press Center