Scientific practical session on 26-27, December, 2014
Bogomolets National medical university, SE “Institute of traumatology and orthopedics at NAMS of Ukraine”, Association of orthopedists-traumatologists in city Kyiv and Kyiv region, military medical academy of Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, City clinical emergency care hospital in c. Kyiv, Kyiv city clinical hospital No 9, NTU “KPI” at MES of Ukraine invite you to take part in work of annual scientific practical session “Implementation of scientific developments into health care practice”.
The scientific practical session will be held on 26-27, December, 2014 in city Kyiv at the address: c. Kyiv, Vorovskogo str., 27.
Topics of session
– Reparative reconstructive surgery at foot pathology
– Reparative reconstructive surgery at intra-articular damages, pelvis and spine traumas
– Reparative reconstructive surgery at degenerative dystrophic and inflammatory injury of locomotor and support apparatus
– Minimally invasive treatment technologies in traumatology and orthopedics
– Physiotherapy and pharmacotherapy in arthrology
– Training of specialists under specialty “Traumatology and orthopedics”
Work of session
– Work languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English
– The scientific practical session is held in the format of plenary meetings due to the main topics with participation of leading experts from Ukraine and foreign states.
– During the session the exhibition of pharmaceutical firms and medical equipment will be organized.
– The materials of the conference will be published in the special scientific practical journal “Chronicle of traumatology and orthopedics” No 1-2, 2015, edition, which is included into the list of editions, accredited by HAC of Ukraine.
It is necessary to be registered as a participant until 1, December, 2014 in order to take part in the conference, having sent the registration card, being filled in, (see later) to e-mail of organizing committee with notification in the subject “session 2014”.
The program of session will be located on siteà(after 10, December, 2014).
Mailing address: 01054 Ukraine, Kyiv, Vorogskogo str., 27, SE “Institute of traumatology and orthopedics at AMS of Ukraine”, department of traumatology and orthopedics at Bogomolets NMU.
Phone/fax: +38 (044) 288-01-26
Internet site:à
Due to desire of participants the scientific articles and theses may be published in journal “Chronicle of traumatology and orthopedics”, accredited by HAC of Ukraine. For that the below mentioned materials for publication should be sent to the address of organizing committee until 10, December, 2014.
All articles are reviewed on a compulsory basis. The article may be returned to the author for correction or reduction. The materials that do not conform to below mentioned requirements are not accepted for publication. The cost for publication of one page is UAH 15.
For scientific articles:
– text of article in two copies, signed by all authors, approved by director of establishment and affixed with the round seal; volume – 5-7 pages of printed text of A4 format, including the list of literature, tables, illustrations, signatures to them.
Font – Times New Roman, size 14, interval 1.5.
– the first page in the left upper corner from the new line contains UDC code, initials and surnames of authors, title of article, name of establishment, where the work was made; name of state. The keywords are mentioned under them.
– the structure of the main text of original articles shall conform to the generally accepted structure for scientific articles (according to requirements of HAC of Ukraine), and contain the following sections: “Introduction”, “Purpose of work”, “Materials and methods”, “Results and discussions”, “Conclusions”. The abstract that reflects the main provisions of the article in original language, not more than 30% of the page in Russian and English should be added to the text.
– list of reference (up to 10 sources, not less than 70% from last 5-7 years);
– electronic version of the article is provided in CD-R/RW (electronic and hard versions should be identical, the magnetic medium should contain the materials only of one article). The electronic version may also be sent to with notification in subject “Article for Chronicle of 2015”.
– Expert report and official accompanying letter.
For publications of theses:
– UDC code;
– Title of work
– Initials and surnames of work’s authors;
– Name of establishment, where the research was made, and name of state;
– Text of theses should not exceed 400 words, should not contain the tables, schedules, pictures. Not more than two works are accepted from one first author. The theses are made in MS Word editor, Times New Roman font, size 14, interval 1.5. The file name consists of the first author’s surname, place and number of file (for example, IvanovKyiv1).
The theses may be sent to e-mail: with notification in subject “Theses for Chronicle of 2015”.