Teaching Staff
PHD Department Teaching Staff
PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor Head of the PhD Department Graduated from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Philosophy. 2006 – completing post-graduate studies at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, defending the thesis “Reason and Faith According to Pamfil Yurkevich’s Philosophical Concept”. Academic interests: history of philosophy, religious studies, epistemology, Islamic studies, philosophical anthropology. Author of more than 40 academic publications, including the scientific guide “Philosophy of the Close and Middle East of the 7th – 14th centuries. Glossary”, 9 tutorials, elective course “Philosophy of the Close and Middle East”. 2014-2019 – vice-head on the research direction of the Philosophy department. Member of the NGO “Ukrainian Association of Religious Scholars”. Courses “Philosophy of science and bioetics” and “theory of Cognition and Medicine”. |
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Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor Graduated with honors from Rivne State University of Humanities with qualification of teacher of history and law. 2005-2008 – postgraduate studies, 2012-2015 – doctoral studies at the Grygory Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of the NAS of Ukraine. Themes of the theses: “The Authenticity of Existence in “Negative” and “Positive” Existentialism” (09.00.05 – History of Philosophy), “Methodological and Ideological Correlation of Christian Theology and Existentialism” (09.00.11 – Religious Studies) (2017). Academic interests: philosophy, history of philosophy, philosophy of existentialism, existential theology, existential anthropology, existential axiology and ethics. Author and co-author of more than 90 academic publications, including 6 monographs and a textbook. An editor-in-chief of the International Bulgarian-Ukrainian multilingual special issue “Ideas. Philosophical Magazine”; member of the editorial board of the journals: “Pedagogical innovations: ideas, realities, perspectives”, “Political Science Bulletin”. https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=wzRh2AIAAAAJ&hl=ru Course “Philosophy of science and bioetics”
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Associate Professor of Healthcare Management Department of Bogomolets National Medical University. Deputy Director of the Evidence-Based Medicine and Good Clinical Practice Research Institute. Chairman of the Ukrainian Association for Clinical Research. In 2006 he defended his dissertation on “Cardiac arrhythmias in pregnancy: characteristics, prognosis, treatment.” He received additional postgraduate education and certification in evidence-based medicine, research methodology, drug clinical trials and biostatistics (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (USA), Harvard University (USA), University of California (USA), Vanderbilt University (USA)), University of London (UK)). He underwent internships in Hungary, Belgium and Spain. From 2006 to 2014 he worked as an assistant, and later as an associate professor of Internal Medicine and General Practice – Family Medicine Department of Donetsk National Medical University. He was a member of the Scientific Coordination Council of the University. He directed the Department of Clinical Research Administration of the University. Created and taught a methodological course for postgraduates “Introduction to the methodology of scientific research.” Since 2014 he has been working at the Healthcare Management Department of the National Medical University. He teaches the basics of evidence-based medicine for health care providers, the organization of drug clinical trials in medical institutions, and conducts courses on “Research Methodology” and “Presentation of the research results” for postgraduates. Since 2018 he serves as the Chairman of the Ukrainian Association for Clinical Research. Courses “Methods of scientific research”, “Presenting and implementing the scientific study results”. |
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Lesya V. LYMAR
Candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor.
Graduated from National pedagogical university after M.P.Dragomanov. Since 2005 – a teacher of the O.Bogomolets NMU, 2019- scientific and training center of continuous professional education by O.Bogomolets NMU. 2014- defending the thesis “Social and psychological factors of readiness of the future physicians for preventing conflicts An author and co-author of 101 publications, papers published in Ukraine and abroad. 4 papers published in editions of the Scopus database, 5- Web of Science. By Scopus: H-index -1. By Google Scholar: H-index -5, і-index-2. A co-author of guidebook“English for Pharmacists”, national guide “Professional English for General medicine”, study guide“General nutrition”, a co-author of 2 monographs. An author of syllabus “Academic English” for future PHDs in medicine, an author of study guide “ English for medical PhD Students”. https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=4Ql8pW0AAAAJ&hl=uk&authuser=1 https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55309556000
Course Academic English.
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Head of the scientific and training center of continuous professional education, doctor of pedagogical sciencies, professor, an author of more than 230 publications – articles, monographs, study guides.
Scientific interests: modern methods of teaching, particularly distance and training technologies, improvement of communication competence, learning motivation, non-traditional medicine(osteopathy, kinesiology).. A member of the editorial committee of the magazine «Intercultural сommunication» (Warsaw, http://www.interculturalwsge.com/-,1205.html). English language master level- B2. H-index- 5.
Course “Modern methods of teaching in high school”.
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Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate professor. Graduated from Donetsk State University Thesis “Penetration of hydrogen through membranes from alloys on the basis of palladium at low (up to room) temperatures.” H Index by Google scholar-11, Scopus -4. https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=0Q1-RcsAAAAJ&hl=uk https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56560308900 Course «Biostatistics»
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PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Associate Professor
Graduated from Ilya Repin Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, Faculty of Theory and History of Arts (St. Petersburg). 2004-2007 – a researcher at the Department of World Philosophy and Aesthetics of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (Luhansk). She has defended the thesis “Aesthetics of Myth in Contemporary Fine Arts of Ukraine” (2007). Academic interests: philosophy of culture, philosophy of art, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of language, communication philosophy, semiotics, semiotics of art, cultural studies. Author and co-author of more than 70 scientific publications (including 2 textbooks, 1 study book, 1 monograph, 32 tutorials). Since 2003 – a member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=THcTV5IAAAAJ&hl=ru Course “Philosophy of professional communication”
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КУРЧЕНКО Андрій Ігорович
from 1990 to 1993 – full-time postgraduate studies at the department of Dermatology and Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Since 2005 – an Assistant Professor of the Department. 2008 defending doctoral thesis “Atopic dermatitis: characteristic of changes in systemic and local immunity”. Course “Clinical immunology”. |
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Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences (PhD) 2001 –defending the PhD thesis “Laferon in complex treatment of chronic urogenital chlamydiosis”. Course “Clinical immunology”. |
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Doctor of medical sciences, Professor Graduated from Donetsk State Medical University with a degree in general medicine . 1999- defending the candidate dissertation, 2007- defending the doctoral dissertation. For more than 10 years – Head of the Neurophysiological Laboratory for the Study of Brain Neurons Impulse Activity. 2005 – the academic title of associate professor, 2011 – professor. H-number – 6 Google scholar, 1- Scopus. 2003-2014 the head of the laboratory research department of the Educational-Scientific-Medical Center “University Clinic” of DonNMU. The highest qualification category in Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics. October 2014 till September 2020 – the director of the Research Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine of the Bogomolets National Medical University. 2013-2014 – the head of the Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics of DonNMU. Member of the specialized scientific council of DonNMU in the field of “Normal Physiology”, “Hygiene and Occupational Pathology” (2010-2014). Since 2018- a member of the specialized scientific council D 64.600.02 at KhNMU (speciality Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics); a member of the International Society of Neuroscience (FENS) of the Ukrainian branch (since 2004), vice-president of the Ukrainian Physiological Society named after P.G. Kostyuk (2010-2014). More than 270 published scientific and educational publications, 15 patents and copyright certificates. Co-author of the National Textbook of Clinical Biochemistry for cadets of postgraduate education, 3 monographs and more than 140 scientific and methodological papers and textbooks. Since 2017 – an expert of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on laboratory diagnostics. Since 2017 a vice-president of the Association for Quality Assurance of Laboratory Medicine. Course “Laboratory methods of study” |
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Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
Course “Molecular genetics”
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Nataliia L. MOROZOVA
MD, Associate Professor. The highest qualification in medicine. A diploma of Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Responsible for methodical work of radiology (x-ray diagnosis and radiation therapy) in the Department of Radiology. The head of the internship and clinical residency Course “Methods of X-ray diagnostics”. |
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Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Master of Management Sociology and PR. Psychiatrist of the highest category. Vice-President of the Ukrainian Association of Psychosomatic Medicine. Publications: 422 papers, including 12 manuals in psychiatry and medical psychology, 9 monographs, 9 methodological recommendations, 7 popular science publications in psychiatry and medical psychology for patients, etc. Olena Khaustova has prepared 7 PhD students in psychiatry and medical psychology subspecialties. PhD thesis: “The maladaptive psyche reactions in locomotive crew workers” defended in 1993. Doctoral dissertation “Mental and psychosomatic disorders in patients with metabolic syndrome X: diagnosis, clinic, prevention, treatment” defended in 2007. Course “Psychosomatic medicine”. |