
Delegation of the International Society of prosthetists and orthopedists (ISPO) consisting of: Dr Robert Balazs, Heinz Trebbin, Jon Batzdorft, Bengt Soderberg came to Kyiv in early September 2015 with a working visit in the framework of cooperation between NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in the field of medical rehabilitation. The main purpose of the visit was to study the requirements and evaluation of potential opportunities for training prosthetists engineers in Ukraine according to ISPO standards and recommendations of WHO.

The delegation visited the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology of Bogomolets NMU on September 2nd, 2015.
Prorector for International Relations and Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Professor O.V. Linovytska, Head of the Department of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer of the NMU, A.V. Dinets, PhD, Head of Subdepartment of Traumatology and Orthopedics, MD, Professor O.A. Burianov, Senior Clinical Physician of the Department of Traumatology Damage Clinic of Military Medical Clinical Center, Ph.D. Yu.O. Yarmoliuk, Clinical Physician of the Department of Traumatology Damage Clinic of Military Medical Clinical Center of professional pathology of personnel of the Armed Forces, a graduate student of the NMU from Irpin, A.A. Bezpalenko, Associate Professor N.V. Zadnichenko, V.P. Hrek, V.S. Chorny VS, V.V. Lykhodiv and Master V.Liaskorunskyy attended the meeting.

During the meeting, they discussed the needs of the population in Ukraine in prosthetics, basic actions while delivering care with damaged limbs, including shrapnel and bullet wounds, features of integrated approach during the rehabilitation of patients. The meeting continued the next day in the office of NATO, which was attended by A.H. Schevtsov (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine), O. Syvak (Ministry of Health care), representatives of educational institutions and prosthetic enterprises of Kyiv and Kharkiv. NMU was represented by Prorector for International Relations, Professor O.V. Linovytska, Head of Subdepartment of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer of the NMU, A.V. Dinets

It was stressed that the preparation of ‘orthopedist – technologist’ specialists, especially in war, is of particular urgency. According to A.H. Schevtsova, there is a specialty technician prosthetist in Ukraine Classification of occupations (code 3119). However, the question remains unanswered: in which educational institutions is to prepare these professionals. Reports from representatives ISPO said that the most common practice is to prepare specialists at the medical schools by level of bachelor and master.

They reviewed and discussed various scenarios for implementation the course of preparation of dental technologists according to ISPO standards in Ukraine during the meeting. This is fully training course in this area for a period of 3-4 years, including retraining and distance learning. In review of the results of the meeting the analysis of the legal framework and institutional potential will be done and a program with the introduction of training ‘orthopedist – technologist’ specialists will be performed.


Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця