On 22-24 April 2014 at the O.O. Bohomolets National Medical University an important event, the Commission on 2014 graduates employment was held.
Director of the Department of Personnel, Education and Science of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, M.S. Osiichuk, Advisor to the Minister of Health of Ukraine on the  volunteer basis I.V. Naida, Chief Specialist of the named Department, K.I. Petrov, First Deputy Chairman of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Ukraine, A.P. Kravchuk, head of the Division for  Preventing and Combating Corruption, Human Resources and Scientific Support of te State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Ukraine, O.V. Bilyi, heads and employees of the structural subdivisions on the issues of  health care in Kiev city and regional state administrations and local and regional branches of Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Ukraine took part in the work of the Commission.
This year overall number of graduate students who were subject to the employment was 599, including 351 graduates in the major “Medical Care”, 118 – in the in the major “Pediatrics”, 76 – in the major “Medical Prophylaxis”, 16 – in the major “Medical Psychology”, 28 – in the major “Dentistry”, 10 – in the major “Pharmacy”.
This important event was preceded by considerable organizational work of dean administrations, Educational and Methodical Department in close collaboration with the heads and employees of the Department of Personnel, Education and Science of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Each of the graduates in 2014 at the time of  enrollment to the University signed the model agreement with the University where they  pledged to “… come after the higher education institution into place of departure and work out at least during three years.” This commitment indeed is for students studying under state order scholarships envisaged by the following legal documents: Decree of the President of Ukraine of 16.05.1996 no. 342/96 and the relevant resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Ministry of Health of  Ukraine.
It noted that the preparatory work for personal employment of the graduates met in full the principles of transparency and openness through the introduction of integrated index rating tool which included the following evaluation ranks: student academic performance during the training time, participation in scientific and social work. Active members of the student government took an active part in developing the components of this index in the faculties after which the integrated index rating was discussed and approved at the meeting of the Academic Council of the University. It was the first time when the Student government of the faculties made control of calculating this indicator for the students concerning which the relevant documents were drawn up, and the results made public.
During the preparatory stage of the work of the Commission on employment of 2014 graduate the Commission of departments also took into account the marital status and benefits of the graduate, details of family members and their place of residence in addition to the integrated index rating.
While summing up the three-day work of the Commission it I to be noted that during the working meeting of April 22, 2014 every graduate had the opportunity to talk and ask questions to the state contracting authorities.
More than a half of graduates (387 persons – 64.7%) were assigned to work in the majors which were considered by the MoH of Ukraine as of primary importance for the industry, including the positions of the doctors of general medical practice – family doctors (302 persons), ambulance service (25 people) district pediatricians (45 persons), TB doctors (2 persons); among them there are 146 people who were employed in Kiev. 221 (36.9%) graduates were sent to the countryside regions.
Employment under the permit of MoH Ukraine of 24 best according to published rating performance graduates of 2014 on the positions of the senior laboratory assistants of the University will improve the personnel situation at the University. For example, at the Department of Internal Medicine №2 of NMU (Head of Department – Prof. K.M. Amosova) 3-4 positions of teachers remained vacant for many years after transferring internal and external dual jobholders. On many fundamental departments of NMU situation with the personnel is even worse.
In general, this year the University has made a major contribution to cover the deficit of medical personnel in Ukraine (which is about 20%) trained about 600 doctors and pharmacists. The result of the difficult trining process for graduates was immediate guaranteed job after graduation. Students in their consent to the proposed job signed the protocols of employment. It should be noted that  according to M.S. Osiichuk explanation: under the actual Law, in the distribution procedure the main factor is exactly public announcement of student places his appointment, and the signature has a symbolic meaning. The first independent step on that path was done. Good luck to our graduates!