
The regular meeting of University administration took place on 15, May, 2015 at administrative building.

The chief accountant A.V. Kotlova shared the information about repayments of debts for study and accommodation in hostels of University. The director at Institute of problems on pathology, professor L.V. Natrus made the speech about approval of the new structure of SRI of experimental and clinical medicine as a subdivision in reformed structure of SRP of University. Acting prorector on scientific and pedagogical activity, assistant professor O.V. Stechenko presented the report by commission on check of dean’s offices as to the missed classes (total number of missed classes, including on valid reasons) and told about training of University students to pass through licensing integrated exams “Krok-2”. The report by prorector on scientific pedagogical, treatment activity and postgraduate education, professor O.M. Naumenko was about readiness of University admission commission to start work. At the end of the meeting the members of University administration joined to discussion of project on bonuses to employees of faculties (reporter – acting dean in medical faculty No 2, assistant professor N.Yu. Litvinova).