
The regular meeting of university administration, headed by rector Amosova K.M., was held on 17, April, 2015 in administrative building of university.

The assistant of rector Yanovskyy I.S. was the first one, who shared with the information about implementation and practical use of ACS “Electronic dean’s office”. The reporter acquainted the present people with the work of the system and advantages in its use by students and subdivisions of University.

Further according to agenda they heard the presentation about development of scientific occupational editions at O.O. Bohomolets National medical university. The reporters (Bernyk O.M., executive secretary of publishing house “Vit-a-pol” and Solovianenko D.V., director in publishing service URAN) informed about perspectives for entry of editions by University into scientometrical database Scopus.

Acting head in academic methodological division Greben N.K. acquainted the present people with the results from retaking the licensing integrated exam “Krok 1. Dentistry” and provided with the information about training of students to exam “Krok-2”.

Further according to agenda they heard the information about state of ISO implementation by acting prorector on scientific pedagogical activity Stechenko O.V.

The decision by university administration approved the proposals about necessity in purchase of office equipment, multimedia systems and other materials for educational work and scientific activity for University needs.