
The meeting of commission on assignment of annual bonus to graduates from O.O. Bohomolets NMU, who studied on contractual basis, was held on 27, April, 2016 at O.O. Bohomolets National medical university.

The bonus is awarded due to contest principles by Scientific council of University to the best students, who studied on contractual basis and demonstrated the high level of scientific achievements in learning the academic disciplines, as well as in order to support those students and to encourage them for further work at University. The University launched awarding such bonuses in 2016 – this is the repayment of the bill for study at internship or discount for study.

The following persons took part in the meeting: rector of University, professor Kateryna Amosova, pro-rector on international relations and scientific pedagogical work, professor Olesya Lynovytska; pro-rector on scientific pedagogical work, professor Olena Stechenko; acting pro-rector on scientific work Volodymyr Sulik; deputy deans of faculties, representatives from administration of NMU, Students’ parliament, Society of young scientists and specialists, O.A. Kysil SSS, chairpersons of students’ councils at faculties.

During the meeting the members in commission considered the candidacies of two persons, offered for receipt of bonuses: students of the 6th course in medical faculty No 1 Stanislav Ustinov and Gasabekh Fateme Khassanzade. The students have the scientific achievements and demonstrate the high level of knowledge in academic disciplines; they received the recommendations for awarding of bonuses at the meeting of Scientific council at university.


Scientific research unit


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