
On 5, February, 2015 the employees at department of pediatric surgery of NMU, which scientific and practical base is at NSCH “OKHMATDYT” were present at the lecture, devoted to the topic about legal aspects in activity of medical workers and students of higher medical schools – medical secret.

The lecture was read at weekly enlarged medical council under support of chief doctor in NSCH “OKHMATDYT” Yu.I. Gladush and was organized by international legal company “SAFIR Consulting Group” and public organization “Medical legal defense”.
The lecturer was the famous attorney, human rights defender, public activist, specialist in the sphere of legal law Vitaliy Bakhurynskyy. Such practice in unity of professional medical men and lawyers in the sense of mutual partnership is extremely urgent at present moment, taking into consideration the reformation of medical sphere and implementation of insurance medicine at national level.

The information, received by present people, was very necessary, the energetic discussion testified to this fact, as well as a number of questions, which were left open. While discussing the lecture the employees of department offered to discuss the legal issues about provision of academic pedagogical process, in particular, the preservation of medical secret during study of students; possible responsibility at unintentional disclosure of medical secret during the work of students with medical documentation, etc.
Such public initiative will become the start of the whole cycle of seminars, planned by administration of National children’s specialized hospital “OKHMATDYT”, which are designed to improve the legal competence of medical workers and students, who pass through study on the base of the clinic.



Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця