
 Posmitna Darya (c. Kyiv): “I finished the secondary school No 74 in Kyiv; I had studied in Kharkiv at M. Lomonosov high school No 46 in physical and mathematical form before. Since that time I took part in the competitions in different disciplines. I passed through EIT with 193 scores in biology and 194.5 score in language. I think that a number of facts influenced on my choice to become a doctor and to study in the capital, among them there was the acquaintance with this University at Doors Open Day”.





Berezhnyy Dmytro (v. Mokvyn Bereznivskyy district Rivne region): “I hope that I will the first doctor in the family, realizing the pipe dream of my mother. Formerly she would like to become a doctor but became a teacher – now she teaches physics and mathematics at school. The admiration of medicine came to me from advanced study of natural subjects. I persistently trained to become a student: I have the average score of 11.7 in the certificate, EIT – 199 scores in biology and 198.5 scores in chemistry”.