
24, March is World Tuberculosis Day. This year the slogan of World Day is “Unite to End TB!” World Health Organization (WHO) appeals to all governments, local communities, public society and private sector to unite to liquidate this disease. The purpose of World Day is to inform as many people as possible about global epidemics of tuberculosis and to let all know that it is possible and necessary to resist. So, the tuberculosis in the world takes the fifth place among reasons for death after ischemic heart disease, insult, infections of lover respiratory tracts and COPD.

Due to the level in sickness rate of tuberculosis Ukraine takes the second place in Europe, being inferior only to Russia. Now the state has been working over development of Concept for program on contraction to tuberculosis for 2017-2021. 4 researches are also held thanks to USAID grants “Reinforcement of control for tuberculosis in Ukraine”.

According to the words by head at department of phthisiology and pulmonology, professor Vasyl Petrenko, the state under existing conditions can support only the events in struggle against this disease, which efficiency was proved in researches. “So, it is immediately necessary to perform the researches, which, taking into consideration the national specificity, would ground the approaches to timely detection and confirmation for tuberculosis of pulmonary and extrapulmonary location, tuberculosis in children. As well as prevention from development of tuberculosis, including in combination with HIV-infection, as the specific weight for cases of co-infection among patients constantly grows. And one of the most important factors is the inclination of patients to treatment because it is the willful cessation of treatment that causes to high rate of death”, – tells professor Vasyl Petrenko.

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