
We discussed the draft position on the Supervisory Board at the hospital in the structure of the NMU. The document regulates the work of Supervisory Boards consisting of members of the public. The aim is to control Supervisory Boards, improving quality, informing patients of their involvement management and planning.

Mrs. K. Amosova, Rector of Bogomolets NMU, Victor Serdiuk, President of the Ukrainian Council of protecting the rights and patient safety, Valentyna Ocheretenko, Head of the NGO ‘Ukrainian Association of patient’s rights protection ‘Healthy Nation’, representatives of Dental Center and the University administration attended the meeting.

‘Creating the Supervisory Board in NMU’s Dental Center involving public representatives will ensure the adherence to the rights and safety of patients, providing skilled care, and adherence will maintain ethical principles. Also, patients’ trust in public organizations is greater than in public institution’ – Mrs. K. Amosova said.

In turn, the president of the Ukrainian Council of protecting the rights and patient safety supported the initiative of the NMU. “I believe that this idea is supported by Center’s staff and it will be implemented in the fastest time. This is another step in the development of dental centers by bringing the public and the university administration together’, – Victor Serdiuk said.

A Memorandum of Cooperation between Bogomolets NMU and the Union of NGOs ‘Ukrainian Association of patients rights protection ‘Healthy Nation’ was signed on July 29th, the day before. It concerned the agreement to work together for the creation of university medical centers (clinics) at Bogomolets NMU as one of the real mechanisms to improve the quality of medical care.

One of the key points of the Memorandum was an agreement on the participation of patient’s organizations in the work of Supervisory Boards of the University hospitals, including control over the use of funds.


Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця