A medical student went to fight as a volunteer


On, 3, April Volodymyr Yurychko would celebrate his 21st birthday…

75 military men were perished for recent month and a half in ATO zone – Prime-minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatseniuk promulgated such information as of 1, April. Despite the truce and arrangements, the warriors die, exploding at mines, put by terrorists, getting into ambushes… The war lasts and we cannot forget about our military men, who gave their lives so that the blood and ruin would not come into our houses. We continue publishing the stories of perished warriors. Today we will tell you about very young medical student, who stood to the machinegun at spearhead, having replaced the perished sworn brother – Volodymyr Yurychko. As well as about three warriors, who perished, trying to get the wounded from Donetsk airport – residents of Vinnytsia Serhii Zulinskyy, Leonid Shevchuk and Dmytro Franishyn and 47 years old warrior of battalion “Kyivan Rus” Taras Sych, who cooked the food to sworn brothers and perished making his job near Debaltsevo. All stories of perished heroes – section “They perished for us”.

On the day of apogee of Revolution of Dignity, when the protestants needed the medical aid, the studentship of O.O. Bohomolets National medical university, in its advanced part, joined to the great merciful wave. Among volunteers there was the student of the third course in faculty No 2, where the future pediatricians are trained, Volodymyr Volodymyrovych Yurychko. He was wounded in Maydan, however after recovery he went to the burning east as a volunteer.


He told to his parents-doctors in native Sambor – Volodymyr Volodymyrovych and Liliia Bohdanivna Yurychko – that he was going to the front as a medical orderly but he was the assistant machinegun leader and perished, having replaced him at repulsing the attack of enemy in August 2014. He was fighting in battalion “Aydar”. After liberation of one from cities in Lugansk region by Ukrainian troops he personally put the blue and yellow flag of Victory on the administrative building.


The memorial plaque was opened in his memory on the third of April in the center of the capital on the façade of O.O. Bohomolets National medical university. On this day he would celebrate his 21st birthday. The memorial plaque, made by sculptor of the year Dina Margolina and architect Yuriy Khranovskyy, impresses with its giftedness, the young face of the daredevil as if looks into the eternity. Ex-minister of culture Yevgen Nyschuk performed the exciting act. The rector of university, corresponding member in NAMS of Ukraine Kateryna Amosova emphasized that the memory of the student – devotee of patriotism – will live not only on the memorial plaque. The community of NMU addressed to the President of the country with the petition to award Volodymyr Yurychko with the title of Hero of Ukraine. Two scholarships of his name are approved, besides the co-chairman in special commission is Doctor Volodymyr Yurychko Senior. The lecture hall No 4 in morphological building will have his name. Its arrangement with the corresponding memorial exposition is being finished. And one more thing – Volodymyr was a successful volleyball player. The first tournament in volleyball “Volodymyr Yurychko Memorial” among the students of higher schools in Kyiv will be held in the twentieth of April in the gym of sport complex of university.