
On 26-27, February, 2015 the employees at department of health care organization and social medicine at O.O. Bohomolets NMU took part in a number of events, organized by Bureau of WHO in Ukraine, on issues about grounding and developing the communicative technologies on prevention from NID and risk factors for their development and legislative initiatives from WHO in the sphere of control for NID.

On 2602.2015 the urgent issues about struggle against NID were discussed at working session at health care department in Lviv RSA on topic “Implementation of principles from European policy “Health – 2020” at regional level”, at the meeting of general practitioners-family doctors in Lviv city hospital with teachers at department of health care management in Danylo Galytskyy Lviv national medical university and department of health care organization and social medicine at O.O. Bohomolets National medical university.
The round table on topic “Intersectoral approach to solution of problems on reduction in spread of NID” was held on 27.02.2015 on the base of Danylo Galytskyy Lviv national medical university. The following persons took part in the work of round table: representative from Bureau of WHO in Ukraine, professors and experts from O.O. Bohomolets National medical university (c. Kyiv) and Danylo Galytskyy Lviv national medical university (c. Lviv), representative from international association of young scientists “Health and environment”, regional and professional representatives of mass media. The event was organized to discuss the main steps in prevention of NID problem, which takes more and more place in Ukrainian society.
The speakers of round table were Nataliia Korol, specialist on issues of non-infectious diseases at Bureau of WHO in Ukraine, Tetiana Gruzeva, Doctor of Medicine, professor, head at department of O.O. Bohomolets National medical university; Mariia Yemelyanenko, Candidate of Arts, representative from international association of young scientists “Health and environment”. The partners and interlocutors of the event were Oleh Liubinets, Doctor of Medicine, professor, head at department in Danylo Galytskyy Lviv national medical university, Taras Gutor, Candidate of Medicine, assistant professor at Danylo Galytskyy Lviv national medical university, G. Inshakova, assistant at O.O. Bohomolets National medical university (c. Kyiv).
Natalia Korol performed the review of some conceptual approaches by WHO to prevention from spread of NID and described the main provisions in draft National action plan for NID for the period until 2020. Professor T. Gruzeva made the report on topic “WHO’s recommendations for use of PEN in the primary chain of health care as a modern and efficient technology for prevention and reduction in spread of NID”. Assistant G. Inshakova made the report on topic “Improvement in level of physical activity – a strategic direction in struggle against NID”.
Other speakers touched different aspects in problem of NID, i.e. “Description of issues about prevention and struggle against NID in curricula on social medicine and health care organization at pre-graduate level”, “Expirience in performance of trainings on issues about prevention of NID for specialists in the primary chain of health care”, “Communicative strategies as a component in preventive programs in health care”, “Urgent peculiarities for description of NID risk-factors in mass media”.
The speeches by speakers caused to active discussion of these topics, the participants in their turn could clear up all issues that interested them. In opinion of speakers in round table, representatives of international organizations, employees in O.O. Bohomolets National medical university (c. Kyiv) and Danylo Galytskyy Lviv national medical university (c. Lviv) and representatives of mass media, the regular discussion of problems on NID as a modern challenge to public health and information accompaniment of principles in European policy “Health – 2020” is necessary to improve the health of population in Ukraine.


Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця
Новини Національного медичного університету імені О.О.Богомольця